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Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Tuban Refinery Claims The Most Advanced in the World

With an investment of more than 15 million US dollars, the Indonesia-Russia joint venture Grass Root Refinery (GRR) oil refineries in Wadung Village, Kaliuntu Village, and Sumurgeng Village, Jenu District, are claimed to be one of the most sophisticated refineries in the world. 

the Indonesia-Russia joint venture Grass Root Refinery (GRR)

     Pertamina stated that because the Tuban refinery was a joint venture project with Russia which was worth a large investment. The oil refinery was built in collaboration with Pertamina and Rosneft Russia. This national project was built on 821 hectares of land.

Nicke Widyawati

"The GRR investment value is around US $ 15 billion. This is one of the most sophisticated refineries in the world," said Pertamina's Managing Director. Nicke Widyawati when reviewing restorque of coastal land, Sunday [1/12).

Nicke explained, if it was operational in 2026, the refinery could supply quality Bahan Bakar Gas (BBM), LPG and Petrochemicals to meet domestic needs. The existence of the refinery will also have an impact on the surrounding community. 

    The construction of the refinery will also use 35 percent of the domestic component level [TKDN]. The number of workers needed during construction was as many as 20,000 people. Whereas when the refinery operates, it will require 2,500 workers.

"This refinery will certainly increase the supply of fuel, and for workers, it will certainly have an impact," he explained.

Just to note that the land needed for the Pertamina-Rosneft refinery is around 821 hectares, consisting of 384 hectares of residents' land. Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) 328 hectares, and Perhutani land 109 hectares.


Kilang Tuban Diklaim Tercanggih Di Dunia

Dengan nilai investasi melebihi 15 juta dolar AS, kilang minyak Grass Root Refinery (GRR) patungan Indonesia-Rusia di Desa Wadung, Desa Kaliuntu, dan Desa Sumurgeng, Kecamatan Jenu, diklaim merupakan salah satu kilang tercanggih di dunia. 

     Pertamina menyatakan itu karena kilang Tuban merupakan proyek patungan bersama Rusia yang bernilai investasi besar. Kilang minyak tersebut memang dibangun atas kerjasama antara Pertamina dan Rosneft Rusia. Proyek nasional ini dibangaun di atas lahan seluas 821 hektare. 

"Nilai investasi GRR ini sekitar 15 miliar dolar AS. Ini salah satu kilang tercanggih di dunia," kata Direktur Utama Pertamina. Nicke Widyawati saat meninjau restorasi lahan pantai, Minggu [1/12).

Nicke menjelaskan, jika sudah beroperasi pada 2026, kilang itu bisa memasok Baham Bakar Gas (BBM), LPG dan Petrokimia berkualitas untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dalam, negeri. Keberadaan kilang itu juga akan membawa dampak bagi masyarakat sekitar. 

    Pembangunan kilang tersebut juga akan menggunakan 35 persen tingkat komponen dalam negeri [TKDN]. Jumlah tenaga kerja yang dibutuhkan saat konstruksi itu sebanyak 20.000 orang. Sedangkan saat kilang beroperasi nanti akan membutuhkan 2.500 pekerja.

"Kilang ini tentu akan menambah pasokan BBM, dan untuk tenaga kerja tentu sangat berdampak," terangnya.

Sekadar diketahui lahan yang dibutuhkan untuk kilang Pertamina-Rosneft yaitu seluas kurang lebih 821 hektare, terdiri atas Iahan warga 384 hektare. Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (KLHK ) 328 hektare, dan lahan Perhutani 109 hektare.

Surya, Page-15, Monday, Dec 2,  2019

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