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Friday, April 16, 2021

Pertamina Remains Resilient


    PT Pertamina (Persero) became one of the few global oil and gas companies that were able to score a net profit throughout 2020. Last year, Pertamina was able to reverse its loss position in the first semester of 2020. Profits from the Indonesian government-owned oil company are said to reach Rp. 14 trillion at the end of the year.

Nicke Widyawati

"Efforts are being made to increase the productivity of upstream oil and gas and refineries, as well as efficiency in all fields, namely cutting the Opex by 30% and prioritizing the investment budget," said Pertamina President Director Nicke Widyawati.

    A number of global oil and gas companies have experienced different conditions. Over the past year, Shell recorded a loss of US $ 21.68 billion or around Rp 303 trillion, Exxonmobil US $ 22.44 billion or around Rp 314 trillion, Chevron US $ 5.5 billion or around Rp 77 trillion, BP US $ 20, 3 billion or around Rp. 284 trillion, and Petronas 21 billion ringgit or around Rp. 73.5 trillion.

    Meanwhile, Petrobras earned a profit of US $ 1.1 billion or around Rp 15 trillion, while Pertamina is claimed to have earned a profit of US $ 1 billion or around Rp 14 trillion over the past year. 

    ExxonMobil CEO Darren Woods said last year, the company was facing market conditions that were more challenging than they had experienced before. The effects of the Covid-19 pandemic will significantly affect performance results in 2020.

"We are responding decisively to fixing our fee structure permanently," he said.

    Chevron CEO Mike Wirth said that when market conditions deteriorated last year, his side quickly cut capital spending by 35% from 2019 and lowered operating costs. In 2020, Chevron will also increase renewable energy production and increase investment in low-carbon technology. 

    Energy Watch Executive Director Mamit Setiawan assessed that last year was a grim period for the global oil and gas industry, including at home, due to pressure from the Covid-19 pandemic.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-4, Wednesday,  March 17, 2021

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