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Monday, May 10, 2021

Oil Theft in Block Rokan Overcame


    The mode of theft of oil by making connections in pipes or illegal tapping which is rife in the Rokan Block has been declared missing since last year.

    Head of the SKK Migas Operations Department, Representative of Sumbagut, Haryanto Syafri, said that the efforts of tight supervision through various means ranging from cooperation with the authorities and technology support have suppressed this illegal practice.

Blogger Agus Purnomo in SKK Migas

"Illegal tapping has ended since the second quarter of 2020. In our records, there is one incident in the third quarter of 2020 and the first quarter of 2021, but it is not illegal tapping, ”he said.

the Rokan Block

    Haryanto said there were still cases of theft of oil and gas facilities in the Rokan Block which were stolen by irresponsible persons. In 2019 there had been 981 events or the equivalent of 2.7 events per day.

    That number will decrease to 300 incidents in 2020. Meanwhile, the theft of these operating facilities has caused losses to the state because upstream oil and gas assets are state-owned, while the operation is carried out by PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI).

"We hope that the theft of operational facilities can continue to be reduced," he said.

    Riau Police Chief, Agung Setya Imam Effendi, said that the practice of illegal tapping had not occurred at the CPI operational facility. However, theft of pipes and cables is still happening today.

    According to him, this must be resolved immediately so that it can create a good ecosystem in the Rokan Block to pursue the target of ready-to-sell oil production or lifting of 1 million barrels per day by 2030.

"We want to promote this cooperation between the National Police, TNI, SKK Migas, and PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI) so that we can ensure a conducive ecosystem to support the achievement of the target of 1 million barrels per day," he explained.

    Digital Innovation & Acceleration Advisor of Chevron Pacific Indonesia Ivan Susanto said that illegal activities in the Rokan Block often occur due to pipelines crossing residential areas.

“Crude oil theft often uses illegal tapping mode. The perpetrator perforated the active pipeline and installed a valve to drain the oil into the storage tank truck. With the use of drones, suspicious activity like this can be detected immediately, "he said.

    Meanwhile, the drone used is capable of roaming up to 20 km with an altitude of over 200 meters at a speed of about 60 km/hour. The drone can fly 1-2 hours to conduct surveillance of crude oil pipelines and transmit video directly to the control center.

"This equipment is done by the nation's children at CPI," he said.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-4, Monday, May 10, 2021

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