, pub-9591068673925608, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 America Wants to Profit from the Ukraine-Russia Conflict!!! - MEDIA MONITORING OIL AND GAS -->

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Friday, May 13, 2022

America Wants to Profit from the Ukraine-Russia Conflict!!!

    It seems that America does not want the war in Ukraine to stop, even as Putin said during the Victory Day military parade on May 9, 2012 yesterday. Russia won big and will defend the territory it already controls, which is 20% of Ukraine's East Side.

    Russia succeeded in liberating the territories that were colonized by western countries. On the American side, the allies and Nato will arm Ukraine to become an attacker in the territory that has been controlled by Russia. Why did they do that? how did war machine entrepreneurs profit from the war in Ukraine?

    How did the war machine giants profit from the war in Ukraine? America in the 70 years after the second world war launched more than 80 military attacks that can be patterned as attacks, namely 70% of its territory is the territory of countries producing fossil oil or oil and gas.

    The rest is territory that is expected to be taken by the communists in ideological matters, therefore it is attacked by America, and the rest is to influence a government to submit to America. Because the candidate for leader or leader in a country is indeed anti-American, therefore it must be controlled in quotation marks from the point of view of geopolitics and American-style foreign strategy.

    America is a private country, where weapons of war are private producers. War for war equipment entrepreneurs is a big harvest because America's GDP 25% is obtained from the sale of this war equipment and 43 percent of world war weapons are produced and sold by America to countries around the world.

    Back in the days of Dwight Eisenhower, America's 34th President during the cold war with the Soviets after the second world war once detailed how much it would cost or cost a bomber to generate two power plants for 500,000 residents.

    Building one fighter jet can be used to build 100 school buildings plus two modern hospitals with complete facilities. The cost of building a destroyer ship is worth 500 km of asphalt road or US$ 1.843 Billion per ship. With the cost of an aircraft carrier, we can build a city with 80,000 residential buildings.

    At the end of his tenure, Dwight Eisenhower 1961 warned of the dangers of the Industrial Military Complex as an economic tool because it requires that there is always bloodshed or war.

    As a record of the era of the 34th president, the era after the second world war, America was in the prime of baby boomers and there was no military war which meant only an intelligence war, but the race for weapons from NATO, the Allies, and the Soviet Union was racing on a massive scale after he was replaced by Kennedy who did not want war except for an attack on the Bay of Pigs to Cuba and America was defeated which according to the next conspiracy news Kennedy was executed by CIA insiders themselves for the sake of holding the war in Vietnam.

    After Kennedy's Vice President Lindon B. Johnson became president, the Vietnam war broke out. 40 years after Dwight Eisenhower said in 1961 or around 2001 a Russian leader on his journey to this day revives Russia with his new Soviet.

    It's been more than 20 years since he became the Russian autocracy, which for the past two months has made Europe enter a dark era since the Second World War with this Ukrainian war, who actually won? Ukrainian side? or the Russian side that we can confirm the winner is the Military-Industrial Complex.

    These war equipment entrepreneurs certainly do not want the war in Ukraine to end. They paid anything to the countries of Western Europe, especially America for the sake of continuing the Ukraine war. Even though what is being sold is in the name of democracy or in the name of humanity, Putin has repeatedly said.


    This is all because of NATO, this is all because of western countries. Russia is defending and defending its rights. Should we not survive and defend ourselves from the attack of NATO annexation which will also strangle the Russian economy? OK, let's just go to war with an embargo and economic sanctions, because it's the same later or now, it's better now Russia is better prepared.

    We discuss data on the supply of world war equipment, the fact is that 80% of manufacturers of war equipment are from six main countries, namely the United States, Russia, Britain, China, France, and Germany.

    Outside of China, Russia's arms producers whose aggressors and weapons providers are America, Britain, France, and Germany, are all directly involved at this time in the Ukraine war and what's even more amazing is that the five countries involved in the war in Ukraine are permanent members of the UN Security Council which have The veto rights are America, Britain, Germany, France, and Russia, which should be a buffer for world peace, instead, they are directly involved in the war.

    Maybe hobby is war? and of course, America is the most prominent country because 80% of the procurement of world war equipment is America providing 43 percent of it.

    Why America is the world's largest exporter of war weapons is because the top five war equipment companies are in America, namely Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Northrop, Raytheon, and finally General Dynamic.

Javelin sent to Ukraine

    American-made weapons are currently all in Ukraine. The killer weapon, namely the most modern Lethal Weapon is there, such as Switch Blade Drones, Armor and Tactical Vehicles, Howitzers, anti-tank Javelin Missiles, and so on.

Anti-tank Javelin Missiles

    The point is currently the war equipment businessmen are convincing the American government to prepare additional ammunition and weapons for Ukraine and its allies for the war in Ukraine.

    So, the question is who wants the war to end? It is certain that the superpower countries do not want this war to end. Countries that have great power are indeed looking for excuses for long continuous wars. What are the suggestions for other small countries? Are we going to be a balancing nation? if so, decide for si vis Pacem para Bellum. If you want peace, prepare for war.


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