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Wednesday, November 4, 2020

KPK Monitors Banyu Urip Oil


The process of resolving excess oil production from the Cepu Block Banyu Urip Field continues. The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), which was involved in the discussion, stated that there were three solutions to the problem of oil production in the Banyu Urip field that could not be bought. 

the Cepu Block Banyu Urip Field

    First, PT Pertamina can buy as much as possible the production of Banyu Urip Field. Second, if the production is to be sold, it is through an auction scheme. Third, if production is cut, there must be calculations on state revenue.

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK)

There are at least four institutions involved in discussing the excess production of the Banyu Urip Field. The four institutions are the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), SKK Migas, Ministry of Finance, and the KPK. This Anti-Corruption institution was asked to be involved so that there would be no problems and legal cases in the future. The KPK is still asking for additional data on the calculation of each option.

"The KPK asked for modeling for the three options presented," said KPK Prevention Deputy Pahala Nainggolan.

To Pahala Nainggolan's knowledge, the Banyu Urip oil that Pertamina did not buy because of its type, if processed, would produce diesel products whose demand was said to be decreasing, plus Pertamina's refinery capacity was almost full. When Pertamina did not buy, SKK Migas had also conducted the crude auction. 

Blogger Agus Purnomo in SKK Migas

    However, according to Pahala Nainggolan, the auction was not reached because the price was still below the Indonesian Crude Price (ICP). This is considered contrary to regulations, especially from the Directorate General of Budget, Ministry of Finance.

"So Banyu Urip's production is already full and faced with the burden of renting a container ship and the difficulty of getting the service of a vessel because of the competition," said Pahala Nainggolan.

Even the export option is also facing uneconomical price constraints. The last option, namely cutting production, is deemed inaccurate considering the possible impact on sub-contractors and oil and gas production targets as well as part of the government that will be cut. According to Pahala Nainggolan, the most likely option is that Pertamina is asked to buy Banyu Urip oil at the maximum possible volume, then the rest will be sold at a price below the ICP.

Export is not a problem

"The options taken are not the most profitable, but the ones that are the least detrimental to the state. Perhaps that is the best way, so that the options are taken, for example, sold under (ICP), have a basis," said Pahala Nainggolan.

Deputy Chairman of Commission VII of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR) Edy Soeparno hopes that there will be no production cuts.

"If there is excess crude, it can be exported. There are a market and a good price, then it is better to export it," explained Edy Soeparno.

Edy continued, the policy of exporting oil needs to be careful because it involves the government and the domestic market obligation (DMO). Upstream oil and gas practitioners, Tumbur Parlindungan assesses that exports are not a problem. With current conditions. Crude prices may be below the ICP. If it is sold, there is state revenue. Meanwhile, there is no state revenue for cutting production. " he said.

Kontan, Page-12, Tuesday, Nov 3, 2020

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