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Thursday, March 5, 2020

Pertamina Assesses Refinery Development in Sumatra

PT Pertamina (Persero) is currently studying the construction of a refinery in Sumatra. This step was taken by Pertamina as an option to relocate the construction site of the new Bontang Grass Roof Refinery / GRR, East Kalimantan.

the Bontang GRR

Pertamina's Investment Planning and Risk Management (IMR) Director Heru Setiawan explained that the company is currently reviewing several location options that will become new refinery construction sites, namely in Kuala Tanjung North Sumatra and Arun in Aceh.

"There are several locations in the same area, Bontang, Kuala Tanjung, and Arun," Heru said.

Kuala Tanjung, Heru admitted, became one of the strongest candidates for the new Pertamina refinery replacing the Bontang refinery. Based on preliminary studies, Kuala Tanjung region Already meet management requirements as a refinery construction site. This starts from the market availability of refined products to the availability of future land for development.

"Because there are factors close to the market, the land is there. There is an international market," Heru said.

Overseas Oil and Gas LLC [OOG]

In addition, the site observer also considered the change in refinery development partners. Pertamina is no longer partnering with Omani oil and gas company Overseas Oil and Gas LLC [OOG]. Even so, according to Heru, before determining the location of Pertamina, it must first decide on the cooperation that had been established with OOG. Now, Pertamina is in talks to end the cooperation.

"We propose for the cancellation, but there must be an agreement between the two parties because of the MoU and others," he said.

Republika, Page-14, Tuesday, March 3, 2020

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