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Saturday, February 15, 2020

Pertamina Asset 4 Targets 16,100 BOPD Production

PT Pertamina EP Asset 4 held a 2020 Work Plan Kickoff activity. Activities were followed by all field managers and managers in asset 4. This activity aims to equalize the vision and mission of Pertamina Asset 4 in realizing the 2020 performance target.

"We have exceeded 2019 very well although production targets have still not been reached. My hope in 2020 this work plan that we have prepared together can be carried out well and production can be reached at 16,100 barrels of oil per day (BOPD) and for gas as big as 162.22 Million Standard Cubic Feet per Day (MMSCFD), "said Asset 4 General Manager Agus Amperianto.

Agus Amperianto

To support the achievement of the production target of 16,100 BOPD and for gas of 162.22 MMSCFD, Asset 4 has a work plan with 6 new drilling wells, including in Cepu Field 4 Wells (KWG-PWA1, KWG-PCA1, KWG-PXA1, SMG-P17S), including Cepu Field 4 Wells (KWG-PWA1, KWG-PCA1, KWG-PXA1, SMG-P17S), Sukowati Field 1 Wells, namely SKW-1003 and Papua Field 1 Wells, namely SLW-A9X.

"In addition, there are 4 workover Wells, in Cepu Field 3 Wells (NGL-P01, LDX-PO2, SMG-UPD01) and Poleng Field 1 Wells BW-4H. Then there are seismic survey activities and other studies ", explained Agus.

Furthermore, Agus added that in addition to new drilling and Workover, for future evaluation, it also needs to strengthen Well intervention and make new efforts, such as re-interpretation of data. We will see the data again, "Agus explained.

In 2020 Asset 4 has 85 well intervention plans, of which Cepu Field has 24 Job plans, Poleng Field 7 Job, Donggi Matindok Field 2 Job, Papua Field 27 Job, and Sukowati Field 25 Job.

"With the Well intervention effort, we hope to be able to put a halt to the decline in natural production or decline rate of 30 percent per year," Agus explained.

Meanwhile, for development plans in Eastern Indonesia, Papua Field will conduct drilling in Salawati Sumur SLW-A9X.

"This is well-awaited Well drilling. Because after some time we only had the opportunity to do well drilling. Hopefully, this SLW-A9X Well drilling will produce good results of around 220 BOPD," Agus said.

Thus, with the target oil of 16,100 BOPD and Gas 162.22 MMSCFD, will be obtained from the Cepu Field production target of 2,213 BOPD, Poleng Field of 2,789 BOPD, Donggi Matindok Field of 600 BCPD, Papua Field of 1,192 BOPD, Unit of 67 BOPD Mosquito and Sukowati Field of 2,789 BOPD 9,240 BOPD.


Pertamina Asset 4 Targetkan Produksi 16.100 BOPD

PT Pertamina EP Asset 4 menyelenggarakan kegiatan Kickoff Rencana Kerja Tahun 2020. Kegiatan yang diikuti oleh seluruh field manager dan manajer di asset 4 tersebut. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk menyamakan visi dan misi Pertamina Asset 4 dalam merealisasikan target kinerja tahun 2020.

"Kita sudah lampaui tahun 2019 dengan sangat baik meskipun target produksi masih belum tercapai. Harapan saya di 2020 ini rencana kerja yang sudah kita siapkan bersama ini bisa terlaksana dengan baik dan produksi bisa tercapai sebesar 16.100 barrel oil per day (BOPD) dan untuk gas sebesar 162.22 Million Standard Cubic Feet per Day (MMSCFD)," ujar Asset 4 General Manager Agus Amperianto.

Blogger Agus Purnomo in Pertamina EP Asset 4 Surabaya

Untuk mendukung tercapainya target produksi 16.100 BOPD dan untuk gas sebesar 162.22 MMSCFD, Asset 4 memiliki rencana kerja dengan 6 sumur pemboran baru, antara lain di Cepu Field 4 Sumur (KWG-PWA1, KWG- PCA1, KWG-PXA1, SMG-P17S), Sukowati Field 1 Sumur, yaitu SKW-1003 dan Papua Field 1 Sumur, yaitu SLW-A9X.

"Selain itu ada 4 sumur work over, di Cepu Field 3 Sumur (NGL-P01, LDX-PO2, SMG- UPD01) dan Poleng Field 1 Sumur BW-4H. Kemudian ada
kegiatan survei seismik dan studi lainnya", jelas Agus.

Blogger Agus Purnomo in Pertamina EP Asset 4 Tuban East Java

Lebih lanjut, Agus menambahkan bahwa selain pemboran baru dan Work over, untuk evaluasi ke depan, juga perlu perkuat well intervention dan melakukan upaya-upaya yang baru, seperti interpretasi ulang data. Kita lihat lagi data yang ada," jelas Agus.
Tahun 2020 Asset 4 memiliki rencana 85 well intervention, dimana Cepu Field rencana 24 Job, Poleng Field 7 Job, Donggi Matindok Field 2 Job, Papua Field 27 Job, dan Sukowati Field 25 Job. 

"Dengan upaya well intervention itu kita berharap bisa menahan laju penurunan produksi alamiah atau decline rate sebesar 30 persen per tahun", jelas Agus.

Sementara itu, untuk rencana pengembangan di Kawasan Timur Indonesia, Papua Field akan melaksanakan pemboran di Salawati Sumur SLW-A9X.

"Ini merupakan pemboran sumur yang sudah sangat dinanti. Karena setelah beberapa waktu lamanya kita baru berkesempatan untuk melakukan pemboran sumur. Harapannya pemboran Sumur SLW-A9X ini memberi hasil yang bagus sekitar 220 BOPD", kata Agus.

Blogger Agus Purnomo in Pertamina EP Asset 4 Tuban East Java

Dengan demikian, dengan target minyak 16.100 BOPD dan Gas 162.22 MMSCFD, akan diperoleh dari produksi Cepu Field target 2.213 BOPD, Poleng Field sebesar 2.789 BOPD, Donggi Matindok Field sebesar 600 BCPD, Papua Field sebesar 1.192 BOPD, Unitisasi Wakamuk 67 BOPD dan Sukowati Field sebesar 9.240 BOPD.

Harian Bangsa, Page-4, Saturday, Feb 15, 2020

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