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Saturday, August 14, 2021

After Block Rokan Returns to Indonesia

    After 97 years in the hands of PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI), the Rokan Block is finally managed independently by Indonesia starting August 9, 2021. The oil and gas block located in Riau Province is now managed by PT Pertamina [Persero] through its business unit, PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan [PHR].

    The Rokan Block is one of the three largest oil blocks that support national oil and gas production. Until the first semester of this year alone, Blok Rokan supports 24 percent of national oil and gas production. According to SKK Migas records, the Rokan Block's production reached 160,646 barrels per day. In fact, the Rokan Block is an old oil field that has been operating for almost a century.

Blogger Agus Purnomo In SKK Migas

    However, in addition to the still large production, around the oil and gas field, there are still potential reserves that can be developed. Since May 2019, the government has officially handed over the rights to manage the Rokan Block to Pertamina. Two years before Chevron contract period ended, various efforts were made by the two companies to make the transition to management. President Joko Widodo [Jokowi] welcomed the transfer of management of the Rokan Block to Pertamina.

President Joko Widodo [Jokowi]

"Congratulations on the return of the management of the Rokan Block to Indonesia and congratulations on working for the entire team from Pertamina," Jokowi said in a statement videos uploaded by Pertamina through their social media accounts.

    Jokowi said the transfer of management of the Rokan Block was a challenge to prove Indonesia's capabilities. Therefore, he also advised that the productivity of the Rokan Block would not decrease after being managed by Pertamina.

"Don't let the productivity of the Rokan Block decrease even after we manage it ourselves," he said.

    The President asked Pertamina to work hard to maintain the sustainability of the Rokan Block as a support for national oil production and increase benefits for the region. Jokowi believes Pertamina is capable of managing the Rokan Block.

the Rokan Block Chevron

    One day after the Rokan Block was officially managed by Pertamina, SOE Minister Erick Thohir directly inspected the Rokan Block. Erick visited Central Gathering Station ll), Duri Steamflood [CGS ll) DSP), Dori, Bengkalis. 

Erick Thohir 

    Erick Thohir reviewed the utilization and recycling of produced water in a high-tech and environmentally friendly steam flood system. The facility at CGS II is also the largest for the Duri field by processing 200 thousand barrels of fluid per day and oil production of around 19 thousand barrels per day. day.

    During the visit, Erick also had a dialogue and gave motivation to the workers, he also appreciated the number of CPI workers who joined PHR.

"I really appreciate you with open arms, 98 percent of them have joined. Let's work together to improve SOEs," said Erick.

    Erick wants the Rokan Block to increase production, especially for state income. In addition, PHR is also expected to provide public services that have an impact on the welfare of the community.

 "What's interesting is that we [SOEs] also run public services, one of which is through CSR, especially at this time for handling Covid-19," said Erick.

Nicke Widyawati

Eco Friendly

    Pertamina President Director Nicke Widyawati when accompanying Erick Thohir to visit the Rokan Block also explained Pertamina's business vision to PHR workers. Nicke said Pertamina wanted an energy transition from fossil fuels to New and Renewable Energy [EBT]

"Therefore, we must focus on changing our operations towards being more environmentally friendly," said Nicke.

    According to Nicke, Pertamina has made a number of efforts in responding to the energy transition for business continuity in the future. One of these efforts is to integrate refineries with petrochemicals.

"We will enter petrochemicals whose growth will continue to increase. In the last five to 10 years, the growth was 3.5 percent and is predicted to increase to 5.5 percent per year. So, we will switch from fuel to petrochemical-based on the oil we have,” said Nicke.

    The Rokan Block stretches across five regencies in Riau Province, namely Bengkalis, Siak, Kampar, Rokan Hulu, and Rokan Hilir regencies. This strategic oil block is the second largest in Indonesia with an oil production target of around 165,000 barrels per day in 2021 or around 24 percent of production. national.

    Pertamina has expressed its commitment to maintaining production after the transfer of management by carrying out predetermined drilling in the period August-December 2021 as many as 163 wells. The total consists of 84 new wells and 77 ex-Chevron wells. Next, in 2022, It is planned that there will be an additional 500 wells.

    Nicke previously emphasized that Pertamina would strive to maintain the production of the Rokan Block. Pertamina will carry out an advanced oil recovery (EOR) project to carry out aggressive drilling.

    Pertamina has allocated US$2 billion by 2025. This fund will be used by Pertamina for drilling, development, and maintaining production. Nicke added that Pertamina is also committed to exploring the Rokan Block because there are still potential reserves that can be developed.

"There are still many non-conventional fields that can be developed to support national production," said Nicke.

    Not only the Rokan Block who returned to Indonesia. One of the large power plants in Rokan which also supplies steam in the Rokan Block, namely the Mandau Cipta Power Nusantara (MCTN) Power Plant, has been officially managed by PT PLN (Persero)."

    For PLN, this is proof that we are able to manage power plants to meet electricity needs in large-scale oil and gas working areas, such as the Rokan Block," said PLN President Director Zulkifli Zaini.

    To ensure the supply of electricity and steam in the operation of the Rokan WK, PLN and PHR have agreed and signed a power and steam sale and purchase agreement (PJBTLU) on February 1, 2021. During the transition period, PLN utilizes existing power plants that will last for three years. PLN has acquired shares of the existing power plant which has been electrifying WK ​​Rokan, namely PLTG North Duri Cogen 300 MW and supported by PLTG Minas and Central Duri of 130 MW

"In the short term, we will use electricity from the generator, which has been supplying electricity to Rokan, while for the past three years we have prepared the electricity network to connect the Rokan WK with the Sumatra electricity system," said Zulkifli.

    In the second phase, the permanent service period will rely on PLN's generators and network starting in 2024. PLN will interconnect the Rokan Block system with the Sumatran electricity system with a capacity of 400 megawatts (MW).

Republika, Page-1, Thursday, Aug 12, 2021

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