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Saturday, August 15, 2020

Pertamina EP Receives Additional Production

PT Pertamina EP as a subsidiary of PT Pertamina (Persero) as well as a Cooperation Contract Contractor under the supervision of SKK Migas, has succeeded in obtaining additional oil and gas production. 

    The production was obtained from two of its business units, namely in the work area of ​​Pertamina EP Asset 2 and Pertamina EP Asset 3. Through Pertamina EP Asset 2 Prabumulih Field in Sumatra has succeeded in drilling the LBK-INF-2 or LBK-15 well in the Lembak Structure, which is drilled on 24 June 2020 and conducted a Well Intervention on the PMB-33 well.

The drilling of the LBK-15 well reached a depth at the end of 1630 mMD with a production test result of 1186 barrels of oil per day (BOPD, having successfully exceeded the target of 400% from the initial plan of 250 BOPD.

This well has been successfully produced in the Talang Akar Formation (TAF) -E layer, which is a virgin layer, in addition to exceeding the target production, it will also increase Asset 2 oil and gas reserves and open new opportunities for TAF layer development wells in the soft structure. 

    Astri Pujianto, General Manager of Asset 2, said that the success of the LBK-15 drilling was the result of good cooperation between functions implementing operational excellence.

"Thank God, even though the pandemic is not over yet, the spirit of transformation and cooperation among Asset 2 workers is maintained. By implementing operation excellence, drilling will be completed with zero fatality, ”said Astri.

In addition to the success of the LBK-15 drilling, the Well Intervention program applied to the PMB-33 well located in Sukaraja Village, Prambumulih City also succeeded in providing additional reserves of 314.79 BOPD from the initial target of 50 BOPD.

Meanwhile, Ndirga Andri Sisworo, Prabumulih Field Manager, explained that with the addition of the two wells, Prabumulih Field's current production is around 8,200 BOPD or 102% of the target. The success of drilling the LBK-15 well provided an additional 1186 bopd and the PMB-33 well intervention added 314.79 BOPD. Prabumulih Field's current production is in the range of 9514 BOPD.

Furthermore, in the work areas of Pertamina EP Asset 3 Jatibarang Field and Subang Field, West Java, they succeeded in trying to increase production through the Well Intervention program at ABG-02 and BBS-04 wells. Sumur ABG-02 which is the working area of ​​Pertamina EP Aset 3 Jatibarang Field in Jatimunggul Village, Trisi District, Indramayu Regency, provides an additional oil production of 346 BOPD.

In addition, Jatibarang Field also drilled CMT-20 wells in Muntur Village, Losarang District, Indramayu Regency in early 2020 which succeeded in achieving 582 BOPD production.

Hari Widodo, FM Jatibarang Field, said that at a time of high production declination, Jatibarang Field tried hard to maintain and increase production, one of which was through a Well Intervention and drilling program. This was evident from the Well intervention carried out in the ABG-02 well which succeeded in achieving the oil production of 346 BOPD.

"Meanwhile, for drilling in CMT-20, the production reached 582 BOPD for oil and 2 MMSCFD for gas. With the above successes, in the future we will conduct more massive well intervention and drilling, "he said.

Meanwhile, the Well intervention program carried out at BBS-04 well, which is the Pertamina EP Asset 3 Subang Field working area in Tegalsawah Village, Karawang Timur District, Karawang Regency, West Java, also succeeded in adding production of 700 BOPD and gas of 1 MMSCFD.

Investor Daily, Page-10, Tuesday, August 11, 2020

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