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Thursday, September 24, 2020

Pertamina Focuses on Increasing Production


PT Pertamina (Persero) through its subsidiary continues to work on completing the work plan that has been launched, in order to increase the company's contribution to the achievement of national oil production.

In 2019, Pertamina's upstream contribution is around 41% of total national production, while this year it is targeted to increase to 49%. Furthermore, in 2021 Pertamina's contribution is expected to reach 60%, especially with the company's entry into the Rokan Block.

the Rokan Block

President Director of PT Pertamina EP Eko Agus Sardjono said that in facing the remainder of the 2020 period, the Pertamina subsidiary will focus on optimizing domestic gas absorption which is expected to be able to boost gas and condensate production.

"Apart from that, Pertamina EP also focuses on completing work plans for drilling exploration wells, seismic surveys, drilling development wells, workover, and well service so that the performance achievement at the end of the year can be achieved optimally," he said.

As of August 2020, Pertamina EP has realized 58 wells and 5 wells are underway, while the revised 2020 Corporate Budget Work Plan (RKAP) target is 79 wells. Meanwhile, 107 rework activities have been completed and 7 are in progress from the revised RKAP 2020 target of 192 activities. Realization of well maintenance and well intervention 2,103 activities have been completed from the revised 2020 RKAP target of 2,547 activities.

In addition, in August 2020 Pertamina EP has increased production through 4 development wells located in the work area of ​​Pertamina EP Asset 1, Asset 2, Asset 3, and Asset 5. With the additional production in August, overall Pertamina EP development drilling activities The 2020 Work Plan has succeeded in contributing 7,809 barrels of oil per day (bopd) and 5.6 MMscfd of gas to Pertamina EP's overall oil and gas production.

In accordance with the 2020 revised RKAP, until July 2020 Pertamina EP oil production reached 80.3 MBOPD or 99.6% of the target, and gas production was 866 MMscfd or 95% of the target. 

    Chief Executive Officer of PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (Subholdingupstream) Budiman Parhusip previously explained that the realization of Pertamina EP, which was still below the target, was caused by obstacles that arose during the Covid-19 pandemic and also low world oil prices. On the other hand, Pertamina will also disburse the US $ 80 million for drilling wells in the Rokan Block during the transition period which will start in August 2021.

President Director of Pertamina Hulu Rokan, RP Yudantoro, explained that during the transition period, the company will begin drilling as many as 44 wells in the Rokan Block. He said Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR) together with the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) had determined the coordinates of the entire well being drilled.

Blogger Agus Purnomo in SKK Migas

Currently, his party is preparing a rig for the drilling process. Pertamina Hulu Rokan needs 5 units - 6 units of rigs for drilling in 2021. Later, the rig units will be provided by PT Pertamina Drilling Service Indonesia (PDSI).

"We drilled the US $ 1.5 million for each well — only US $ 2 million," he said.

Next year, it is targeted that as many as 184 wells will be drilled to smooth the transition of the management of the Rokan Block from PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI) to Pertamina. Yudantoro added that his party continues to strive to accelerate the transfer of exploration and exploitation data from the main fields so that they can immediately prepare for the drilling of 44 wells in the Rokan Block. Pertamina targets to carry out the drilling immediately after the transition from Chevron to PHR on August 9, 2021.

"PHR will ensure that drilling preparations from August to December 2021 can run smoothly, therefore intensive communication will be carried out with CPI so that the data transfer process, information procedures [SOP], and land preparation can run quickly, without significant obstacles," he explained.

In addition, Yudantoro continued, currently, the process is still being carried out, among others, the construction process of replacing a 364 km long trunk line that carries crude oil from the Rokan field to a storage tank in Dumai, which can then be used as a supply for product processing at the Pertamina Dumai Refinery.


PHR, he said, is also preparing for the transition of Chevron workers who will later be empowered at PHR and at Pertamina in accordance with applicable regulations, such as workers in other management transfer blocks that Pertamina has previously handled.

"With the support of all stakeholders, we all hope that the transition in the Rokan Block can go well so that it can maintain oil and gas production to encourage national energy security and independence," he added.

The performance of a number of Pertamina's subsidiaries that were operators in several oil and gas blocks previously received the spotlight because they did not reach the set target. Based on SKK Migas data, as of June 2020, there were four Pertamina subsidiaries that did not reach the ready-made or lifting oil production target. In fact, so far, it is included in the top 15 cooperation contract companies (KKKS) as contributors to the national oil and gas lifting.

SKK Migas also asked Pertamina EP to optimize this year's work plan so that the production target is ready to sell or lifting can be achieved. Acting Head of Program and Communication Division of SKK Migas Susana Kurniasih said that the optimization of Pertamina EP's work plan must be realized because the contribution of this optimization will greatly affect the achievement of the lifting target.

"We hope that Pertamina EP can realize all the programs planned in the remaining 2020," he said.

Trisakti University teaching staff, Pri Agung Rakhmanto, assessed that Pertamina EP's performance results have an important influence and role in the national lifting performance. This is because Pertamina EP's overall production is around 82,000 bpd. He considered that the weakening of oil prices and the Covid-19 pandemic affected the capability investment of a number of oil and gas companies and must implement efficiency so that currently optimization is very necessary.

"It is quite important, Pertamina EP's overall production is around 10% -12% of the total national lifting," he explained.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-21, Wednesday, Sept 23, 2020

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