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Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Potential The Rokan Block Still Becomes SKK Migas Mainstay

    The Rokan Work Area (WK) which will be managed by the Cooperation Contract Contractor (KKKS) Pertamina Hulu Rokan in August 2021 still has large potential reserves. Therefore, the success of managing the block is one of the keywords for success towards achieving the target of 1 million BOPD (barrels of oil per day) and 12 BSCFD of gas (billion cubic feet per day) by 2030.

    That is the summary of the Focus Group Discussion entitled "Guarding the Transition of Rokan, Maintaining National Production" which was held online in Jakarta (23/11). 

Satya Widya Yudha

    The FGD presented expert advisors to the Head of the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas), Satya Widya Yudha, Head of the Formality Division of SKK Migas, Didik S. Setyadi, Head of the Management of Goods and Services Procurement Division of SKK Migas, Erwin Suryadi, IATMI Practitioners, Hadi Ismoyo, National Oil and Gas Observer, Mukhtasor, Fahmy Radhi, and Abdul Muin.

    Satya said the potential oil reserves from WK Rokan are estimated to be 2 billion barrels. 

The Rokan Work Area (WK), Chevron

"Taking into account the existing potential, the WK Rokan will remain the backbone of national oil and gas production for a long time, through existing fields, field optimization, optimization of a waterflood, steam flood, and chemical EOR methods. So this working area will also be a mainstay to support the production target of 1 million barrels in 2030, "said Satya.

    Seeing this opportunity, SKK Migas is trying to make the transition period until 2021 run smoothly. This effort is not only a transition related to production operations but also other crucial matters, namely land-related permits.

Blogger Agus Purnomo in SKK Migas

"In the identification of SKK Migas, there is land that will be the drilling location but has not been certified as belonging to CPI (Chevron Pacific Indonesia), there is also the land that is still owned by the community. Permit readiness is absolutely passed because drilling equipment even though it is ready will be constrained if the land which is the drilling location is still controlled by other parties or the legality status is unclear, "said Head of the Formality Division of SKK Migas, Didik S. Setyadi.

    As an effort by SKK Migas to handle this matter, Didik said that his party is currently encouraging licensing to remain attached to the old operator. 

"Through the ODSP (One Door Service Policy), SKK Migas and CPI will resolve the licenses that are still neglected, this is so that while waiting for new operators to enter, operations will not stop. November 26, 2020, the list of licenses required by CPI must be final, "he explained.

    A similar sentiment was also conveyed by the Head of the Procurement Division of SKK Migas, Erwin Suryadi. 

“SKK Migas already has experience assisting the transfer of management of non-Pertamina CAs to Pertamina. We make learning each case so that when we manage the transfer of management of WK Rokan, we are sure that investors can still be implemented, "he said.

The Rokan Block Working Area Oil and Gas

    National oil and gas observer, Mukhtasor, said the transfer of management was quite complicated because the cooperation contract did not regulate matters related to management transfer. 

"One of the articles in the Ministerial Regulation ESDM # 15 of 2015 states that new operators can enter 6 months before the contract expires, this is not effective and will not be able to maintain production when new operators enter, "he said.

    However, his party appreciates the steps taken by CPI and SKK Migas which are trying to guard the transfer of management well, because there are many things that are not regulated but are done by CPI and SKK Migas so that the transfer of management runs well. One of them is the preparation of the 2020 AMDAL/IEA document. 

"As a resource person from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry in the preparation of upstream oil and gas, I am very proud of the proposed AMDAL," he said.

"Governance in the transitional period must be improved and currently is outside the realm of SKK Migas. This is the right momentum so that the authority of SKK Migas in terms of the transition to the end of the CA can be lifted so that the future transition can be carried out better, "continued Mukhtasor.

Importance of Investment

    The speakers saw that efforts to increase production at the Rokan WK could be realized if there was sufficient investment needed. Oil and gas practitioner, Hadi Ismoyo conveyed, it takes a strong commitment from Pertamina and the government, to invest tens of millions of dollars because the activities carried out must be quite massive.

    Gadjah Mada University energy economy observer, Fahmi Rady hopes that Pertamina will focus on concentrating its strength in WK Rokan, whose potential is still very large and the results are certain. Meanwhile, another upstream oil and gas observer, Abdul Muin, added that the way to increase oil and gas production in WK Rokan is through aggressive investment and must be realized according to commitments.

"So, if Pertamina has difficulties related to investment costs, it is better to open up options to cooperate with other companies. This is commonly done by the upstream oil and gas industry because they will also share risks and collaborate according to their respective advantages, "concluded Muin.

Source: Press release SKK Migas, Tuesday, Nov 24, 2020

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