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Saturday, September 12, 2020

Pertamina Begins Transition of Rokan Block


PT Pertamina through Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR) ensures that a number of transition efforts are still being carried out ahead of the transfer of management of the Rokan Block in August 2021.

The Rokan Block By Chevron

One of the things being done at this time is the transition of contract documents related to the procurement of goods and services. PHR conducted outreach with 150 prospective partners who were partners of PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI) in managing the Rokan Block.

Director of PT PHR, Yudantoro, explained, to speed up the process of procuring goods and services, PHR has met with 150 prospective partners and conducted socialization related to procurement processes and procedures at PHR. Yudantoro said that his party could not work alone to optimize and develop the Rokan Block.

"This requires the involvement of partners in the procurement of goods and services that we need for the needs and operational interests of the Rokan Block," said Yudantoro.

Blogger Agus Purnomo in SKK Migas

Currently, together with the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Implementation (SKK Migas), PHR has conducted intensive communication with CPI in order to accelerate the transition of contract documents. The documents in question, namely data from work partner contracts owned by CPI for the period 2017 to 2021, include whose contract period has expired but is still needed for the Rokan Block operation.

This contract document is necessary, considering that the plan for the procurement of goods and services for routine operations will be based on the mapping of existing contracts in the current Rokan block Work Area. Meanwhile, non-routine operations are carried out based on work plans and production targets determined by PHR.

"PHR will immediately prepare a contract for the Rokan block working area based on information from the existing operator, thus enabling PHR to prepare adequate work scope and technical specifications," said Yudantoro. The procurement of goods and services at PHR will be carried out according to company needs.

Kontan, Page-10, Saturday, Sept 12, 2020

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