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Monday, July 13, 2020

lnpex Focus on Masela

lnpex Masela Ltd. said it was still focused on developing Abadi Field, the Masela Block in the Arafuru Sea, Maluku. Act Corporate Communication Manager of lnpex Masela Moch N. Kurniawan said lnpex remained committed to continuing the Masela Block development project. With government support, lnpex believes the project to develop the offshore oil and gas block will continue.

Inpex Corporation

"We are actively working to implement the Plan of Development / PoD which was approved by the Indonesian government," he said.

Regarding the news of Shell's withdrawal plan in the Masela Block project, Kurniawan was reluctant to respond to this. He said it had no interest in explaining the news considering it had entered Shell's commercial activities.

"We suggest to immediately ask this to Shell," he said.

When confirmed separately, Shell Indonesia still chose not to comment related to its current position in the Abadi Field project in the Masela Block. 

Rhea Sianipar

    Rhea Sianipar, VP of External Relations of Shell Indonesia, previously said that it was reluctant to comment on the news of Shell's withdrawal from its partnership with lnpex. Meanwhile, Shell originally held 35 shares of participation in the project. The rest is held by Intex and regionally owned enterprises (BUMD) by 10%.

SKK Migas Deputy for Operations Julius Wiratno previously said that Shell had decided to withdraw from the project due to cash flow problems due to projects in other countries that were hampered.

"Inpex doesn't back down, which Shell resigns as a partner. "Everything is going to be taken over by lnpex or is looking for potential partners," he said.

However, later the statement was corrected.

"Until today Shell hasn't left yet, it's a B-to-b discussion / negotiation with lnpex and others. If the Inpex continues, "he said.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-4, Thursday, July 9, 2020

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