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Saturday, September 12, 2020

Pertamina Optimizes Transition Period for Rokan Block


PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR) continues to prepare to take over the operations of the Rokan Block working area (WK) which will start on August 9, 2021. During this transitional period, PHR made maximum efforts so that the operations of the Rokan WK would continue to run well, one of which was related to the procurement of goods and services.

Director of PHR RP Yudantoro said that until now PHR is mapping the existing contracts at PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI) and the post-transition PHR work plan.

The Rokan Block By Chevron

PHR is also in the middle of determining the needs for goods and services of all user function entities. To speed up the procurement process later, PHR has also started meeting with potential partners and socializing the procurement process and procedures at PHR. 

    This socialization was carried out online on September 3 yesterday to around 150 prospective partners who are CPI partners who have handled a number of goods and services needs at the Working Area of the Rokan Block.

"We realize that PHR cannot work alone to optimize and develop the Working Area of the Rokan Block. This requires the involvement of partners in the procurement of goods and services that we need for the operational needs and interests of the Working Area of the Rokan Block, "said Yudantoro.

With regard to data on work partners and contracts, Yudantoro said, assisted by SKK Migas, PHR continued to communicate intensively with CPI to accelerate the transition of documents or data from work partner contracts owned by CPI during the 2017-2021 period, including those whose contracts had expired but still needed for the operation of Working Area of the Rokan Block

    This contract document is necessary considering that the plan for the procurement of goods and services for routine operations will be based on the mapping of existing contracts in the current Working Area of the Rokan Block. Meanwhile, non-routine operations are carried out based on work plans and production targets determined by PHR.

"PHR will immediately prepare a contract for Working Area or the Rokan Block based on information from the existing operator, thus enabling PHR to prepare an adequate scope of work and technical specifications," he said.

The procurement of goods and services at PHR, added Yudantoro, will be carried out according to company needs by making efficiency in all fields. Coordination with work partners who will become PHR business partners can be done through the Business to the Business mechanism.

"PHR will synergize with Pertamina Group and BUMN in limited areas, for example, the procurement of helicopters with Pelita Air, the procurement of some onshore rigs with PDSI. So, we will also involve other local and national companies in operating activities at Working Area of the Rokan Block, "he said.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Saturday, Sept 12, 2020

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