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Friday, April 16, 2021

Chevron Delivers Rokan Block Data to the Government


    Ahead of the transfer of management, PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI) as the current operator of the Rokan Block has completed a large number of asset data collection and submitted production, exploration, and operational activity support data to the Government of Indonesia through the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities. (SKK Migas). Chevron has also started sharing this data with PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR) as the next Rokan Block operator.

"Our company is committed to carrying out the transition process of the Rokan Block in a safe, reliable, and smooth manner so that this block continues to provide optimal benefits for the country and the people of Indonesia. 

    In the future, we hope that the process of transferring the management of the Rokan Block can become one of the points of reference for the transfer of other oil and gas working areas in Indonesia, "said PT CPI's Corporate Communication Manager Sonitha Poernomo.

Sonitha Poernomo

    From August 2020 until now, PT CPI has submitted all data included in the termination checklist to SKK Migas. The data includes those related to geology and geophysics, licensing, standard operating procedures (SOP), production facilities, land, goods and services contracts, human resources, and community development programs. 

Blogger Agus Purnomo in SKK Migas

    Chevron has completed submitting the data ahead of schedule to support a smooth transition process. Chevron also coordinates intensively with SKK Migas and PHR to discuss various technical aspects of the transition process. Chevron is also trying to maintain the Rokan Block oil and gas production.

"Last year we were still able to meet the production target set by the Government," said Sonitha.

    In addition, Chevron has also started an incremental drilling program at the end of December 2020 in accordance with the Heads of Agreement (HoA) with SKK Migas which was signed in September last year.

the Rokan Block

"The HOA is critical to slowing down the rate of decline in natural production before the end of the Rokan Block management transfer period and will continue to meet Indonesia's energy needs," said Sonitha.

    President Director of PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) Budiman Parhusip is committed to transferring employment to Chevron workers in the Rokan Block with conditions that have been mutually agreed upon with related parties. In addition, his party has also collaborated with several universities in Riau, including for Social and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL) activities.

    The TJSL program will be prioritized to improve the independence of the Riau people in the fields of education, health, economy, and environmental preservation. Planning for the TJSL program also involves local governments.

"As for the Local Business Development (LBD) program which is currently being built and implemented by the CPI, it will first be discussed further.

    Coordination with CPI is needed to obtain 260 LDB contract schemes and data before the socialization is carried out, "said Budiman.

Investor Daily, Page-10, Tuesday,  March 16, 2021

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