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Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Cepu Block EIA Revision Will Be Completed Soon

The Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) is optimistic that the revision of the Cepu Block Environmental Impact Analysis (EIA/Amdal) will be completed soon. Environmental Impact Analysis revision is needed so that oil production from the Cepu Block can be increased to 235 thousand barrels per day (BPD).

Deputy Head of SKK Migas Fatar Yami Abdullah said the local government's response to the proposed revision of the Cepu Block Environmental Impact Analysis was very good. Now the proposed Amdal revision of Exxon Mobil Cepu Limited (EMCL) has been fully discussed at the local government level.

the Cepu Block Exxon Mobil Cepu Limited (EMCL)

The Head of SKK Migas Dwi Soetjipto explained that Exxon Mobil had conducted a trial and the results of the Cepu Block production facility were stated to be able to produce oil up to 235 thousand BPD in safe conditions. 

     However, the increase in production of the Cepu Block is still awaiting approval of the revised environmental impact analysis (EIA). Because the current EIA only lists a maximum production of 220 thousand BPD.

As long as the Environmental Impact Analysis revision approval has not yet been obtained, oil production from the Banyu Urip Field had to be reduced due to the operation of the Kedung Keris Field. 

    This is so that operations in the Cepu Block do not violate the existing EIA. Oil production from the two fields can only be optimized after the new AMDAL is approved. So it cannot ascertain when the Kedung Keris Field reaches peak production.

Azi N Alam

Vice President of Public and Government Affairs of Exxon Mobil Indonesia Azi N Alam stated that his office continues to seek approval for the revision of the Cepu Block Environmental Impact Analysis. He continued to coordinate with the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, SKK Migas, Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK), and the Bojonegoro Regency Government.

the Cepu Block Field

The problem of the revision of the Cepu Block EIA which was not immediately approved by the Bojonegoro Regency Government was raised in a meeting of the House of Representatives Commission VII with the Cooperation Contract Contractor (KKKS). Not only that the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arifin Tasrif previously also highlighted the problem of the slow approval of this Amdal revision.

Arifin explained that the Cepu Block has an important role in increasing national oil lifting. Moreover, President Joko Widodo is tasked with increasing national oil and gas lifting. Therefore the EIA approval process is a way to increase national oil lifting considering the Cepu Block contributes 30% of the national lifting.

In 2020, the national oil and gas lifting was set at 1.95 million boepd, up slightly from last year's realization of 1.8 million boepd. Specifically, oil production rose to 755 thousand BPD and the realization of 746 thousand BPD and gas to 1.19 million boepd from the realization of 1.06 million boepd.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Monday, Feb 24, 2020

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