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Thursday, July 8, 2021

Pertagas Optimistic Rokan Pipe Completed On Time

    PT Pertamina Gas (Pertagas), a subsidiary of PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) Tbk, is optimistic that it will be able to complete the oil pipeline project in the Rokan Block on time in early 2022. This pipeline is needed to keep the Rokan Block oil production stable when its management is transferred to PT Pertamina (Persero) in August.

The Rokan Block Chevron

    Pertagas Communication, Relations & CSR Manager Elok Riani Ariza said, according to government directives, strategic project construction activities must continue, including the construction of the Rokan Oil Pipeline block. His party strives for this national strategic project to be completed on time.

"As of the end of June, the construction progress has reached 71.33%," said Elok.

The Rokan Block Chevron

    The Rokan Block Oil Pipeline has the potential to flow around 200-265 thousand barrels of oil per day (BPD). The project is targeted for commercial operation in stages until it is fully completed in early 2022.

    The North Block, which includes the Balam-Bangko-Dumai Corridor, is targeted to operate in the third quarter of 2021. Then the South Block, namely Minas-Duri, is targeted to operate in the 1st Quarter of 2022. The Rokan Block Pipe Project has a diameter of 4-24 inches. The pipeline consists of 12 segments and three stations, namely Duri Station, Dumai, and Manifold Batang.

    In each pipe segment, there is a pig launcher and receiver including accessories. The pipeline also has a Sectional Break Valve (SBV) in 24 locations, Horizontal Direct Drilling (HDD) in 12 locations, as well as a Leak Detection System for all sections and an Oil Transport & Management System. The pipe is approximately 367 kilometers (km) long and passes through 5 regencies and cities, 14 sub-districts, and 38 villages and sub-districts. Apart from pursuing construction targets, the safety aspect remains Pertagas' main concern.

"The project, which started with first welding on September 10, 2020, has successfully passed 2.18 million safe working hours until June 25, 2021," said Elok.

    To date, the Rokan Oil Pipeline project has recruited 76% of the local workforce of a total of 2,404 workers. This is in accordance with the direction of the Regent of Rokan Hilir Afrizal Sintong when receiving a visit from the Director of Infrastructure and Technology of PGN Achmad Muchtasyar and the Director of Engineering and Operations of Pertagas Rosa Permata Sari at the office of the Regent of Rokan Hilir, City of Bagansiapiapi.

"We hope that this project will have a positive impact on the development of the Riau region in general and be able to contribute significantly to increasing human resource capacity, and transferring knowledge in areas that are passed by the pipeline in particular," said Elok.

    She also hopes that this project can support energy security and contribute positively to improving the national economy. At the same time, the process of managing the Rokan Block continues. Previously, PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR) stated that the mirroring process for existing contracts has now reached 95% or 276 contracts out of a total of 290 contracts. 

    On the other hand, PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia has completed the PSC termination checklist provisional document on February 25, 2021. In addition, as of May, asset reporting has reached 81%, of which around 109 thousand assets have been physically inspected and reported. While the closing of project reports reached 70% or around 2,940 reports that have been completed.

    Pertamina Hulu President Director Rokan (PHR) Jaffee A Suardin had said that his party was trying to make the transfer of management process run smoothly according to the timeline.

"So that on August 8 and 9, 2021, there will be a seamless management transfer process, without pause, both in terms of operations and support," said Jaffee.

Investor Daily, Page-10, Wednesday, July 6, 2021

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