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Monday, August 31, 2020

Inpex considers a targeted review of the Abadi LNG project's EIA

Inpex Corporation, the operator of the Masela Block, is considering a review of the schedule for completing the Environmental Impact Analysis (EIA/Amdal) for the Abadi Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Project. Even though it continued to roll, the work on the Amdal for this gas project was hampered by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Acting Corporate Communication Manager of Inpex Masela Ltd Moch N Kurniawan said that the EIA study plan for the Abadi LNG Project is carried out in accordance with the work plan schedule that has been approved by the government in the development plan / POD of the Abadi Field, Masela Block. However because it happened the Covid-19 pandemic, his party is considering reviewing the EIA work plan schedule with government approval.

Masela Block

"We are currently discussing with relevant government agencies to take the best steps in mitigating the EIA schedule due to the Covid-19 pandemic," he said.

Kurniawan explained that his party had completed several important activities related to the preparation of the EIA document for the Abadi LNG Project, namely announcements and public consultations, as well as government approval for the Environmental Impact Analysis Terms of Reference (KA ANDAL) document. 

    Currently, the EIA process is in the environmental baseline data collection stage, including environmental baseline surveys in the dry season which has been completed 100% and the wet season which still reaches 60%.

"This is in the framework of the environmental impact analysis and modeling process," said Kurniawan.

To complete the environmental baseline survey for the rainy season, his party will carry out several activities including taking surface water samples, measuring river discharge, and observing marine mammals. To complete the remaining 40% of the wet season environmental baseline, further sampling and/or other methodologies will be carried out which will be consulted with the relevant government authorities.

Kurniawan continued that the next important step was completing the preparation of the Environmental Impact Analysis (ANDAL) document, Environmental Management Plan (RKL), and Environmental Monitoring Plan (RPL).

"After that, the final stage is the assessment and approval of the ANDAL, RKL and RPL documents by the Central Amdal Assessment Commission," he said.

Dwi Soetjipto

Previously, the Head of the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) Dwi Soetjipto said that the completion of the Amdal was a requirement so that the Abadi LNG Project could continue to the next stage, including land acquisition. He said that the Amdal survey had stopped due to the Covid-19 pandemic, but is now taking place again.

Meanwhile, regarding land acquisition, Maluku Governor Murad Ismail is committed to facilitating it. The Abadi LNG project is a major project whose development plan was directly witnessed by President Joko Widodo so that the local government will fully support the completion of this project. Moreover, this project is related to the interests of the Maluku people.

Based on SKK Migas data, in addition to Amdal, Inpex is still processing auctions for the work on the front end engineering design / FEED of the LNG plant land facilities, floating production, storage, and offloading / FPSO facilities, gas pipelines, as well as subsea umbilical, riser, and flowline (SURF) facilities

Investor Daily, Page-10, Monday, August 24, 2020

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