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Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Pertamina EP Adera Field Adds Production 751 BOPD

PT Pertamina EP, a cooperation contract contractor under the supervision of SKK Migas and a subsidiary of Pertamina Persero, has succeeded in increasing oil production by 751 barrels per day / BOPD from the BNG-A1 well at Adera Field. The amount of production is 500% of the initial target of 150 BOPD. The equivalent of oil and gas production from the BNG-A1 well reached 819 BOEPD or 145% of the target of 565 BOEPD, even though gas production reached 0.4 million standard cubic feet per day / MMSCFD.

General Manager of Pertamina EP (PEP) Asset 2 Astri Pujianto said the drilling program needed adjustments given the very strict health protocol for preventing the transmission of Covid-19. This requires regular health screenings to be carried out and of course limiting some activity.

"However, Alhamdulillah, the activities can be carried out, even faster than the specified target time," said Astri.

This drilling program using Rig PDSI D1500-E / 53 1500HP which was initially implemented with a target of 52 calendar days can be completed in 48 calendar days. This results in significant cost and time efficiencies.

Doctor Nirwan Abidin, Medical Supervisor of PEP Asset 2, said that adjustments to health protocols occurred with crew change and personnel operations while in the field. There are differences when carrying out drilling operations in normal times and during a pandemic, such as medical test screening when engineers and operators enter the location.

All personnel is obliged to carry out quarantine for four days and then carry out a PCR test, once the results are negative and they are declared fit to go to the location, after that the personnel is allowed to enter the work location.

"Conversely, if the results are positive and not fit, the person concerned are not allowed to enter the location or work," said Dr. Nirwan.

Nirwan added that although drilling activities were carried out with adjustments to health protocols during the COVID-19 pandemic, drilling activities could be carried out safely, smoothly, and safely. The Well drilling activity was successfully carried out after the completion of drilling in the K1 layer of the Talang Akar Formation (TAF) West Block Benuang Structure which has never been produced in the surrounding wells. As for the drilling in the West Block, the last Benuang Structure was carried out in 1986, so this success would certainly be a new potential and open up opportunities for increased production in the Adera Field.

PEP Asset 2 Exploitation Senior Manager Adang Sukmatiawan said that the success of drilling in BNG-A1 in early 2021 has encouraged the EPT Asset 2 Team to look for new oil reservoirs or reserves that have never been produced and to evaluate the potential for subsurface inter-field.

"We are also working with the Drilling and Workover team to mitigate the potential risks of drilling hazards that may be encountered," said Adang.

    Adera Field currently produces oil of 1,933 bopd and gas of 9.9 mmscfd. Based on SKK Migas' Integrated Operating System (SOT) data at the end of January 2021 year-to-date, PEP Asset 2 crude oil production stood at 17,730 bopd, while natural gas production was around 335 mmscfd. Asset 2's oil and gas production comes from the Prabumulih, Limau, Adera and Pendopo fields.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Saturday, Jan 16, 2021

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