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Thursday, November 4, 2021

Pertamina Synergizes with ExxonMobil


    Erick Thohir wants SOEs to follow the principles of a green economy in transforming their business.

Erick Thohir

    PT Pertamina Holding synergizes with ExxonMobil in the development of carbon capture and utilization and storage (CCUS) technology. The cooperation was carried out by Pertamina in line with the business transformation steps towards a green economy.

“The application of CCUS technology is part of Pertamina's energy transition to clean energy agenda.

Nicke Widyawati

    This low-carbon technology will support Pertamina's business sustainability in the future," said Pertamina President Director Nicke Widyawati.

    Nicke and ExxonMobil Indonesia President Irtiza H Sayyed have signed a memorandum of understanding at the United Nations Climate Change (PEB) Summit in Glasgow, Scotland, Monday (Nov 1, 2021).

    Nicke said the challenge in developing CCUS lies in the large investment value and the economic value that is not yet ideal. In responding to this challenge, Pertamina continues to synergize and cooperate with various world oil and gas companies so that it can accelerate the implementation of CCUS through technology transfer, joint development, and increased capacity building. Together with ExxonMobil, Nicke added, Pertamina will also develop the application of low-carbon technology to achieve net-zero emissions in promoting global climate goals.

    Nicke explained that the CCUS technology was applied through the application of a carbon dioxide (CO2) injection process into the subsurface layer to be applied in depleted reservoirs in Pertamina's working area, as well as assessing the potential for hubs and cluster schemes. Nicke said Pertamina had initiated several CCUS projects in the oil and gas field with the potential to reduce carbon dioxide up to 18 million tons in relation to reducing emissions in the upstream sector.

    One of the CCUS technology developments was carried out in the Gundih Field, Cepu, Central Java, which is integrated with Enhanced Gas Recovery (EGR) technology and has the potential to reduce around 3 million tons of CO2 in 10 years, including increasing oil and gas production. Nicke said the project is planned to be operational in 2026.

    Nicke added that Pertamina and ExxonMobil will also study the sharing of technical subsurface data needed for the assessment of subsurface formation as a place to store CO2 and its characteristics at certain locations in Indonesia. The two companies will also review the sharing of infrastructure data including data on pipelines, facilities, and wells to evaluate the reuse of existing infrastructure for transportation. 

    Nicke said the government has set a roadmap for the transition of energy from fossil to new and renewable energy that is in line with the principles of energy security, accessibility, and affordability.

"From that perspective, Pertamina will continue to strive for a balance between the climate change agenda and energy security in Indonesia and also for the company's sustainability," said Nicke.

State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN)

    The Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) continues to encourage Pertamina to synergize with various parties, including global companies in the development of CCUS technology.

"This CCUS collaboration is a step to make it happen. This partnership is very important to reduce the effect of greenhouse gases and increase the national oil gas production capacity," said SOE Minister Erick Thohir.

    The Ministry of SOEs has also introduced a sustainable policy, namely an environmentally friendly lifestyle (eco-lifestyle). Erick said the policy was aimed at creating a better place for the future generation of Indonesia through green energy initiatives.

Credit Photo by Christopher Furlong / POOL / AFP
President Joko Widodo - PM Boris Johnson

    In a bilateral meeting between President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and British Prime Minister (PM) Boris Johnson on the sidelines of the COP26 World Leaders Summit, at the Scottish Event Campus, Glasgow, Scotland, Monday (1 Nov 2021), Erick said, international trust The positive projection of Indonesia's economic growth in the future must be responded with full responsibility.

    According to Erick, the plans of several countries to invest to develop and accelerate the green economy in Indonesia will be a challenge for SOEs. Erick said that if President Jokowi emphasized green investment and technology as the key to the green economy transition, Johnson conveyed the UK's interest in investing in the form of export credits that could be used for the green economy transition.

    Erick sees this as an opportunity that must be implemented so that the transformation carried out by SOEs must uphold the principles of clean energy transformation while accelerating the green economy.

"I hope that our energy SOEs, such as PLN, Pertamina, and the mineral and coal industries can respond and carry out the transformation of clean energy and reduce carbon emissions. After all, this is a shared responsibility for the sustainability of our environment," said Erick.

    Erick added that SOEs' intensive efforts to transform by carrying out various programs and business model innovations must view the responsibility to reduce emissions not as a burden, but also as an opportunity to carry out a low-carbon economic transformation.

Republika, Page-9, Thursday, Nov 4, 2021

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