, pub-9591068673925608, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 IS THIS PUTIN'S NEW WE4PON WITH BIT COIN - MEDIA MONITORING OIL AND GAS -->

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Wednesday, May 18, 2022



    Seeing the record of Russia's steps against western sanctions, Putin bravely fought economic sanctions with economic steps as well, namely buying Russian gas and oil, having to pay using the Ruble which is Backed By Gold, and can also receive gold in addition to paying using Ruble.

    In connection with this, many economic observers and military observers have said that from the start, Putin's intention was not only to attack Ukraine to protect the Buffer Country's borders from NATO attacks, where NATO has annexed 12 ex-Soviet countries in the last 15 years. being a member of the defense fact that is present to fight Russia, but actually, Putin really wants to challenge the dollar, challenge the hegemony of world security guards, and challenge America.

    Putin challenges the dollar. What happens if in fact since 2009. Where the dollar was challenged by the digital currency Bitcoin, it turned out that Putin was behind it. We will slowly explain this conspiracy analysis with the history of colonialization and dollarization.

    In the Lebensraum or living space strategy or maintaining the livelihood of a region, colonizing an area to take the wealth of a country is something that powerful countries usually do.

    China uses a 5.0 colonization strategy that uses an economic approach or an economics approach to annex the wealth of a region. Colonialization version 5.0 using soft power seemed to help as if the area in the colony was taken for its natural wealth was assisted by helping to build something even though making it was built using a debt scheme which did not necessarily profit because there were no local elements built or used, or only land. course, which in the future will entangle the colony.

    Russia on the other side of America and the allies is also expansive but uses its colonial strategy using the colonialization model version 3.0, which is annexed states that become part of the confederation.

    If the colonialization version 2.0 is like the old Europeans in the style of the Netherlands, England, Spain, and France, in the Middle Ages. Colonizing and taking an area of ​​the country into a colony or making a colony.

    Colonialization version 1.0 is Genghis Khan's method, the Roman way of expanding territory to neighboring countries was physically annexed then the local rulers were people from the center, and the governor was usually the position of expansion of the territory attached to the border, the key to colonialization version 1.0.

    Meanwhile, if Colonialization version 3.0 of the region is free of state, it can only do two things, namely financial monetary, and military.

    Money-Monetary is Central, and the military is also Central. As for the local police, the tax is local colonialization version 2.0, the area is far away, and only natural wealth is taken until the colony is poor, then abandoned.

    Returning to Putin challenging the dollar has been proven since the last 10 years the Russian cyber Army attacked America one day can be more than 10,000 attacks. One of the successful attacks was Hillary's email was leaked to the public right on a quiet week in the presidential election which made Hillary lose at that time.

    In a cyberattack, it can be estimated that in the 2024 American Presidential Election, Donald Trump will definitely be assisted by Putin because Trump will take Backed By Gold dollars and create a Federal Reserve under the ministry of finance and this is indeed the same way of managing Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) adopted by Indonesia. Later, Rupiah by Gold and Bank Indonesia will be under the Ministry of Finance to become the Directorate General of Monetary, in the same principle.

    In terms of the Russian cyber Army, Russia's sophistication and technology are indeed thumbs up, the cyber Army is the best if America is strong in the military, physically, China excels in the production of necessities, Russia is superior in digital technology, even though the technology on the Orlan-10 Drone still uses ancient technology. such as Canon entry-level DSLR Camera, Duct Tape, and Bottle Top...Lol.

    Russia and China have repeatedly stated that they prefer to pay for their country's products using rubles for Russia and Yuan for China, this is a form of resistance for countries that lose influence, and they will surely fall.

    If in the Free Thinker's mind, dollars printed without any guarantee is an insult to other sovereign countries, it is very surprising that an official of a country defends to death dollars that are not their country's currency, a lot of foreign exchange is recorded in dollars. Building the country a lot of using dollar loans.

    Truly blind faith in the dollar is absolute stupidity because it reflects a lack of courage to be sovereign. In the future, Indonesian government officials must play more beautiful things to remind all of us, because it is true that the dollars that are released as gold guarantees are very unfair!!!

    Millennial officials don't like it, because millennial officials are free humans aka Freethinkers. We examine the next pressure weapon, namely Bitcoin.

    Bitcoin, which was originally issued with a total of 21 million Bitcoins, has now circulated around 18.9 million Bitcoins that have been mined or exist in the world.

    Satoshi represents 1/100,000 Bitcoin. Satoshi is the smallest unit of Bitcoin. This cryptocurrency is named after Satoshi Nakamoto, the founder of the protocol used in the blockchain and Cryptocurrency of Bitcoin.

Satoshi Sakamoto

    Who is Satoshi Nakamoto? The answer is that there are no real humans. This is just a fictitious creation where in order to maintain confidentiality and the amount of Bitcoin in circulation is always constant, the Mother Chain Blockchain key of BTC or Bitcoin is lost.

Nick Szabo

    Nick Szabo is a computer scientist, the creator of bitcoin, a law scholar, and a cryptographer known for his research in digital contracts and digital currencies. He graduated from the University of Washington in 1989 with a degree in computer science and received a law degree from the George Washington University Law School.

Hal Finney

    Harold Thomas Finney is a developer for PGP Corporation and was the second developer to be hired after Phil Zimmermann. Hal Finney is one of the bitcoin creator Teams

Here is one of the digital footprints on Twitter of Hal Finney launching Bitcoin in 2009.

Phil Zimmermann

    Philip R. Zimmermann (born 1954) is an American computer scientist and cryptographer. He is the creator of Pretty Good Privacy (PGP), the most widely used email encryption software in the world. He is also known for his work in VoIP encryption protocols, most notably ZRTP and Zfone. Zimmermann is the co-founder and Chief Scientist of the global encrypted communications company Silent Circle. Philip R. Zimmermann is one of the bitcoin creator Teams.

    Disappeared to be like the Holy Grill of Cryptocurrency, when we examined it carefully it turned out that 70% of the initial transactions for buying Bitcoin were accounts from Russia. Could it be a Russian toy? This Japanese Japanese name is just camouflage.

    The history of Bitcoin as a medium of exchange or means of payment was first used to buy two pizza pans, approximately the largest pizza worth 8 dollars, paid for with 10,000 Bitcoin.

    Imagine on 3-1-2009 bitcoin was launched to the public at a price of 0.0008 per 1 Bitcoin and then in 2010 for the first time, Bitcoin was traded outside the digital world with a barter system for two pizzas pans paid for 10,000 pieces of Bitcoin.

    Do you know how much 10,000 Bitcoin is now? 1 Bitcoin is currently around 500 million aka 10,000 Bitcoin. Buy the most expensive pizza in the world, the value is as bad as 5 Trillion Rupiah.

    Back to Putin, many financial observers suspect that Bitcoin is a Russian Conspiracy to attack the dollar. Russia really wants to attack the financial supremacy of the Dollar because it is considered dishonest and fools the world.

Bitcoin is a long-term plan designed to attack the hegemony of the dollar as well as open fake information, and fake education about the dollar in the economic system led by Western countries.

    That is the idea of Putin who wants the destruction of the Western economy while he is still in office. Putin's current strategy is to use Roble by Gold as well as pay in gold against Russian oil and gas and then promote Bitcoin as a digital payment instrument in the commercial world outside of Russia of course.

    Yesterday, it was just announced that Gucci, a well-known fashion brand, stated that starting next month it will accept Cryptocurrency as a means of payment. This is one of the results of Putin's last meeting with French leader Emmanuel Macron who coded for France to play Cryptocurrency to which Gucci responded and soon Balenciaga, Bottega, Veneta, Alexander McQueen, and Yves Saint Laurent will accept crypto as a means of payment.

    Meanwhile in Indonesia, although not yet a medium of exchange, Cryptocurrency transactions on the Indonesia Exchange in the last two years will increase drastically.

    Even in the financial records of CoFTRA (Commodity Futures Trading Supervisory Agency) transactions per day on the crypto exchange in Indonesia are worth 2.8 trillion Rupiah per day compared to the Indonesian Stock Exchange, which has stood for more than thirty years, the average transaction per day is only 9 Trillion Rupiah. With the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), transactions per day are 60 Billion Dollars or 100 transactions on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. 

    Then if we compare with Binance transactions, the largest Cryptocurrency exchange in the world, transactions on Binance are close to 80 billion dollars per day, above the NYSE, which is already 100 years before Binance.

    Cryptocurrency starts to shine especially when it starts to be used as a means of payment, the volume of crypto trading will be even greater if you consider the history of money, then Cryptocurrency, NFT (Non-Fungible Token) is a tablet and barter version 2.0!!!

    A counterattack by Russia with Ruble by Gold. Gold, and Bitcoin transactions as a means of digital commercial payment in the world, will make the dollar inflamed. The question is, will Putin be made like Kaddafi? Or will it be world war 3??? let's just wait for the game Putin and Biden.


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