, pub-9591068673925608, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 After the Accident Incident, Petrochina's Production Activities Are Still Normal - MEDIA MONITORING OIL AND GAS -->

Thursday, January 12, 2023

After the Accident Incident, Petrochina's Production Activities Are Still Normal

    The PetroChina Cooperation Contract Contractor (KKKS) stated that until now, oil and gas production activities in the Jabung Working Area are still proceeding normally, following the accident in the WB-D7 well area in West Tanjung Jabung, Jambi, which is operated by Drilling Service Companies on Monday (9/1).

"Production activities are still ongoing and the investigation process in the field is continuing," PetroChina Vice President Human Resources and Relations Dencio Renato Boele said in a written statement, Wednesday (11/1).

    It was stated that the accident involved three workers, two of whom came from the Bohai Drilling Contractor company and one came from the Great Wall Drilling Contractor. The two service companies are contractors providing the Bohai-85 Rig which is currently carrying out a workover program at the WB-D7 well in the Jabung Working Area.

    Currently, the three workers who were injured in the accident have been treated at a hospital in Jambi. After a thorough examination, one employee was allowed to undergo outpatient treatment and the other two continued intensive care at the hospital.

"Two workers who are still being treated are currently in stable condition and are receiving further treatment from a team of specialist doctors. For information, one person is being treated for burns and one person is being treated for a broken bone," PetroChina Vice President Human Resources and Relations Dencio Renato Boele said.

"Currently, we continue to coordinate with the Drilling Service Companies for patient treatment and improvement of rig conditions on-site. We have also reported this incident to SKK Migas and the Directorate General of Oil and Gas," Dencio.

Blogger Agus Purnomo In SKK Migas

    The Head of Representative of SKK Migas Sumbagsel Anggono Mahendrawan confirmed the incident. 

"We have received a report of a work accident at Rig Bohai-85 last night, there were no fatalities, but three people were injured," said Anggono. 

"Nevertheless, SKK Migas requests that the PetroChina PSC Contractors immediately investigate this incident and work together with stakeholders in the regions according to their respective duties and functions, which pay attention to the corridors of the applicable laws and regulations," he continued.

    Anggono said that in principle SKK Migas always emphasizes that PSC Contractors carry out upstream oil and gas operations in accordance with applicable SOPs including in terms of maintaining security and reliability. 

    Anggono also prayed that the condition of the workers, especially the two workers who are currently undergoing intensive care at the hospital, will soon improve and be able to go home.


Investor Daily, Page-10, Thursday, Jan 12, 2023

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