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Friday, July 10, 2020

Tuban GRR refinery processes imported oil

All crude oil raw materials that will be processed at Tuban Refinery Grass Root Refinery (GRR) will be supplied from abroad. That is because the domestic oil content containing sulfur is very high although not as high as in the Middle East region.

"100 percent of the processed oil will be imported later, one of them from Venezuela because the oil that is managed is more acidic. In Indonesia, sweet oil is known," he said. 

Tuban GRR Project Coordinator from Pertamina, Kadek Ambara Jaya. The largest expected refinery in Southeast Asia will have a maximum capacity of 300 thousand barrels per day. To supply crude oil raw material needs, 60 percent is charged to Pertamina's partners, namely PT. Rosneft Oil Company and Russia.

"For that, the requirement to become a partner, partners must have oil fields and refineries," added Kadek.

The man born in Bali said the Tuban refinery will use advanced technology because it processes heavy oil. While the products produced are equivalent to Euro 5 quality.

"The Euro 5 spec has no odor, and its sulfur content is very low," he said.

Until now, the process of land acquisition for oil refinery construction is still ongoing and has reached around 95 percent. The remaining 30 hectares are estimated to be completed by the end of this month.

Harian Bangsa, Page-9, Thursday, July 9, 2020

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