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Thursday, April 15, 2021

Pertamina is optimistic that the Rokan Block will boost Riau's economy


    PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR) is committed to maximizing the potential of the Rokan Block not only to supply national needs but also to boost economic development in Riau. After taking over management from PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI), PHR projects that the block's oil production will reach 1.5 billion barrels.

    PHR Upstream Project Leader Feri Sri Wibowo said that his party has four commitments in working on the Rokan Block. First, contribute from the results of the Block Rokan to Regional Revenue Sharing. Second, regional-owned enterprises are entitled to a 10% participating interest (PI) in the Rokan Block based on the Decree of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources 1923 K / 10 / MEM / 2018.

the Rokan Block

    Third, the Rokan Block operational activities will involve the participation of local companies, both in the form of goods, services, and labor, so that it will drive the economy of the Riau people.

"Finally, corporate social responsibility activities will synergize with local governments so that they are right on target and according to needs," he said.

    The Rokan Block has a strategic role in the country's oil and gas industry by supporting oil production of 24% of national production. To that end, PHR has planned a number of new production programs, such as infill drilling, workover and well intervention, exploration, optimization of water injection (waterflood) and steam flood, and others.

"The target is that the Rokan Block can produce a total of 1.5 billion barrels in two decades," said Feri.

    PHR signed a production sharing contract / PSC Block Rokan and approved by the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) on May 9, 2019. The term of this production sharing contract is 20 years in 2021-2041. The contract will be effective starting August 9, 2021, using a gross split scheme. 

    Currently, the process of transferring management of the Rokan Block from CPI to PHR is taking place according to its stages. This transition will take up to 23 weeks. General Manager General Affairs and Operations Support of PT CPI Sukamto Tamrin said the transition process had been carried out since 2019.

"We really want the transition process to take place smoothly, orderly, and safely," said Sukamto.

    PHR has a transition program in nine main areas to ensure the continuity of all operations and routine activities of the Rokan Block when it becomes an operator. In addition, during the transition period, CPI and PHR have planned and compiled a Well drilling program this year. This step is one of the efforts to prevent the decline in Rokan Block oil production.

    Pertamina has the potential to drill 84 wells during the August-December period this year. For this reason, discussions are currently underway between PHR and CPI regarding the drilling execution by the CPI until August 8 and the PHR drilling program starting from August 9. 

    In addition to drilling, PHR and Chevron also discussed electricity and steam supply, contracts and SCM, information technology and Petrotechnics, data transfer, human capital, standard operating procedures (SOP) and, licensing chemical Enhanced Oil Recovery/chemical EOR, and environment and abandonment restoration/ASR. 

    To support the transfer of the management process, PHR and CPI also coordinated with the Head of Riau Regional Police, Inspector General Agung Setya Imam Effendi. Setya asked all parties not to get caught up in issues that could harm the state.

"The things that arise from this transfer of management process should be examined first. Hopefully, oil production will be maintained, theft of production facilities will decrease, and illegal tapping will be 0%, ”he said.

    The Rokan Block has five large fields, namely Duri, Minas, Bangko, Balam South, and Petapahan, which are spread across five districts in Riau Province. To note, during its heyday in 1973, the Rokan Block oil production almost reached 1 million barrels per day (BPD). However, the production of this oil and gas block continues to decline over time.

Blogger Agus Purnomo in SKK Migas

    In 2011, the Rokan Block still produced around 356.98 thousand BPD of oil or contributed 39.56% of the total national oil production at that time of 902.35 BPD. However, referring to SKK Migas data, last year, oil lifting in this block was only 174,424 BPD or 24.62% of the total national oil lifting of 708,488 BPD. In 2021, the Rokan Block is targeted to produce oil of 165,002 BPD.

Investor Daily, Page-10, Thursday, March 4, 2021

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