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Tuesday, March 9, 2021

HCML guarantees Availability of Gas Supply During Pandemic


Husky-CNOOC Madura Limited (HCML) ensures the availability of gas supplies during the pandemic. Production continues under strict health protocol standards. In carrying out field projects, HCML applies the same health protocol and understanding to all workers and contractor workers. They always coordinate with the Health, Safety, Security and Environment (HSSE) Department team to get medical attention.

"All of this is a form of HCML's commitment to contribute in securing the national gas supply during this difficult time," said Hamim Tohari, Manager of the HCML Regional Office.

Not only does it continue to produce with strict health standards, but HCML also continues to distribute CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) to a number of villages around the HCML working area in the Sampang Madura Regency area. These community programs cover areas that are basic needs of society, namely economy, education, health, and infrastructure.

Hamim said HCML is committed to being a partner of the local government in developing the community. "We will always support regional progress. Especially on the momentum of the 397th anniversary of Sampang Regency," he said.

The HCML participation fund is a form of that care and concern. It is hoped that it can help the Sampang government in improving the welfare of residents in the village.

"For this reason, HCML hopes that the support of all stakeholders can help smooth the production of HCML natural gas in the waters of the Madura Strait," he said.

As is well known, in certain seasons there are often misunderstandings between fishermen and companies. In certain months, there are some fishermen who keep their activities within a limited and forbidden radius in the oil and gas field. In fact, this is very dangerous for operations and fishermen if there is a sudden increase in gas pressure.

"For that, in the future, we really hope for the support of all stakeholders to be able to provide understanding to fishermen regarding this matter," said Hamim.

Duta Masyarakat, Page-16, Monday, Jan 4, 2021

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