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Friday, March 27, 2020

The Tiung Biru Jambaran Project Speeded Up

PT Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC) decided to move fabrication into the country in order to ensure the continuation of the Jambaran Tiung Biru (JTB) project when the coronavirus spread in a number of countries.

Jamsaton Nababan

PEPC Managing Director Jamsaton Nababan said a number of equipment factories were scattered in a number of countries affected by the coronavirus. Even one part factory is located in Wuhan. For this reason, the move to the fabrication process has been carried out.


"There is one part fabricated in Wuhan. But we have taken a strategic step to move the fabrication to Indonesia with the permission of the licensor, "he said.

By moving part of the fabrication process into the country, Jamsaton hopes that the potential for material delays can be minimized. PEPC also decided to use global scale inspector staff. 

    The Engineering Procurement and Construction (EPC) Contractor of the JTB Gas Processing Facilities (GPF), PT Rekayasa Industri (Rekind) claims, coordination has been ongoing. Managing Director of Rekind Yanuar Budinorman said coordination continues to be carried out in order to maintain the continuity of the project.

the Jambaran Tiung Biru (JTB) project 

"Long lead items have been purchased, are being processed in fabrication, large equipment is already on site. The project coordination is very good," he said.

Yanuar added that with a number of efforts, his side was optimistic that the JTB project's onstream target in July 2021 could be achieved.

"Construction has been delayed a little because of rain and recently the corona pandemic, we started to rebound in May," he explained.

For the sake of smoothing the acceleration plan, Rekind is ready to increase the workforce to 1,000 people in the next two months. Jamsaton added the acceleration of the project can be done considering that around 60% of material needs are already on site.

"From the drilling target of six wells, we have completed drilling of four wells," he said.

In addition, the construction of a 5-kilometer pipeline is underway and is targeted for completion in April 2021.

"For gas facilities, it is 54.94%. Until December the target is 94% for GPF, "said Jamsaton.

The Jambung Tiung Biru Project is a national strategic project with a total investment of US $ 1.53 billion.

Kontan, Page-14, Friday, March 20, 2020

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