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Monday, April 19, 2021

Pertamina Shipping is Targeted to Succeed in ASEAN


    One of the government's big agendas is to strengthen the logistics system. To strengthen Indonesia's domestic logistics system that can be seen at the global level is to develop State-Owned Enterprises (SOE/BUMN) in the shipping and logistics sectors. 

    Through the sub-holding of PT Pertamina (Persero), namely PT Pertamina International Shipping (PIS), the government is trying to revive the world of shipping and logistics. PIS targets to become a global integrated logistic and marine solution company.

"PIS is expected to become an integrated and marine logistics solution company that is respected in the ASEAN (Southeast Asia) region," said Deputy Minister of BUMN I Pahala Mansury.

    Pahala said Pertamina had the strength in this matter because currently PIS had a large number of ships and had very reliable specifications. The government is targeting PIS to have a stronger infrastructure in Southeast Asia. 

    Pahala said that the government has an agenda to find investors to strengthen the PIS business in the future. He said the efforts that would be made were for example to cooperate with the Indonesia Investment Authority (INA) or other strategic partners.

"The government is targeting cooperation with INA or other strategic partners that can be obtained through INA and after that, the company will conduct an initial public offering (IPO)," said Pahala.

    After sailing since 9 February 2021 from JMU Ariake Shipyard, Japan, PIS's giant container ship or Very Large Crude Carrier (VLCC) has arrived in Indonesia and is ready to support the distribution of national energy supplies. This readiness was marked by the inauguration of BUMN Minister Erick Thohir on a ship that was berthed in Semangka Bay, Kota Agung, Tanggamus Regency, Lampung.

Erick Thohir

    Erick conveyed his appreciation for Pertamina's efforts in transforming and presenting value creation so that it could become a global company. He ensured that the government fully supports PIS's steps to become an integrated logistics and marine solution company that plays at the global level.

"Pertamina must return to its heyday in the 70s, become a global player and be ready to compete based on good corporate governance," said Erick.

Nicke Widyawati

    Pertamina President Director Nicke Widyawati said the investment made by presenting two ships, namely Pertamina Pride and Pertamina Prime, is in line with shareholders' directions to go global. Nicke explained that the two ships would serve foreign markets and transport crude from Aramco to Indonesia.

Saudi Aramco

"With our own ships, we have more flexibility because Pertamina has foreign reserves and production of 110 thousand barrels per day," said Nicke.

    PIS President Director Erry Widiastono explained that PIS continues to strive to meet energy needs by continuously creating various innovations as a consumer-oriented shipping company. One of them is presenting the giant tanker VLCC PERTAMINA PRIDE with a capacity of 2 million barrels and has been built at the Japan Marine United (JMU) Shipyard since 2018.

"The PERTAMINA PRIDE VLCC aims to simplify the flow of energy distribution and secure the supply of captive crude needs to Pertamina's refineries on a FOB Ras Tanura-Cilacap basis more efficiently so that it is ready to become the lifeblood of energy distribution for the country," said Ery.

Republika, Page-16, Monday, April 19, 2021

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