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Thursday, November 17, 2022

Petronas Interested in Working on the Masela Block

    The Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Activities (SKK Migas) stated that a Malaysian oil and gas company, Petronas, expressed interest in working on the Masela Block, replacing Shell, which had left the largest gas project in Indonesia.


    Petronas is also interested in entering into cooperation with Pertamina in terms of replacing Shell if possible. This is the latest development regarding Shell," said Head of SKK Migas Dwi Soetjipto in a hearing with Commission VII.

The Masela Block

    Apart from Petronas, previously there were two companies that were known to be interested in replacing Shell in acquiring a 35% stake in the Masela Block, namely Pertamina and ExxonMobil. Dwi said Pertamina had opened the Masela Block data room this November. It is hoped that Pertamina can submit a Non-Binding Offer to Shell.


    The government is targeting that discussions on the acquisition of Shell's participating interest (PI) in the Masela Block by Pertamina can be completed this year. One of the main conditions for reaching an agreement is the certainty of PI's acquisition value. According to Dwi, Pertamina must find an agreement with Shell to get into the Masela project.


    According to Dwi, Shell already has a minimum value base that must be prepared by Pertamina. This value is the total funds that have been spent by the company while being Inpex's partner in Masela.

Blogger Agus Purnomo in SKK Migas

"Pertamina is negotiating with Shell. SKK Migas monitors and provides direction so that Shell sells at moderate prices. To keep the project going. We wrote to Shell to support the divestment. Around US$1.4 billion has been spent by Shell," Dwi said.

Inpex Corporation

    Meanwhile, for Pertamina, there is ExxonMobil which was also offered by Inpex to conduct the study. SKK Migas said Dwi hopes that there will be opportunities for cooperation between Pertamina and ExxonMobil to open again, instead of the scent of competition. However, it all comes back to the management of each company whether to continue the collaboration as it has been in the Cepu block.

"If all this time ExxonMobil is also conducting studies, it could be a potential collaboration with Pertamina. But we'll see now that each study has its results, whether we want to continue or not," said Dwi.

IDD Project

    Meanwhile, Dwi also stated that the Indonesia Deepwater Development (IDD) project is expected to start running in early 2023, due to the certainty that the replacement operator for PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia will be completed by the end of this year.


“Chevron has decided to leave the IDD project. Now there is a potential replacement. IDD could run next year," said Dwi.

    According to information, an Italian oil and gas company, ENI, is rumored to be controlling 62% of Chevron Pacific Indonesia's (CPI) participating interest in the Indonesia Deepwater Development (IDD) Gas Project. The IDD project has the potential to produce up to 844 million standard cubic feet of gas per day (MMscfd) and 27,000 barrels of oil per day (BOPD). The plan is for the project to be targeted onstream in the fourth quarter of 2027.

Investor Daily, Page-4, Thursday, Nov 17, 2022

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