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Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Upstream Oil and Gas Demands Immediate Incentives

The lively plan to leave global oil and gas companies from Indonesia must receive serious attention. Because, at present the competition in the upstream oil and gas investment portfolio at the regional and global level is getting tougher. Especially in the global pandemic situation that afflicts almost all countries in the world. Conditions that make oil and gas companies really count when investing.

"At that time, global companies will only aim at investment portfolios in countries that are considered truly profitable and occupy their priority scale," said Oil and Gas Observers from Trisakti University, Pri Agung Rakhmanto.

Now, to attract investment in upstream oil and gas, various government incentives need to be prepared. The incentive makes the oil and gas investment climate in Indonesia more attractive. 

       Just so you know, within this month, there are two global investors who want to leave the area hit by oil and gas in Indonesia. First Royal Dutch Shell (Shell) will sell its 35% stake in the Masela Block.

the Masela Block

The two PT Chevron Pacilik Indonesia (Chevron) are reluctant to continue the Phase II project in the Indonesia Deepwater Development (IDD) Block. Indonesian Petroleum Asociation (IPA) Executive Director, Marjolijn Wajong said oil and gas companies both domestically and globally are considering market conditions and oil and gas commodity prices, especially after the Covid-19 pandemic subsided.

the Indonesia Deepwater Development (IDD) Block

"Most still wait and see to see how things are after the pandemic has subsided," said Marjolijn Wajong.

Chairman of the Association of Oil and Gas Companies (Aspermigas), John S. Karamoy added, the government needs to be introspective with the current condition of oil and gas investment. The withdrawal of some global companies is expected to not interfere with the development of the upstream oil and gas business in Indonesia.

The Acting Head of the SKK Migas Program and Communication Division, Susana Kurniasih, admitted that her office continued to monitor developments in upstream oil and gas investment. Meanwhile, upstream oil and gas incentives are still being discussed together with the Ministry of Finance (MoF). 

    So far, there has been an incentive from SKK Migas in the form of postponement of the Depository Siter Restoration (ASR) deposit. Well, SKK Migas also proposes other stimuli to attract investment.

"We and the Ministry of Finance (Ministry of Finance) are discussing together, but the decision is not at SKK Migas," he said.

He revealed that the stimulus to delay the deposit of ASR was to ensure that the KKKS could continue their operations during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Kontan, Page-10, Saturday, July 25, 2020

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