, pub-9591068673925608, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Mudi-26 Field Increases PHE TEJ Production in Tuban - MEDIA MONITORING OIL AND GAS -->

Monday, April 12, 2021

Mudi-26 Field Increases PHE TEJ Production in Tuban

    Pertamina Hulu Energi Tuban East Java (PHE TEJ), continues to carry out its commitment to maintaining the country's energy security. One of them is the successful implementation of the Mudi-26 Well Drilling. 

Pertamina Hulu Energi Tuban East Java (PHE TEJ)

    The Mudi-26 Well Drilling was able to record production test results of 531 Barrel Oil Per Day (BOPD) This figure exceeds the initial target of 200 BOPD, thus increasing the production increase from the Mudi field in Tuban Block.

"The success of drilling the Mudi-26 well is one of the fulfillment of a definite commitment, the Mudi-26 infill well was drilled with a depth of 3,005 meters. This drilling takes 73 days of drilling and 12 days of completion, "said the acting General Manager of TEJ's PHE Riko Meidiya Putra.

    Riko explained that the Mudi-26 well was successfully produced in the Tuban Carbonate Formation layer. Apart from exceeding the production target, this well will also increase the oil and gas reserves of the Tuban Block in East Java and open up new opportunities for wells in the Mudi field.

"We express our deepest gratitude to all parties who have supported the success of drilling the Mudi-26 well. I hope that in the future PHE TEJ production will continue to increase so that it can participate in supporting the target of achieving national energy production," said Riko.

    Riko conveyed that the success of drilling the Mudi-26 well proves PHE Tuban East Java officers' ability to increase Mudi field production after the transition from the previous operator, namely, Joint Operating Body Pertamina PetroChina East Java (JOB-PPEJ). Additional production from Mudi-26 well is 531 BOPD brings the total production of PHE Tuban East Java oil to 1731 BOPD.

"This success is due to solid teamwork and prayers and support from all internal and external parties. Meanwhile, the Field Manager of PHE TEJ Taryono said that the Mudi-26 well drilling was successfully carried out by applying superior HSSE with zero LTI, zero TRIR, and no environmental issue results.

"PHE TEJ is a subsidiary of PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) which is engaged in the upstream oil and gas business in the Tuban Work Area (WA). PHE TEJ is officially 100 percent managed by PHE using a production sharing contract or gross split covering 4 Field Areas, namely Mudi, Lengowangi, South Bungoh, and Bogomiring Field Areas, "he said.

Harian Bangsa, Page-9, Friday, Feb 5, 2021

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