Monday, July 4, 2022


    Indonesia's foreign geopolitics must be raised even higher if it wants to become a Global Player country. One way is how to make all neighboring countries respect Indonesia. The Indonesian state must quickly gather this "respect". Really "respect is something we have to earn", that respect cannot be forced, it must be collected little by little. For that, we must understand what happened to the movement of the Melanesian race.


    We have to make a special strategy to build respect in Eastern Indonesia, which is currently a struggle for influence between The Quadrilateral (QUAD) and China. So, the first stage is that we must be able to answer why Vanuatu and Solomon Island are so anti-Indonesia, they often attack Indonesia and even the United Liberation Movement of West Papua (ULMWP) or the separatist movement to liberate Papua from the territory of the Republic of Indonesia built and based in Vanuatu.

    We will discuss this issue, regarding this region, including discussing China's steps which are twice as fast as the steps of Australia and America to control the territory.

    We will continue the discussion about the eastern part of Indonesia. I briefly discussed asymmetrical warfare, which is a form of war that is dissimilar. If we compare it to the business world, the post office is not able to compete quickly with SMS or WhatsApp in the information war. The business model is different from correspondence to SMS and WA, but the service at the post office will slowly die.

    So in the "Asymmetric War" where the enemy uses Military Hard Power using weapons, there is no need to fight with weapons frontally but can fight with other forms, namely war of diplomacy or war of political influence plus an economic war.

Back to Papua. Currently, there are OPM or ULMWP terrorists in Papua who always kill civilians, teachers, doctors, bridge workers, and telecommunications employees, an organization that wants Papua to be separated from Indonesia, and the ULMWP (United Liberation Movement of West Papua) is not fighting arms but building diplomacy to Europe and Africa also to the Melanesian region.

    Let's explain a little about the Melanesian race. There are five provinces in Indonesia whose population is Melanesian, such as West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), Flores, Maluku, and Papua. The Melanesian race is the same as the population in Papua New Guinea (PNG), Fiji, Vanuatu, Nauru, Solomon Islands, and so on.

    The United Liberation Movement of West Papua (ULMWP) is culturally close, racially, and diplomatically, to Melanesian countries in the South Pacific. The Indonesian Ambassador to New Zealand has a tough task. The ambassador is very serious about fighting the asymmetric war in Papua, it requires the seriousness of the Indonesian government.

    We see the weakness of the state in the past that must be a lesson and not be repeated again. For example in the case of the seizure of the island of Sipadan-Ligitan which was annexed by Malaysia. Malaysia took the island from Indonesia without using weapons. Malaysia has been working asymmetrically with Indonesia for more than 20 years in silence, and in Shadow.

    Malaysia lobbied the International Court of Justice, and Malaysia lobbied the United Nations (UN). Then placing traditional Malaysian fishermen continue to circulate in the area of ​​the 2 islands on the border with Indonesia so the Currency Ringgit is used, and Malaysian radio broadcasts, so that local residents only know Malaysia.

    When the time was right, Tipping Point Malaysia claimed the island of Sipadan-Ligitan. Wuuzzz, the territory is gone from the Indonesian island. Indonesia lost diplomacy at the international level, and Indonesia lost evidence. Because the residents already use the Malaysian language, the Malaysian currency, the radio broadcasts in Malaysian, Malaysian songs are played every day on the radio, marrying local Indonesians even though the island actually belongs to Indonesia. In the end, the island was separated from Indonesia and became the property of Malaysia.


    That's asymmetrical warfare. That is also China's strategy in the war with QUAD in the Pacific. We are again discussing China's strategy against QUAD in the Pacific. Friends, we all know that Pacific countries are not stupid developing countries, they are very good at understanding China's steps.

    China promised many things in the agreement with the Pacific nation such as providing US$ 3 billion to build infrastructure, then a strategy to deal with the impact of climate change that could sink many Pacific islands, sending 200 medical personnel, and 5,000,000 vaccines to deal with the Wuhan virus, sending 2,500 teachers, Lectures, and a thousand soldiers for security.

    In this deal, there is information that China may build a maritime military base and deploy military personnel in the Pacific region. China's foreign minister Wang Yi is a Chinese diplomat and politician who has been a foreign minister since March 2013. He previously served as Deputy Foreign Minister, Ambassador to Japan, and Director of the Taiwan Affairs Office while in the Pacific Islands for several days on a visit to 7 Pacific Countries and 3 virtual meetings with three other countries.

    The center of this movement is all on Solomon Island, and finally in Fiji. Wang Yi gave a press statement on the work plan with the 10 Pacific Countries with China in Fiji country. This China Pacific activity hit the new Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese hard because all of this was happening in Australia's backyard, thus putting QUAD on standby and Canberra rushing to send Australia's foreign minister to Fiji at the same time.

    Indeed, China's plan panicked QUAD, which panicked Australia, which lost its influence in the Pacific countries. There is very interesting information about countries that are being influenced by China. In that Pacific country, there is a very small country that is not visible on the map or the globe, which is against China and does not allow its territory to be fished by China, which does not want to join an agreement with China. This country is Micronesia.

Micronesia Island

    Micronesia is a very small country with a population of only 150,000 people, where the president of Micronesia, David Panuelo, wrote a warning letter to China's 21st Pacific nation's soft power move as a step toward conquest and potentially removing sovereignty from Pacific countries for its own natural wealth.

David Panuelo

    China is considered to be seeking access to control the Pacific region. David Panuelo asked 21 Pacific countries to refuse cooperation with China. On the other hand, China denied the existence of warning letters and emails from the Micronesian leader to all Pacific countries including 10 countries that will carry out economic cooperation with China. How did China know the email was being sent to small countries in the Pacific? You must already know the answer.

Wang Yi

    As Wang Yi denied, the spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs has repeatedly denied the existence of the letter from David Panuelo because China believes this cooperation will benefit all Pacific countries.

    But we believe that Pacific countries also know what is best for their respective countries, and what is the nation's interest in developing forward without being trapped by debt loans from China. Surely they can build their respective countries without debt, hopefully in the end Wang Yi the Chinese foreign minister does not succeed in bringing diplomacy results when he returns to China. Pacific countries, just wait for QUAD. Surely cooperation with QUAD will be more beneficial to both parties, all benefit more fairly.


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