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Friday, December 31, 2021

Three Buyers of HCML Gas Transactions in Bali

    Husky-CNOOC Madura Limited (HCML) awarded the MAC Field production transaction at The 2nd International Convention on Indonesian Upstream Oil and Gas (IOG 2021), in Denpasar, 29 November-1 December 2021. This gas sale and purchase agreement were signed by the General Manager HCML Mr. Kang An.

    There are three gas buyers, namely PT Petrokimia Gresik, PT Inti Alasindo Energy, and PT Bayu Buana Gemilang. "This is something that should be welcomed as part of business continuity as well as efforts to meet the national gas demand in Indonesia," he said.

    He hopes that HCML's productivity will be maintained so that it can fulfill its vision, which is to become the largest gas producer in East Java and the operator of choice in Indonesia.

"And fulfill the mission, which is to provide added value to stakeholders for superior operations in the oil and gas business, with a strong commitment to ethical values, health, safety, and the environment," said Kang An.

    In this year's exhibition, HCML also successfully won awards in several fields. Namely the first in the Best SCM WP&B 2020 category: USD 25 Million -<USD 300 Million, the first winner in the Best Career Development Monitoring Category P4, the second winner in The Best Financial Performance category, and the second winner in the Operational Excellence Achievement category (Category). 10–50k BOEPD).

    Receiving this award is a symbol of hard work and recognition from the government, in this case, SKK Migas, for HCML's continuous improvement and improvement efforts in various fields in carrying out its operations.

"Hopefully this will be a motivation, desire, or measure for us to ensure that everything that has been good is maintained and hopefully it must be improved," concluded Kang An.

Harian Bangsa, Page-14, Friday, Dec 3, 2021

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