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Monday, July 12, 2021

Electricity Supply for Rokan Block, PLN Officially Acquires MCTN Shares

    PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) (Persero) officially acquired 100% shares of PT Mandau Cipta Tenaga Nusantara (MCTN) which is owned by Chevron Standard Limited. 

    This acquisition is proof of PLN's commitment to maintaining the continuity of the Rokan Block electricity supply, both during the transition period and in the long term. Moreover, the Rokan Block is the backbone of national oil production.

The Rokan Block Chevron

    The acquisition process was marked by the signing of a sales and purchase agreement (SPA) by the Director of Commerce and Customer Management of PLN, Bob Sariel, and Regional Director of Chevron Standard Limited, Jennifer Ferratt, online.

Director of Chevron Standard Limited, Jennifer Ferratt

    This agreement was also witnessed by Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arifin Tasrif, Deputy Minister I of BUMN Pahala Nugraha Mansury, Head of SKK Migas Dwi Soetjipto, President Commissioner of PLN Amien Sunaryadi, President Director of PLN Zulkifli Zaini, and the management of Chevron Standard Limited as the majority shareholder of MCTN.

Blogger Agus Purnomo in SKK Migas

    Zulkifli said that the acquisition of the MCTN shares is proof of PLN's commitment to maintaining the continuity of the Rokan Block electricity supply, both during the transition period and in the long term. Moreover, the Rokan Block is the backbone of national oil production.

the Rokan Block Chevron

    As is known, the management of the Rokan Block from August 9, 2021, will shift from PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI) to PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR). So far, the electricity and steam supply for the Rokan Block comes from the North Duri Cogen Gas Power Plant (PLTG) with a capacity of 300 Megawatts (MW) which was previously owned by MCTN, a subsidiary of Chevron Standard Limited (CSL).

"We would like to thank Chevron Standard Limited (CSL) for the good cooperation and for the good electricity in the Rokan Work Area as long as it is managed by Chevron Pacific Indonesia," said Zulkifli virtually in Jakarta.

    The acquisition of MCTN shares is a follow-up to the cooperation agreement between PLN and PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR) which was included in the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the Provision of Electricity and Steam for the Rokan Region on December 30, 2020, and the Sale and Purchase Agreement for Electricity and Steam on January 29, 2021.

    Zulkifli hopes that, through the signing of the sale and purchase of shares, a good partnership can be established as the first step in building partnerships and cooperation between PLN and Chevron Standard Limited (CSL) in the future. 

    In the future, this power plant will be used for three years to serve electricity needs in the Rokan Block. Both during the transition period together with PLTG Migas and Central Duri until finally it will be supplied from the Sumatra interconnection system.

“In the long term, reliable and competitive supply of 400 MW of electricity in the Rokan Block will be supplied from the Sumatra and 335 MBSPD Steam system using the New Steam Generator. Within 3 years the interconnection of the system and the New Steam Generator will be fully operational," he added.

    In addition, the provision of reliable electricity supply from the Sumatra System to the Rokan Block is carried out from three sources.

"PLN prioritizes aspects of safety, reliability, quality, and efficiency in meeting the energy needs of the upstream oil and gas industry," he said.

    PLN as a BUMN that is given the mandate in the electricity sector, has an obligation to meet electricity needs and provide the best service for all customers, including industrial customers, one of which is the oil and gas sector, both from upstream and downstream.

“PLN as the most experienced electricity provider in Indonesia has a special design and strategy in providing electricity for the oil and gas industry. Currently and in future plans, PLN's large systems such as Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan, and Sulawesi have a very large reserve margin (40-50%) to be able to serve the needs of the oil and gas industry," said Zulkifli.

    Regional Director of Chevron Standard Limited, Jennifer Ferratt said, with the completion of this process, it is hoped that the transition at MCTN can take place smoothly and in line with the transition of the Rokan Block to PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR).

    Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arifin Tasrif added that the Rokan Block has huge potential for oil reserves. Therefore, to be able to provide maximum benefits for the country, a good strategy is needed. With this agreement, PLN will continue to use the North Duri Cogen PLTG before the Rokan WKB electricity supply is supplied by the Sumatra system interconnection network.

“PLN must ensure a guaranteed electricity supply for the Rokan Block so that Pertamina is able to maintain the sustainability of the production of 25% of the national oil. Therefore, power plants must be reliable with more efficient costs, so that they can provide much better benefits for the nation and state," he said.

    The Deputy Minister of State-Owned Enterprises, Pahala Nugraha Mansury, also appreciated PLN and CSL for successfully completing the transfer of ownership of MCTN. He also hopes that the transition process in this one month can go hand in hand with the Rokan working area from Chevron to Pertamina smoothly.

“The Rokan Block is very strategic for Indonesia because it produces 25% of the national oil production. So far, the majority of electrical energy has been supplied by MCTN's power plants. So this agreement is very important to ensure the electricity supply for the Rokan Block in the future," he added.

Support Pertamina's Production

    Meanwhile, Pertamina expressed its appreciation for the signing of the SPA to fulfill the electricity needs of the Rokan Working Area (WK).

"Pertamina appreciates the agreement process between Chevron Standard Limited and PLN related to efforts to meet the electricity needs for Rokan WK," said PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR) President Director Jaffee A. Suardi.

    Furthermore, Jaffee added that this commitment will certainly strengthen Pertamina's position, in this case through PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR), to ensure the continuity of production of the Rokan Oil and Gas Block Working Area, which of course contributes significantly to national oil and gas production.

Investor Daily, Page-10, Wednesday, July 7, 2021

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