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Thursday, June 3, 2021

Rokan Block Switching Staggered

    The process of transitioning the Rokan Block from PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia (PT CPI) to PT Pertamina (Persero) is still ongoing. The PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR) process was hampered by the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Director of State Receivables and Other State Assets, Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu), Lukman Efendi confirmed that the process will continue. Until now, the transition is still reaching 10 percent.

“There is a transition of 10 percent of the total land area of ​​around 64 thousand hectares. Will become BMN (State-Owned Goods). We have done a physical check," said Lukman.

    In addition to the inspection of land assets which reached 10 percent, there was an inspection of capital assets which had reached 83 percent. Now, inspections related to inventory assets have reached 60 percent. So far, only the inventory material inspection has been completed 100 percent. Lukman hopes that the entire management transfer process can be completed before August 8, 2021.

    The government continues to try to go through the process before the termination or expiration of the cooperation contract. The value of the Rokan Block BMN was recorded at Rp. 197.78 trillion. This amount reaches 20 percent of the total value of the National Cooperation Contract Contractors (KKKS) BMN which is Rp 497.62 trillion as of 2019.

"Wealth in the form of land, inventory assets, and capital assets," he added.

the Rokan Block

    Previously, Riau Governor Syamsuar voiced his hope that oil and gas production from the Rokan Block could be maximized. This is because regional revenues are highly dependent on oil and gas revenue sharing. 

    The Riau Regional Government is committed to supporting the smooth transfer of management of the Rokan Block and facilitating it. Syamsuar also stated the readiness of Regional Owned Enterprises and local companies to cooperate business-to-business.

"The Riau Regional Government is ready to help facilitate licensing in this transitional period of management," he added.

the Rokan Block

    The Rokan Block is the largest oil block in Indonesia. It covers an area of ​​6,220 square kilometers and covers five districts in Riau. Namely, Bengkalis, Siak, Kampar Rokan Hulu, and Rokan Hilir.

Jawa Pos, Page-3, Monday, May 31, 2021

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