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Wednesday, October 21, 2020

To Increase Liquefied Natural Gas Business, PGN Collaborates with JCCP

    PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGN) is working with the Japan Cooperation Center Petroleum (JCCP) to study and improve the gas value chain, especially the liquefied natural gas / LNG business. The target is that the two parties will agree on a Joint Project according to the existing business potential.

    PGN's Director of Strategy and Business Development Syahrial Mukhtar said this collaboration also aims to promote the development of natural gas management technology. Through this cooperation, the increase in the gas value chain or LNG business is carried out based on the experience of Inpex, one of the Japanese oil and gas companies under the auspices of JCCP, with the Naoetsu model. The collaboration of JCCP, Inpex, and PGN is expected to increase capabilities and optimization in more real cooperation in the future.

Inpex Corporation

"In the next three years, the topic of the Joint Project will be mutually agreed upon according to existing business needs and potentials," he said.

    He explained that Naoetsu itself is the name of Inpex's LNG terminal. Through this model, study the technical, operational, business, and safety aspects of the Naoetsu Terminal can be one of the bases for learning and implementing collaborative natural gas projects in Indonesia. 

    In this collaboration, JCCP as the executor will prepare a work plan, project implementation schedule, and estimate the number and project description for this year. According to him, for 2020-2021, there are two collaborations with the JCCP, namely the Naoetsu Seminar and the Technical Cooperation Program.

"This year's Technical Cooperation Program is the LNG Joint Study in Arun Aceh and LNG bunkering throughout Indonesia. In its implementation, this joint study involves INPEX, which is a partner of PGN in the supply of LNG to Myanmar through the Arun Terminal, "explained Syahrial.

    The Naoetsu Seminar program is targeted to introduce Inpex's natural gas value chain and obtain technical studies on the operations of the Naoetsu Terminal which is located in Nagaoka, Japan. The operational technical study of the Naoetsu LNG Terminal includes underground gas storage in Nagaoka, operational safety, and health at the LNG terminal and pipeline, as well as other commercial issues in the gas business in Japan.

    Inpex is the largest oil and gas company in Japan with global exploration, development, and production projects in 20 countries. Meanwhile, JCCP is a government organization under the auspices of the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI) in Japan and consists of oil and gas companies. 

    Syahrial said that this collaboration was because PGN was looking for partners to implement a Joint Project to improve the domestic natural gas value chain. Meanwhile, Japanese industrial engineering is considered qualified, both in knowledge and technology related to gas chain modernization.

"Until finally this Joint Project was proposed with the JCCP," he said.

Investor Daily, Page-10, Tuesday, Oct 20, 2020

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