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Saturday, June 6, 2020

SKK Migas Speeds Up Operation Schedule of the Upstream Oil and Gas Project

The Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) accelerates the operational schedule of the upstream oil and gas project which is estimated to be completed this year. 

   For example, the Meliwis project managed by Ophir Indonesia (Madura Offshore). The project, which will produce 20 mmscfd of gas production, is targeted to be completed in July this year.

Then the construction of the Bambu Besar project by PT Pertamina EP and reactivation of the PHE-12 Platform by PHE-WMO and the construction of the Sembakung gas compressor facility by Pertamina EP.

Blogger Agus Purnomo in PHE-WMO

The implementation of these projects was originally targeted to be completed in 2021, but this project is claimed to be able to be completed this year. The Bambu Besar project will produce 3 mmscfd of gas (non-asso) now in the EPC process and will be streamed in the third quarter of 2020.

While Reactivation Platform-12 is an activity to improve the platform which had tilted in 2017, to produce oil production of 3,000 barrels per day (BOPD). It is expected that the project can be realized by the end of 2020. Likewise, the Sembakung compressor project will be completed by the end of 2020, and produce 2 mmscfd of gas.

SKK Migas and KKIG continue to conduct intensive coordination to ensure that the upstream oil and gas project can run well according to the schedule, said the Head of SKK Migas, Dwi Soetjipto.

According to him, the acceleration of a number of projects is a form of SKK Migas 'commitment to upstream activities and the success of SKK Migas' transformation. But certainly, the completion of a number of oil and gas projects will have an impact on increasing national oil and gas production and lifting.

Kontan, Page-12, Thursday, June 4, 2020

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