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Monday, July 12, 2021

Premier Oil Continues Tuna Block Development

    Premiere Oil Tuna BV continues the development of the Tuna Block on the Indonesian border with Vietnam, by drilling the Lion Sea-2 exploration well. The drilling of this well ensures the volume of the block's oil and gas reserves located in the Natuna waters.

    Secretary of the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) Taslim Yunus appreciated Premiere Oil for continuing to develop the Tuna Block during the Covid-19 pandemic. He hopes that the drilling of exploration wells in the block can produce oil and gas reserves according to the target.

Blogger Agus Purnomo in SKK Migas

"The drilling has been carried out according to the planned schedule, and has started on Sunday (July, 3)," he said.

    He explained the target depth of the Sea Lion-2 drilling is 9,566 feet measure depth /FtMD. After that, Premier will continue drilling exploration wells at Kuda Laut-2 Field with a target depth of 10,452 feet from the seabed (true vertical depth subsea/TVDSS). The drilling of these two wells includes deep-sea drilling or 1,000 meters below sea level.

"From the two wells, it is hoped that there will be additional proven gas reserves of around 470 BCF (billion cubic feet / billion cubic feet)," said Taslim.

    Previously, Premier Oil had carried out 2D and 3D seismic acquisitions. The British oil and gas company has also drilled four exploration wells, namely the North Elephant Sea-1, North Sea Eel-1, Sea Horse-1, and Sea Lion-1. This activity is part of the implementation of definite commitments that must be fulfilled by Premiere Oil.

    In the Tuna Block, referring to the Premiere Oil website, there are two fields to be developed, namely the Sea Horse Field and the Sea Lion Field. Based on data from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, oil reserves in the Tuna Block reach 2,127 million barrels and gas at 12.36 billion cubic feet. 

    Meanwhile, the block area reaches 2,450.29 square kilometers. The Tuna Block has a strategic role in Indonesia's geopolitics because it is located on the border with Vietnam and close to the South China Sea.

"Utilizing the potential of oil and gas in the area is part of the support for the upstream oil and gas industry in an effort to assert Indonesia's sovereignty in border areas," said Taslim.

Investor Daily, Page-10, Wednesday, July 7, 2021

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