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Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Tuban Refinery Built, Residents Do Not Become Spectators

Republic of Indonesia House of Representatives Commission VII (DPR RI) of the Electoral District of Tuban-Bojonegoro, Rama Juwita Sari hopes that the public will not become spectators When the Rosneft Tuban oil refinery is established. 

"Rama Juwita Sari, at least 70 percent of Tuban residents must participate and work in the Pertamina company which is in the commission of VII. They continue to convey that local workers must be employed at least 70 percent of local residents," said Rama Juwita.

She added the establishment of the Tuban refinery needs to be welcomed by the community. The reason is, if it has already been built it will reduce oil imports by 30 percent. On the other hand, the economy of the Tuban Regency will automatically progress and develop. Seeing these conditions the community should improve so that the existence of the Tuban refinery has a positive impact.

"If so far there are still those who refuse, the local government should immediately sit together to talk from day to day and find the best solution," said Rama Juwita Sari.

This DPR RI member said, if the problem of rejection continues to drag on, it will be exploited by individuals who are only looking for profit. Therefore, it is better if the Tuban District Government and the refusing community need to sit together.

"Do not let this problem drag on, let alone be exploited by persons who only seek personal gain," said Rama Juwita Sari.

Meanwhile, for the sake of residents being able to work at the Tuban refinery, the Regency Government should bridge by making training and skills training. In fact, Commission VII is currently continuing to encourage the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and Oil and Gas SKK to immediately create an Oil and Gas Vocational High School (SMK) in Tuban Regency.


Kilang Tuban Dibangun, Warga Jangan Jadi Penonton

Anggota DPR RI Komisi VII Daerah Pemilihan Tuban-Bojonegoro, Rama Juwita Sari berharap, kepada masyarakat agar tidak menjadi penonton Saat kilang minyak Rosneft Tuban berdiri. 

     Rama Juwita Sari , minimal 70 persen warga Tuban harus ikut serta dan bekerja di perusahaan pertamina itu yang berada dikomisi VII terus menyampaikan agar tenaga kerja lokal harus dipekerjakan minimal 70 persen dari warga lokal," ujar Rama Juwita.

Rama Juwita menambahkan, berdirinya kilang Tuban ini perlu disambut oleh masyarakat. Pasalnya, bila sudah dibangun maka akan mengurangi impor minyak sebanyak 30 persen. 

    Di sisi lain, perekonomian Kabupaten Tuban secara otomatis akan maju dan berkembang. Melihat kondisi tersebut sebaiknya masyarakat perlu improvisasi agar keberadaan kilang Tuban ini memberikan dampak positif. 

"Jika selama ini masih ada yang menolak, sebaiknya pemerintah setempat segera duduk bersama berbicara dari hari ke hari dan temukan solusi yang terbaik," tutur Rama Juwita Sari.

Anggora DPR RI ini menuturkan, jika permasalahan penolakan masih terus berlarut, maka akan dimanfaatkan oleh oknum-oknum yang hanya mencari keuntungan. Oleh sebab itu, sebaiknya antara Pemerintah Kabupaten Tuban dan masyarakat penolak kilang perlu duduk bersama.

"Jangan sampai permasalahan ini berlarut-larut, apalagi dimanfaatkan oleh oknum-oknum yang hanya mencari keutungan pribadi," kata Rama Juwita Sari.

Sementara itu, demi warga dapat bekerja di kilang Tuban, sebaiknya Pemerintah Kabupaten menjembatani dengan membuat pelatihan-pelatihan dan training keahlian. 

     Bahkan, Komisi VII saat ini terus mendorong Kementerian ESDM dan SKK Migas agar segera membuat Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) Minyak dan Gas di Kabupaten Tuban.

Harian Bangsa, Page-9, Monday, Jan 6, 2020.

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