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Friday, September 18, 2020

Pertamina Drilled 180 wells in Rokan

PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR) targets the drilling of new wells in the Rokan Block to reach 180 wells by 2022 after the transfer of management starts in August 2021.

the Rokan Block by Chevron

The number of wells drilling has increased from the planned period of August 2021 to December 2021, which was only 44 wells.

"For 2022, we will drill 180 new wells," said Pertamina Hulu Director Rokan R.P. Yudantoro.

He did not want to reveal the estimated rig requirements for drilling the 180 new wells. However, it is certain that drilling 44 wells in 2021 will be the responsibility of PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI), the main manager of the Rokan Block.

Chevron has determined the location of 44 wells and through discussions with the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Implementation (SKK Migas). Chevron will begin the preparation for the drilling location for 44 wells in early 2021.

"In order not to be constrained by land acquisition and construction problems (which will be done by Chevron), Pertamina Hulu Rokan chose a drill point that could be done from the existing well pad, so the only work needed was repairing the location," he said.

Pertamina is currently focused on completing a number of stages including IT systems and petrotechnical data transfer applications, licensing, electricity-steam and gas supplies, goods and services contracts, and preparation for drilling in 2021. For the provision of goods and services contracts, previously Pertamina started meeting 150 potential partners. 

    Work and conduct socialization related to procurement processes and procedures. The potential partners are Chevron's partners who have handled a number of goods and services needs in the Rokan Work Area.

Regarding the continuation of the head of agreement (HoA) transition which took effect in September 2020, the Deputy for the Coordination of Maritime Sovereignty and Energy, the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment, Purbaya Yudhi Sadewa said, Currently the finalization stage at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources is especially for the certainty of the implementation of the HoA. Even so, he considered it difficult to ensure that the HoA could be signed this week. However, Chevron's drilling plan for November has not changed.

Kontan, Page-12, Friday, Sept 18, 2020

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