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Saturday, August 8, 2020

ENI has the potential to replace Chevron in working on the IDD project


The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) said Chevron Indonesia would withdraw from the Indonesia Deepwater Development (IDD) Project. The oil and gas company from the United States is offering management rights to ENI.

the Indonesia Deepwater Development (IDD) By Chevron

The Acting Director-General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Ego Syahrial, said that Chevron is interested in working on the IDD project because it is still managing the Rokan Block. Once the management rights were transferred after the production sharing contract / PSC for the Rokan Block ended, Chevron also intended to withdraw from the IDD project.

"Chevron is an IDD package with Rokan. If Chevron leaves the Rokan block, that means Chevron is also out of the IDD project, ”he said.

Chevron is currently still looking for a replacement who will work on the IDD project. One of the candidates being offered by Chevron is an Italian oil and gas company, ENI.

"Now offered by ENI, I think so. The point is they are offering themselves to each other, which I know Chevron is offering. We'll just wait, "explained Ego.

Regarding Eni, the oil and gas company recently signed a contract with the government for the West Ganal Block. This block was previously part of the Makassar Strait Block, which contains the West Seno Field which has been developed by Chevron. Eni also manages the Muara Bakau and East Sepinggan Blocks which are located near the IDD Project.

the Muara Bakau and East Sepinggan Blocks

Head of the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) Dwi Soetjipto said that his party is still waiting for a report from Chevron regarding the follow-up of the IDD Project. His party has even been chasing the oil and gas company from the United States to immediately make a decision whether to continue this project or not.

Dwi Soetjipto

"The letter from SKK Migas has not been replied to. We are still discussing it. We'll just wait, "he said.

In the IDD Project, Chevron is the operator and majority shareholder of 63%. Chevron is working on this deep-sea oil and gas project with other joint venture partners, namely Eni, Tip Top, PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE), and partners in Muara Bakau. 


      Referring to SKK Migas data, until last June, the IDD Project was still in the process of evaluating the approval of the plan of development / POD revision. In addition, this project is still in the process of evaluating the proposed extension of the Rapak and Ganal Block PSCs.

The IDD project combines two oil and gas fields, namely Gendalo Field, Ganal Block, and Gehem, Rapak Block. Still based on SKK Migas data, this project is targeted to reach a peak gas production of 844 million cubic feet per day (million standard cubic feet per day / MMscfd) and 27 thousand barrels of oil per day (bpd).

     The US $ 6.98 billion projects are planned to start operating in the fourth quarter of 2025. If Chevron releases the IDD project, there will be no more oil and gas projects in Indonesia that the oil and gas company will undertake. 

        The reason is, the management of the Rokan Block has been decided to be transferred to PT Pertamina (Persero) starting in 2021. However, Ego said, this does not mean Chevron will leave Indonesia.

"We don't know, later in the middle, there could be a project," he said.

PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI) Corporate Communication Manager Sonitha Poernomo said, although the Kutei Basin is an attractive hydrocarbon area, the IDD Project cannot compete for capital in Chevron's global portfolio.

Sonitha Poernomo

Chevron Rapak Ltd (CRL) opened a data room to facilitate discussions on identifying potential partners for the project earlier this year. According to company policy, it was unable to provide detailed information on commercial negotiations. However, his party will continue to work with SKK Migas and potential partners to help realize the potential development of the IDD Project.

"We believe this project will have value for other operators and the Kutei Basin can continue to be developed safely," said Sonitha Poernomo.

 Investor Daily, Page-10, Friday, August 7, 2020

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