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Saturday, July 31, 2021

Chevron Completes 100 Wells, Pertamina Continues to Drill 130 Wells

    PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) through its subsidiary, PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR), will drill 130 wells in the Rokan Block this year, continuing drilling by PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI) which has reached 100 wells. Wells, drilling is needed to maintain the level of oil production in this oil and gas block.

the Rokan Block Chevron

    PHE Development and Production Director Taufik Adityawarman said optimizing the production of the Rokan Block is one of the strategies to achieve the company's oil and gas production target this year. For this reason, once the management shifts to Pertamina on August 9, it will increase the drilling of wells in this block.

PHR plans to drill approximately 130 development wells in 2021 which includes the remaining wells from PT CPIPHR is also preparing approximately 290 wells in 2022. This is the oil and gas block with the highest number of Wells investments," he said at the Upstream Subholding Media Gathering.

    To support the Wells drilling target, the company will also add 10 drilling rigs. So, there will be a total of 16 drilling rigs and 29 rigs for workover and well services operating in the Rokan Block. The procurement of this rig is a mirroring of the previous contract.

    Meanwhile, in its official statement, PT CPI as the existing operator stated that it has completed drilling 100 wells, including 11 conversion wells, in the Rokan Block since the end of December 2020. CPI has also succeeded in adding rigs so that now there are 8 drilling rigs actively operating in the field.

“The Rokan Block is an important strategic asset for state and regional revenues, the community's economy, and national energy security. The collaboration between SKK Migas, PT CPI, and PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR) is going well so that the drilling program can take place safely and smoothly," said the Director of Rokan PT CPI Budianto Renyut.

Blogger Agus Purnomo SKK Migas

    The Head of Representative for the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas) Northern Sumatra Rikky Rahmat Firdaus revealed that his party is committed to assisting, facilitating, and coordinating with stakeholders in the region to complete preparations for the drilling implementation so that it can be carried out smoothly and efficiently. safe.

"It takes full support from all stakeholders from the center to the regions so that the target to maintain and maintain production in the Rokan Block can be achieved. This method will increase state revenue,” said Rikky.

    To ensure the availability of supplies of materials to support the drilling program, PT CPI and PHR have signed a joint utilization agreement of state-owned warehouse facilities in the Rokan Block on April 21. Thus, PHR can begin to import and store materials to support the drilling program in warehouses managed by PT CPI in Duri and Dumai.

    These materials include pipes, conductors, casings, tubing, wellheads, valves, cables, and bobbing pumps. Currently, a number of PHR materials have arrived at PT CPI's warehouse.

"Hopefully, after the date of the transfer of management later, the drilling program can continue without any disruption to material supply because PHR's materials are already available in the field," said Budianto.

Investor Daily, Page-9-Saturday, July 31, 2021

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