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Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Upstream Oil and Gas Successfully Recorded Excellent Performance

The Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) has managed to record brilliant performance throughout 2020 by achieving several targets set by the government.

Blogger Agus Purnomo in SKK Migas

It is recorded that the national upstream oil and gas sector produced five impressive achievements in the aspects of the Reserve Replacement Ratio (RRR), oil and gas lifting, cost recovery control, state revenues, and completion of upstream oil and gas projects.

At the end of 2020, oil lifting was recorded at 706 thousand barrels of oil per day (BOPD) or 100.2 percent exceeding the target of the Revised State Budget (APBN-P) which was set at 705 thousand BOPD.

Meanwhile, gas lifting was 5,461 million standard cubic feet per day (MMSCFD), slightly below the APBN-P target of 5,556 MMSCFD or reached 98.3 percent. As for state revenues, the figure achieved was US $ 8.4 billion, or 141 percent of the target set at the US $ 5.86 billion.

Dwi Soetjipto

"2020 is a difficult year for all business actors, especially in the upstream oil and gas sector, apart from being affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, we are also overshadowed by low world oil prices. However, thanks to hard work with KKKS (Cooperation Contract Contractors), in the end, the upstream oil and gas industry succeeded in exceeding several targets set by the government. The contribution of this industry is expected to help the national economy which is also affected by the pandemic, ”said the head of SKK Migas, Dwi Soetjipto.

Dwi added that another achievement was that SKK Migas was able to complete 15 onstream projects out of the 11 targeted onstream projects or 136 percent. Of these 15 projects, the potential for additional oil production is 9,182 BOPD and gas of 111 MMSCFD. The upstream oil and gas investment reached the US $ 10.21 billion and cost recovery control was US $ 8.12 billion according to the government's target.

According to the Deputy Head of SKK Migas, Fatar Yani Abdurrahman, during the 2020 period, there were several important milestones that were achieved including the completion of 24 PSC Side Letters and 61 LoAs and Amendments to the Natural Gas Sale and Purchase Agreement (PJBG) related to gas price adjustments in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 89K / 2020 and 91K / 2020.

"The total adjusted gas reaches 2,601 British thermal units per day (BBTUD), consisting of 1,205 BBTUD for the downstream industry and 1,396 BBTUD for the State Electricity Company (PLN). This gas price adjustment aims to have an economic impact on the country through growing downstream industrial activities and reducing the burden of electricity subsidies, "he explained.

In addition, SKK Migas also successfully completed the Heads of Agreement (HoA) for the transition to the Rokan Block on September 28, 2020.

"With the implementation of the HoA, PT CPI (Chevron Pacific Indonesia) can conduct drilling to maintain Rokan production until the end of the contract," explained Fatar.

Sakakemang Block

Fatar added that the first Plan of Development (POD) for the Kaliberau Field, Sakakemang Block was also approved by the government on December 29, 2020. With this approval, the realization of the Reserve Replacement Ratio (RRR) stands at 101.6 percent with additional reserves of 705.16 MMBOE.

Meanwhile, based on this brilliant record, Fatar said SKK Migas was optimistic in welcoming 2021. He said that his party had finished compiling work programs and budgets with KKKS to achieve government targets.

"We know that the oil lifting target that has been set has not changed from this year, which is 705 thousand BOPD. To ensure there is no decline in production, SKK Migas is trying to carry out massive, aggressive and efficient activities. We are also determined, in 2021 there is no decline in national oil and gas production, "he concluded.

Bhirawa, Page-10, Monday, Jan 4, 2021

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