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Thursday, January 27, 2022

After Selling the Land, and Now I Haven't Income


Surya Daily

    After Selling the Land, and Now I Haven't Income - The story of a billionaire village resident in Jenu District, Tuban, East Java, Indonesia has not yet been completed. After receiving compensation from the sale of land for the Pertamina Grass Root Refinery (GRR) oil refinery project in a local sub-district, now the bad news is coming.

Rosneft Oil Company

    This was discovered during a demonstration by residents of six villages around the joint venture company Pertamina and Rosneft from Russia, Monday (24 January). The six villages are Wadung Village, Mentoso, Rawasan, Sumurgeneng, Beji and Kaliuntu, Jenu District.

    An old man, named Musanam, a resident of Wadung Village, admitted that he regretted selling his land and house to PT Pertamina Rosneft Processing and Petrokimia (PT PRPP) a year ago. Now the 60-year-old grandfather no longer has a steady income like every harvest season. To meet the needs of daily life, he was forced to sell his cattle.

"I have sold three cows to eat and now there are three cows left," he said on the sidelines of the demonstration.

    Another resident named Mugi, aged 60 years, is another billionaire village resident. After selling his 2.4-hectare land to the state-owned company, he is now having a hard time getting an income every harvest. If you usually can get Rp 40 million at harvest, now you no longer get that result.

"In the past, I planted corn and chilies, each time I harvested Rp 40 million. Now I no longer have income, after selling the land," he said.

    He also said that his land was sold for Rp. 2.5 billion and then the money was used for daily needs, the rest he saved. Mugi remembers that Pertamina used to often visit him when he was in the fields to sell the land. All persuasion was offered, including a job offer for his son. But until now, the offer has never been realized.

"In the past, I was visited by Pertamina to want to sell the land, they promised to give jobs to my children but nothing has been realized until now," he said.

    Previously, an alliance of residents of six villages was demonstrated at the Pertamina GRR oil refinery. Around 100 people involved the Youth Association of six villages in the company's ring area, regarding PT PRPP which was considered uncooperative. The field coordinator for the demonstration, Suwarno, said that there were five demands from the community. 

    First, prioritizing affected residents regarding security recruitment. Second, all vendors at Pertamina in the recruitment of workers must coordinate with the village. Third, in accordance with the promise and development goals, Pertamina must provide opportunities and education for affected residents.

    Fourth, if Pertamina is able to employ pensioners who in fact are elderly, why are affected people who should be empowered even made it difficult to work under the pretext of age restrictions. Fifth, remove vendors and individuals within the Pertamina project scope who are not pro to the affected people.

"This action is the result of Pertamina's lack of transparency in the villages around the company. We urge the demands to be realized," he told reporters.

    Company representatives who met the protesters said they would convey the residents' demands to the leadership.

"We will convey it to the leadership," said Solikin, who is the company's representative at the location.

    Meanwhile, PT PRPP Yuli Wahyu Witranta's Corporate Affairs, when confirmed regarding the actions of residents around the company, did not provide a detailed response. From the confirmation efforts made, he replied that there would be a release. But until late at night when it was reconfirmed, Yuli replied that she couldn't approval from the International Pertamina Refinery (KPI).

Surya, Page-1, Tuesday, Jan 25, 2022

#Rosneft, #PT PRPP, #PT Pertamina Rosneft Processing and Petrokimia (PT PRPP)

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