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Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Putin Has Turned Off Gas to European!!! 2 Months again Europe goes Dark!!!

    Last Sunday, Russia stopped its gas shipments to Poland and Bulgaria, because they didn't want to pay using gold standard rubles or gold, Germany immediately rushed to pay Russia's gas and oil bills with rubles.

    The Russian company Gazprom has stopped its gas shipments to Poland, where 45 percent of the gas source comes from Gazprom, and Bulgaria, where 90% of the gas depends on Gazprom. 

    Currently, it has not had an impact, because it was stopped by Russia. again panicking in a matter of months as his reserves are currently only 75% full and, soon to be depleted.

    The European Union considers Russia to be a challenging war to which Russia answered "I told you not to mess with Russia. We warn you already! We all know since a month ago Putin made the decision that all Russian products are paid for in rubles.

    Kiril Petrov, Bulgaria's prime minister, was annoyed and thought that Russia had violated the gas sale and purchase contract. But Putin doesn't care, we also know that oil and gas are not easily replaced immediately compared to consumer goods at home, for example, when bottled chili sauce and tomato sauce run out, we can replace it with Sambal chili sauce made immediately. replace its sources for gas and oil.

    You have to prepare new pipelines, and new distribution channels, it will take years to build. We return to Russia, which forces us to use gold or rubles based on gold. This reminds us one more thing about the bargaining power of the dollar, which is challenged by rubles, and gold makes our wild brains boiling feel the injustice of the dollar start. 

    Should we also use Gold? How before we decide, we discuss the history of money and the history of gold as a means of payment transactions, payment instruments at first using the barter system, where goods were exchanged for goods recorded in its first history in the Mesopotamian region until the heyday of Babylon.

    The exchange of goods with goods recorded on a piece of clay or a tablet is due to its complexity because it evaluates an item to be exchanged so recording on a tablet is to remind us that there are advantages or disadvantages in the form of numbers, which if done now are very inaccurate.

    For example, eggs are exchanged for goats, 1000 eggs are for example the value of one goat, while those who have eggs only need a portion of goat meat. At that time, the complexity of thousands of years of transactions was solved by simplifying the payment notes on the tablet and replaced with high-value neutral objects, namely by using an agreement to pay using gold.

    Initially, it was in Greek times around 700 BC, aka the world for 2000 years, before Coinmas were used as a medium of exchange of trust, transactions still used barter which was recorded on the tablet with the presence of gold coins of various sizes, the presence of recording on the tablet was no longer needed after buying and selling. 

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    Using gold coins, the trade relationship has ended. Gold coins are also called fungible, because they can be a medium of exchange for any goods because of the similarity in value, fast forward to the 14th century when the paper was used as a means of payment which is lighter and more detailed in value.

    For a moment, let's take a break, here, we will discuss this light and detailed paper money that actually speeds up the exchange of goods and accelerates economic growth in a region. Compared to 2000 years of transactions using barter and tablets, the world economy has not been evenly distributed only in certain areas of the earth, then when using gold, gold coins as a fungible object of exchange, the world economy began to move fast.

    The Silkroad is one of the masterpieces of this transaction using gold. Then since the 14th century, the world's economy has increased again with advances in machinery technology, shipping, and the search for raw materials in the new world region making Europe in an instant the wealthiest continent in the world at that time because of the ease of transacting in medieval Europe which became prosperous quickly because transactions used paper as well. 

    Still in line with transactions using Gold coins because each issue of the paper is supported by physical goods of gold as a guarantee for the issuance of the paper money and the issuance of the money is only from a public trust institution combined from a place for storing money, namely a bank and a government.

    For this reason, the gold standard was finally met to support the value of paper money or Fiat Money where England 1821 was the first country to use it and since then the pound sterling has become the world currency because the majority of trade transactions around the world at that time mostly ended in the British empire which The colonies are all around the earth.

    Then in 1971 America with its dollar which began to dominate 60% of world trade negates the convertibility of gold against the dollar or gold is no longer a guarantee for the issuance of Fiat money dollars.

    Okay, let's limit the information this time about money and the evolution of money, but again reminding the injustice of printing money dollars that Russia is actually being challenged by Ruble backed by Gold or it can be a second option where Russia also accepts pure bullion gold, 99.99 percent as a medium of exchange for buying products. prepare for oil and gas.

    Even though Russia is only twelve percent of the world's oil and gas producer, where Russia's oil and natural gas in the world, maybe only be one percent of the dollar transaction value, if America and Nato's allied countries are constantly challenged, it will become even more diverse. which is challenging because many countries are inspired, including Indonesia's new mind, the dollar can lose confidence as a country's foreign exchange reserves and as a means of world payment.

# Geopilitics

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