, pub-9591068673925608, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 The Jambi Merang PHE 2D Seismic Survey Is Targeted To Be Completed Mid-July - MEDIA MONITORING OIL AND GAS -->

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Saturday, May 30, 2020

The Jambi Merang PHE 2D Seismic Survey Is Targeted To Be Completed Mid-July

2D seismic sea survey in open areas carried out by Jambi Merang Cooperation Contract (KKKS) of Pertamina Merang since November 2019 has reached 76.4% or around 22,943 Km.

"We are grateful to the Government for giving us the trust to carry out this work mandate, although full of challenges we are optimistic that survey work will be completed by mid-July 2020," said Pertamina Upstream Director Dharmawan H Samsu while carrying out the Management Walkthrough (MWT) virtual with the Head of the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Activities (SKK Migas) on the ELSA Regent Ship which is currently in eastern Indonesian waters on Tuesday (26/5).

This 2D seismic survey is one part of the Jambi Merang PHE KKKS Definite Work Commitment which was carried out until 2024 with an investment of US $ 239.3 million. This 2D seismic survey area consists of 47 basins stretching from Bangka waters in western Indonesia to Papua waters in eastern Indonesia.

The length of the track is around 30,000 Km which is the largest seismic survey activity in the Asia Pacific and Australia in the last 10 years. SKK Migas Head Dwi Soetjipto said this 2D seismic survey was carried out 100% by Indonesia's best sons and daughters using the latest technology with parameters designed to accommodate the deepest exploration targets in the history of seismic surveys in Indonesia.

"The quality of results and accuracy in completing work will be important for this survey, which is expected to be able to create new work areas that can improve the upstream oil and gas exploration or investment climate in Indonesia going forward," he said.

Dwi is optimistic that the results of this survey will provide a giant discovery for Indonesia, which will make the Indonesian oil and gas industry enter the second golden era that can produce 1 million barrels of oil per day in 2030.

"SKK Migas gives the highest appreciation to Pertamina and Elnusa as the implementers of seismic work who continue to be committed to carrying out the work even though in the condition of the Covid-19 pandemic, we will be there and always support the efforts of all parties involved," he said.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Saturday, May 30, 2020

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