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Showing posts with label Blok Mahakam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blok Mahakam. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Oil Lifting 2020 Predicted 705 Thousand BPD

The Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) projects national production of ready-to-sell oil (facelift) up to the end of the year to only reach 705,000 barrels per day (BPD) or more than the security of the security of the food security) by 755,000 BPD. 


  This is through with the Covid-19 pandemic. However, SKK Migas is starting to commit to a recovery starting next year. In 2030, oil is targeted to reach 1,000,000 BPD.

"Applying 705,000 BPD that makes sense, we can obtain in 2020. Raise the challenge we are discussing is restoring next year so that next year does not decline again," said SKK Migas Head Dwi Soejipto.

Dwi Soejipto

Dwi said the raised projections were from 15 cooperation contract contractors (KKKS) representing 96% of the national production line. In the first place was occupied by Mobil Cepu LTD then accepted by PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI) with the Rokan Block.

Although Chevron finished managing the Rokan Block in August 2021, efforts to optimize production are still carried out. It was estimated that it would have decreased by 20 thousand BPD but until the end of May, it could still produce 180 thousand BPD. 

the Rokan Block from Chevron (CPI)

    He said SKK Migas was guarding the transition period for the management of the Rokan Block from Chevron (CPI) to Pertamina. This is to avoid a decrease in production as happened in the Mahakam Block.

the Mahakam Block

"We hope that by the end of the year we will be able to optimize easily. Currently, it is still being discussed with CPI so that they can invest again in this transition period, "he said.

Dwi further agreed to wait for oil and gas projects scheduled to be completed this year. In the third quarter of 2020, a number of migration projects began production, the Malacca Strait Project Phase-1, the Beauty Field in the Belida Block, the Betung Compressor Project and Musi Timur SKG-19, the Meliwis Field in the Madura Offshore Block, and the Peciko Field in the Mahakam Block.
"We are optimistic that the additional production from these projects will help achieve the year-end appointment target," Dwi said.

In 2020, SKK Migas starts 11 oil and gas projects can start onstream. To date, five oil and gas projects have been approved and can provide additional oil production of 3,182 BPD and gas 109.5 million standard cubic feet per day / MMSCFD.

Dwi further revealed that there were 4 national strategic projects among Tangguh Train 3, which began at the completion of 2020 essence, until the end of III or the end of 2021. Realization until May 2020 was approved for land 82.45% of the target of 83.15% and offshore 98.15% offshore 98.15% of the target of 99.35%.

Jambaran Tiung Biru

Then, Jambaran Tiung Biru is planned to be streamed from the third quarter of 2021 to the fourth quarter of 2021. Introduced until May yesterday received 64.54% of the 69.60% target. The next project is being prepared by Inpex Abadi Masela and expected to be streamed in 2027. 

Inpex Abadi Masela

   While the Indonesia Deepwater Development (IDD) project for the Gendalo and Gehem working areas is in the process of improving the consortium and developing a development plan (Po) to Development (PoD) to Development (Po)

Gendalo and Gehem Project by Chevron

Oil and Gas Potential

He explained, Indonesia has a huge oil and gas potential with 128 basins. Of these, 27 basins have been produced. He said there was a need to transform possible into the second package by declaring the production of one million barrels in 2030. He said the government was now more flexible for investors to choose the production sharing contract between Gross Split or Cost Recovery.

But he asked for legal protection made by the Oil and Gas Law to guarantee certainty for investors. Even though production reaches 1 barrel jute in 2030, by 2030 it is projected that the demand for fuel oil (BBM) reaches 2.7 million barrels. This means that industry support is needed for fuel oil to gas.

"There must be a policy that encourages using gas, getting relief from those who use fuel," Dwi said.

Investor Daily,  Page-1, Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Monday, January 27, 2020

2020, Gas Marketing will be More Aggressive

The Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) said it would be more proactive in marketing national gas, both to the domestic and foreign markets.

Referring to the data of SKK Migas, lifting or gas distribution last year was recorded at 5,934 million cubic feet per day / mmscfd, below the target set in the 7,000 mmscd state budget. One of the causes of low gas lifting is the reduction in gas production following the cancellation of liquid / LNG natural gas supply by the buyer.

In 2020, Deputy Finance and Monetization of SKK Migas Arief S Handoko, his party does not want the gas production reduction or curtailment to happen again. For this reason, he will be more proactive in marketing domestic LNG production.

"Try to avoid curtail and try to sell as soon as possible," he said.

However, it will not necessarily sell LNG production to the spot market. He said he would still aim for a mid-term LNG purchase contract to obtain a very good price. This is to ensure that state revenues from LNG sales remain high. Therefore, the export market is not the only target of SKK Migas.

"If it cannot be sold abroad, it is offered to domestic partners, such as PT PGN Tbk and PT PLN (Persero)," explained Arief.

So far, all planned LNG production volumes have been contracted, aka no remaining cargo (uncommitted cargo). However, the projected amount of LNG production still has the potential to rise so that the possibility of uncommitted cargo in 2020 is still present.

This follows the plan of PT Pertamina (Persero) to boost gas production in the Mahakam Block. This oil and gas block is a supplier of the Bontang LNG Plant. Because when making the annual LNG delivery plan (annual delivery program), it does not accommodate the increased production from the Mahakam Block.

the Mahakam Block

"What is uncommitted is that there are about five cargoes because Mahakam has more production and has not entered the plan, because they [Pertamina] are also not confident," explained Arief.

In 2020, the company targets LNG production to reach 211.9 cargo standards, namely from Tangguh Refinery 122.3 cargo standards and Bontang 89.6 cargo standards. This production target is lower than last year which reached 252 cargo standards, of which Tangguh Refinery 120 cargo standards and 132 Bontang cargo standards.

Unfortunately, due to the fall in LNG prices on the spot market that pushed buyers to cancel cargo orders, the purchase of LNG in 2019 did not reach the target. As of December, LNG purchases were recorded at only 229.1 cargo standards, with details from the 117.4 Tangguh cargo standard and 111.4 cargo standard Bontang.

This LNG distribution did not reach the target either for domestic or export. In 2019, the target for LNG distribution into the country is 67 cargo standards and 185 cargo exports. While the distribution realization for the domestic market is only 60.5 cargo standards and 168.6 cargo exports. 

    Not only LNG, Arief added, his party would also strive for pipeline gas distribution according to the contract. The reason is, although domestic gas distribution is increasing, some of them are still under contract.

"If there is an allocation but a little absorption, it will be relocated to another buyer," he said.

Western Buyer

According to Arief, he also must find a buyer to replace the Western Buyer Extension (WBX). This is because the LNG buyer on Japan's west coast will probably not renew his LNG purchase contract from the Bontang refinery, which expires at the end of 2020. 

     He explained that negotiations with the WBX had been going on since 2019 and had not yet reached an agreement. Because the contract expires in late 2020, it will also look for other buyers.

"We are looking for a replacement for WBX if it is not renewed. WBX does not want to extend, but we are trying to find other buyers, "he said.

However, in 2020, he will still open negotiations with the WBX. Although he admitted, not all WBX members would agree to extend their contracts with Indonesia. Negotiations carried out last year were stopped because of the LNG price problem.

"We are still trying to be extended. Although not all members of the consortium will extend the contract. At this time, we will start renegotiating after getting the price reference from the sale at the end of 2019 yesterday, "explained Arif.

One option is that LNG, which is usually sold to WBX, can be sold to domestic buyers even at low prices. This is considered far better than selling the LNG to the international spot market at a low price.

For information, this LNG sales contract to Japan is with five companies on Japan's west coast or commonly called Western Buyers. This LNG supply is brought from the Bontang LNG Plant which is operated by Badak LNG. These five companies are Chubu Electric Co., Kansai Electric Power Co, Kyushu Electric Power Co, Nippon Steel Corp dan Osaka Gas Co Ltd

Investor Daily, Page-9, Tuesday, Jan 14, 2020

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

To Boost Oil and Gas Production, Pertamina Expands Four Oil and Gas Blocks

PT Pertamina (Persero) plans to expand the development of the four oil and gas blocks it manages domestically and internationally. This development is expected to increase the company's oil and gas production this year and in the future.

Pertamina Upstream Director Dharmawan H Samsu said, in the country, there are three termination oil and gas blocks which are the focus of the company's development namely the Mahakam, Sanga-Sanga, and East Kalimantan Blocks. 

the Sanga-Sanga block

    Although, the company will still intensively work on developing all termination blocks that have been assigned by the government. The three oil and gas blocks are the focus because their potential is still very good.

"The potential is still good. So we can apply a philosophy called creating a second cycle of the field, extended [production] age, "he said.

The development of these three oil and gas blocks through the Field Development Optimization Program (OPLL). Currently, it is proposing approval of the OPLL-1 Program for the Sanga-Sanga Block where 755 development wells will be drilled in this oil and gas block in the next 2-2.5 years.

     He hopes that drilling in the Sanga-Sanga Block can begin this year. However, the Sanga-Sanga Block development plan has not yet been approved because it also proposed economic project incentives. On the other hand, continued Dharmawan, Pertamina will also lower the economic limits of the project.

"But the government is given incentives such as additional split (revenue sharing), licensing that is facilitated, then leasing state assets are given a bonus bonus. This so that the gas can still be extracted at a lower cost so that the economy is maintained and the production is good, "he explained.

the Mahakam Block

For the Mahakam Block OPLL, approval of the development plan has been given by the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas). However, it also seeks to develop the Mahakam Block, which can also be given incentives by the government.

Earlier in its official statement, SKK Migas announced that PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam would drill 257 wells in five fields in the Mahakam Block during the 2020-2022 period. Investment costs incurred in the amount of US $ 1.5 billion. Dharmawan continued, it will also run the OPLL Program in the East Kalimantan Block.

"Soon we also want to apply for PHPL OPLL [Pertamina Hulu East Kalimantan]. This [development plan] has not yet been submitted, we are
evaluation, "he said.

In the Mahakam Block, Pertamina will also drill two exploration wells. According to Dharmawan, these two wells namely Sumur Tunu Deep East and South Peciko. Well drilling will begin around July and is expected to increase the production of the Mahakam Block given the deeper drilling will take place where temperatures and pressures are very high.

"We expect to contribute around 30 million cubic feet per day / mmscfd from these two wells. But we must explore first, "he said.

Overseas Assets Pertamina also plans to expand oil and gas assets abroad, one of which is in Algeria. Dharmawan said that his party wanted to develop the Menzel Lejmet North (MLN) 2 oil and gas field. This field is an area around the MLN-1 Field which has now been managed by the company.

"That is what we want to propose for our expansion. We are still negotiating with the Government of Algeria through Sonatrach, Algeria's oil and gas BUMN, "he said.

He explained, the MLN-2 Field was a new oil and gas area which was not included in the MLN-1 Field. In this field, several exploration results have been discovered that Pertamina wants to develop.

But Dharmawan could not confirm whether an agreement with the Government of Algeria for the development of the MLN-2 Field could be reached in 2020. At present Pertamina, through its subsidiary, PT Pertamina International EP (PIEP), is the operator and holder of a majority management rights of 65% in the MLN Field.

Block 405A

This field is part of Block 405A where Pertamina also has management rights in two other fields, namely EMK Field 16.9% and Ourhoud Field 3.73%. At the end of 2017, Pertamina had signed a revised memorandum of understanding on the management of the oil and gas block in Algeria with Sonatrach.

Through this new agreement, the Algerian oil and gas company has opened opportunities for Pertamina to develop existing assets and work on new assets that have the potential to produce 20-30 thousand barrels per day (BPD) and total reserves of more than 100 million barrels of oil.

As is known, Pertamina is targeting oil and gas production in 2020 of 923 thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day / boepd, namely 430 thousand BPD of oil and 2,857 mmscfd of gas. According to Pertamina's data, the company's oil production is recorded to rise 3.85% from this year's target of 414 thousand BPD, while gas production is down 2.92% from the 2020 target of 2,943 mmscfd.


Genjot Produksi Migas, Pertamina Ekspansi Empat Blok Migas

PT Pertamina (Persero) berencana mengekspansi pengembangan empat blok migas yang dikelolanya di dalam dan luar negeri. Pengembangan ini diharapkan bisa menambah produksi migas perseroan di tahun ini dan masa mendatang. 

Direktur Hulu Pertamina Dharmawan H Samsu menuturkan, di dalam negeri terdapat tiga blok migas terminasi yang menjadi fokus pengembangan perseroan yakni Blok Mahakam, Sanga-Sanga, dan East Kalimantan. Walaupun, perseroan tetap akan secara intensif mengerjakan pengembangan seluruh blok terminasi yang telah ditugaskan oleh pemerintah. Ketiga blok migas tersebut menjadi fokus lantaran potensinya masih sangat bagus.

“Potensinya masih bagus. Jadi kami bisa menerapkan filosofi yang disebut menciptakan siklus lapangan yang kedua, diperpanjang usia [produksinya],” katanya.

Pengembangan ketiga blok migas ini melalui Program Optimasi Pengembangan Lapangan-Lapangan (OPLL). Saat ini, pihaknya sedang mengajukan persetujuan Program OPLL-1 untuk Blok Sanga-Sanga di mana akan dilakukan pengeboran 755 sumur pengembangan di blok migas ini dalam 2-2,5 tahun ke depan. 

Pihaknya berharap pengeboran di Blok Sanga-Sanga bisa dimulai pada tahun ini. Namun, rencana pengembangan Blok Sanga-Sanga ini belum disetujui lantaran pihaknya juga mengusulkan insentif proyek ekonomis. Di sisi lain, lanjut Dharmawan, Pertamina juga akan menurunkan batasan keekonomian proyek tersebut.

“Tetapi dari pemerintah diberikan insentif misalnya tambahan split (bagi hasil), perizinan yang dipermudah, kemudian sewa aset negara diberi bonus diskon. Ini
supaya gasnya masih bisa diekstrak dengan biaya yang lebih rendah sehingga keekonomian terjaga dan produksinya baik,” papar dia.

Untuk OPLL Blok Mahakam, persetujuan rencana pengembangan telah diberikan oleh Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas). Namun, pihaknya juga berupaya agar pengembangan Blok Mahakam ini juga dapat diberi insentif oleh pemerintah. 

Sebelumnya dalam keterangan resminya, SKK Migas mengumumkan bahwa PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam akan mengebor 257 sumur di lima lapangan di Blok Mahakam selama periode 2020-2022. Biaya investasi yang dikeluarkan yakni sebesar US$ 1,5 miliar. Dharmawan melanjutkan, pihaknya juga akan menjalankan Program OPLL di Blok East Kalimantan. 

“Sebentar lagi kami juga mau mengajukan OPLL PHKT [Pertamina Hulu Kalimantan Timur]. Ini [rencana pengembangannya] belum di-submit, sedang kami evaluasi,” tuturnya.

Di Blok Mahakam, Pertamina juga akan mengebor dua sumur eksplorasi. Menurut Dharmawan, dua sumur ini yakni Sumur Tunu Deep East dan South Peciko. Pengeboran sumur akan dimulai sekitar Juli nanti dan diharapkan bisa menambah produksi Blok Mahakam mengingat pengeboran akan dilakukan lebih dalam di mana temperatur dan tekanannya sangat tinggi. 

“Kami harapkan bisa menyumbang sekitar 30 juta kaki kubik per hari/mmscfd dari dua sumur ini. Tetapi kami harus eksplorasi dulu,” ujar dia. 

Aset Luar Negeri Pertamina juga berencana melakukan ekspansi aset minyak dan gas di luar negeri, salah satunya di Aljazair. Dharmawan mengatakan, pihaknya ingin mengembangkan lapangan migas Menzel Lejmet North (MLN) 2. Lapangan ini merupakan area yang berada di sekitar Lapangan MLN-1 yang kini telah dikelola oleh perseroan.

“Itu mau kami propose untuk kami ekspansi. Kami masih negosiasi dengan Pemerintah Aljazair melalui Sonatrach, BUMN migas Aljazair,” tutur dia.

Dijelaskannya, Lapangan MLN-2 merupakan area migas baru yang tidak termasuk dalam Lapangan MLN-1. Di lapangan ini, telah ditemukan beberapa hasil eksplorasi yang ingin dikembangkan Pertamina. 

Namun Dharmawan tidak dapat memastikan apakah kesepakatan dengan Pemerintah Aljazair untuk pengembangan Lapangan MLN-2 bisa tercapai pada tahun 2020 ini. Saat ini Pertamina melalui anak usahanya, PT Pertamina International EP (PIEP), menjadi operator sekaligus pemegang hak kelola mayoritas sebesar 65% di Lapangan MLN. 

Lapangan ini merupakan bagian dari Blok 405A di mana Pertamina juga memiliki hak kelola di dua lapangan lainnya yakni Lapangan EMK 16,9% dan Lapangan Ourhoud 3,73%. Pada akhir 2017, Pertamina sempat meneken revisi nota kesepahaman pengelolaan blok migas di Aljazair dengan Sonatrach. 

Melalui kesepakatan baru ini, perusahaan migas milik Aljazair itu membuka peluang bagi Pertamina untuk mengembangkan aset eksisting serta mengerjakan aset baru yang memiliki potensi produksi 20-30 ribu barel per hari (bph) dan total cadangan lebih dari 100 juta barel minyak. 

Seperti diketahui, Pertamina menargetkan produksi migas pada tahun 2020 ini sebesar 923 ribu barel setara minyak per hari/boepd, yakni minyak 430 ribu bph dan gas 2.857 mmscfd. Sesuai data Pertamina, produksi minyak perseroan tercatat naik 3,85% dari target tahun ini 414 ribu bph, sementara produksi gas turun 2,92% dari target tahun 2020 ini 2.943 mmscfd.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Monday, Jan 6, 2020

Pertamina awaits disbursement of incentives

PT Pertamina (Persero) is waiting for the government to provide incentives in managing the three terminated oil and gas blocks, while making savings to further improve the economics of the project.

Pertamina Upstream Director Dharmawan H. Samsu said there were two ways that could be done to improve the economics of the project. First, from Pertamina's body by reducing the economic constraints of the project through efficiency. Second, get incentives from the government. Efficiency that can be done by Pertamina is through rigless.

the Mahakam Block

Rigless or drilling without rigs is nothing new at Pertamina. Rigless is done during well completion, aka preparation or refining of wells to be produced as well as when cleaning wells from sedimentation or scaling. Massive rigless activities are carried out in the Mahakam Block and the Sanga Sanga Block.

 the Sanga Sanga Block

Currently it also proposes incentives to the government in managing three termination block working areas, including the Mahakam Block managed by Pertamina Hulu Mahakam (PHM) and the Sanga Sanga Block by Pertamina Hulu Sanga Sanga (PHSS).

the East Kalimantan-Attaka Block

The third working area is the East Kalimantan-Attaka Block, which is managed by Pertamina Hulu East Kalimantan (PHKT). Submission of incentives in the East Kalimantan-Attaka Block has not been made because it is still in the evaluation stage of the submission proposal. 

   In the three blocks, Pertamina carries out field development (OPLL) operations to increase oil and gas production. Moreover, the three oil and gas blocks have a very old production age.

Total E&P Indonesia

For example, the Mahakam Block has more than 40 years of age. Previously, the Mahakam Block was managed by Total E&P Indonesia. At present, the Mahakam Block has been managed by Pertamina Hulu Migas (PHM) by being able to maintain production of 740 MMscfd (million metric standard cubic feet per day) of 120 wells since September 2019. 

Previously, the block's production was below the realized figure. According to him, the increase in production was obtained from drilling new wells and the production from the reservoir obtained was greater than projected.

In an effort to maintain this production, PHM has proposed drilling 257 new wells with a potential resource of 279 billion cubic feet / Bcf and 9 million barrels of oil / MMBO.


Even though the well drilling has been approved by SKK Migas, Pertamina still gets incentives to improve the economics of the project. These incentives can be in the form of additional revenue sharing from the government or leasing relief for state assets. From the company side, Pertamina will also reduce the limits to the economy. 

Meanwhile, Pertamina is also targeting to drill exploratory wells in the Mahakam Block in the Third Quarter / 2020 or around July 2020. Drilling is carried out in Tunu Field and South Peciko.

"There is such a thing as a commercial breakthrough. Look, for example, Pertamina feels that this is not economical. Come to the government, this can be economical if given this kind of incentive. The government will fair, this can not be per project, "he said.

Pertamina also proposed an incentive to drill 755 new wells in the Sanga Sanga Block. Until now, the government has not yet issued approval for drilling in 755 wells. Pertamina is targeting to drill 755 wells in the Sanga Sanga Block this year.

"It has been proposed [incentives to the government] if I'm not mistaken 2 weeks ago," he said.

According to him, Pertamina will also propose drilling new wells in the East Kalimantan-Attaka Block. At present, Pertamina is still evaluating the proposal to drill a new well in the block.

"We want to do it intensively and aggressively for all termination blocks, including ONWJ [Offshore North West Java]," he said.

Dharmawan explained that the three blocks were prioritized first because they had enormous oil and gas potential. Pertamina sought to continue to extend the life of the fields in the three blocks. Pertamina Hulu Mahakam General Manager John Anis said that his party would continue to do so saving one of them by reducing the cost of drilling wells. One of them is rigless because it is able to reduce material prices while speeding up the processing time.

Previously, the Special Task Force (SKK) for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (Oil and Gas) claimed to be boosting the development of a number of oil and gas fields in three blocks in 2020, following the Mahakam Block whose proposal had been approved. The field development is to boost the production of lifting 1 million barrels per day (BPH) in 2030 and lifting natural gas by 12,000 MMscfd.

the Merakes Field

SKK Migas Head Dwi Soetjipto said field development was boosted in three working areas namely the Sanga Sanga Block in East Kalimantan, the Sakakemang Block in Musi Banyuasin, South Sumatra, and the Merakes Field in the East Sepinggan Block, South Sumatra. 

Fahmy Radhi

UGM Energy Economist Fahmy Radhi said the flexibility provided by the government through the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources regarding production sharing contracts will encourage the development of oil and gas fields.


Pertamina Tunggu Kucuran Insentif

PT Pertamina (Persero) menanti pemberian insentif dari pemerintah dalam mengelola tiga blok minyak dan gas bumi terminasi, sembari melakukan penghematan guna makin meningkatkan keekonomian proyek.

Direktur Hulu Pertamina Dharmawan H. Samsu mengatakan ada dua cara yang dapat dilakukan untuk meningkatkan keekonomian proyek. Pertama, dari tubuh Pertamina dengan menurunkan batasan keekonomian proyek melalui efisiensi. Kedua, mendapatkan insentif dari pemerintah. Efisiensi yang dapat dilakukan Pertamina salah satunya melalui rigless. 

Rigless atau melakukan pengeboran tanpa rig bukan merupakan hal baru di Pertamina. Rigless dilakukan saat well completion alias persiapan atau penyempumaan sumur untuk diproduksikan maupun saat pembersihan sumur dari endapan atau scalling. Aktivitas rigless masif dilakukan di Blok Mahakam maupun Blok Sanga Sanga.

Saat ini pihaknya juga mengajukan insentif ke pemerintah dalam mengelola tiga wilayah kerja blok terminasi, termasuk di dalamnya Blok Mahakam yang dikelola oleh Pertamina Hulu Mahakam (PHM) dan Blok Sanga Sanga oleh Pertamina Hulu Sanga Sanga (PHSS). 

Wilayah kerja ketiga adalah Blok East Kalimantan-Attaka yang dikelola oleh Pertamina Hulu Kalimantan Timur (PHKT). Pengajuan insentif di Blok East Kalimantan-Attaka belum dilakukan karena masih dalam tahap evaluasi proposal pengajuan. 

    Di ketiga blok tersebut, Pertamina melakukan operasi pengembangan lapangan lapangan (OPLL) untuk meningkatkan produksi migas. Terlebih, ketiga blok migas tadi telah memiliki usia produksi yang sangat tua.

Sebagai contoh, Blok Mahakam telah memiliki usia lebih dari 40 tahun. Sebelumnya, Blok Mahakam dikelola oleh Total E&P Indonesia. Saat ini, Blok Mahakam telah dikelola Pertamina Hulu Migas (PHM) dengan mampu mempertahankan produksi sebesar 740 MMscfd (million metric standard cubic feet per day) dari 120 sumur Sejak September 2019. 

Sebelumnya, produksi blok tersebut berda di bawah angka realisasi tersebut. Menurutnya, peningkatan produksi ini didapat dari pengeboran sumur baru dan produksi dari reservoir yang didapat lebih besar dari proyeksi.

Dalam upaya mempertahankan produksi tersebut, PHM telah mengajukan pengeboran 257 sumur baru dengan potensi sumber daya sebanyak 279 miliar kaki kubik/Bcf dan 9 million barrels of oil/MMBO.


Meskipun pengeboran sumur telah disetujui SKK Migas, Pertamina tetap mendapatkan insentif untuk meningkatkan keekonomian proyek. Insentif tersebut dapat berupa bagi hasil tambahan dari pemerintah maupun keringanan sewa aset negara. Dari sisi perseroan, Pertamina juga akan menurunkan batasan ke ekonomian. 

Sementara itu, Pertamina juga menarget untuk melakukan pengeboran sumur eksplorasi di Blok Mahakam pada Kuartal III/2020 atau sekitar Juli 2020. Pengeboran dilakukan di Tunu Field dan South Peciko.

“Ada yang namanya commercial breakthrough. Begini, misalnya Pertamina merasa ini tidak ekonomis jangan diam saja. Datanglah ke pemerintah, Ini bisa ekonomis, kalau dikasih insentif semacam ini. Pemerintah akan fair ini bisa, ini tidak bisa per proyek,” katanya.

Pertamina juga mengajukan insentif ke pengeboran 755 sumur baru di Blok Sanga Sanga. Hingga saat ini persetujuan belum dikeluarkan pemerintah terhadap pengeboran di 755 sumur tersebut. Pertamina menargetkan pengeboran 755 sumur di Blok Sanga Sanga dapat dilakukan pada tahun ini. 

“Sudah diajukan [insentif ke pemerintah], kalau tidak salah 2 minggu yang lalu," katanya.

Menurutnya, Pertamina juga akan mengajukan pengeboran sumur baru di Blok East Kalimantan-Attaka. Saat ini, Pertamina masih melakukan evaluasi pada proposal pengeboran sumur baru di blok tersebut.

“Kami mau melakukan secara intensif dan agresif untuk semua blok terminasi, temiasuk ONWJ [Offshore North West Java],” katanya.

Dharmawan menjelaskan ketiga blok tersebut diutamakan terlebih dahulu karena memiliki potensi migas yang sangat besar Pertamina berupaya untuk terus memperpanjang umur lapangan di ketiga blok tersebut. 

General Manager Pertamina Hulu Mahakam John Anis mengatakan pihaknya akan terus melakukan penghematan salah satunya dengan menurunkan biaya pengeboran sumur. Salah satunya dengan rigless karena mampu menurunkan harga material sekaligus mempercepat waktu pengerjaan.

Sebelumnya, Satuan Kerja Khusus (SKK) Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (Migas) mengaku akan menggenjot pengembangan sejumlah lapangan migas di tiga blok pada 2020, menyusul Blok Mahakam yang proposalnya telah disetujui. Pengembangan lapangan tersebut untuk menggenjot produksi lifting 1 juta barel per hari (BPH) pada 2030 dan lifting gas bumi sebesar 12.000 MMscfd.

Kepala SKK Migas Dwi Soetjipto mengatakan pengembangan lapangan digenjot di tiga Wilayah kerja yakni Blok Sanga Sanga di Kalimantan Timur, Blok Sakakemang di Musi Banyuasin, Sumatra Selatan, dan Lapangan Merakes di Blok East Sepinggan, Sumatra Selatan. 

Ekonom Energi UGM Fahmy Radhi mengatakan fleksibilitas yang diberikan pemerintah melalui Kementerian ESDM mengenai kontrak bagi hasil akan mendorong pengembangan lapangan migas.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-10, Saturday, Jan 4, 2020

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Working on the Oil and Gas Block, Pertamina is Looking for Partners

To maximize the development of a number of oil and gas fields, PT Pertamina does not want to be alone, the state-owned oil and gas company is looking for business partners to support the project. Moreover, Pertamina has begun to manage oil and gas blocks that are very strategic, such as the Mahakam Block since early 2018.

By managing the Mahakam Block, Pertamina needs jumbo funding. PT Pertamina President Director Nicke Widyawati said Pertamina was looking for partners for the Mahakam Block.

the Mahakam Block

"The process has not yet begun, but several companies have expressed their wishes," Nicke said.

Nicke Widyawati

Even so, Nicke made sure everything happened internally. Nicke was reluctant to reveal more about the process of finding this strategic partner. Pertamina does need to build a business partnership. Because, until now Pertamina has just partnered with business partners in 30% of the oil and gas blocks that they manage.

Meanwhile, the average global oil and gas company has a partnership for 80% of oil and gas blocks managed. It's just that Pertamina's management has not set a target of what percentage increase in third party investment. Nicke revealed, Pertamina was completing a study for a number of potential work areas (WK) offered to potential investors.

"We hope that by the end of this year the list (block oil and gas) has been released and has begun to invite potential partners," Nicke said.

Nicke Widyawati

At present, Pertamina manages 99 oil and gas assets at home and abroad through a number of subsidiaries. Nicke said the partners they were looking for were companies with experience in implementing proven technologies. In addition, Pertamina also made the financial aspects of potential partners as consideration.

"Partnership also opens up the possibility of Pertamina to enter into a block of global companies abroad," Nicke said.

On the other hand, Pertamina learned from what happened in the Mahakam Block. Since managing the Mahakam Block in 2018, production has tended to decline until now.

"In 2017, only four wells were drilled, so when Pertamina entered, we carried out massive exploration," Nicke said.

Through exploration efforts, the rate of decline that originally reached 57% was successfully suppressed to 25%. Learn from experience "said Nicke.


Garap Blok Migas, Pertamina Mencari Mitra

Demi memaksimalkan pengembangan sejumlah lapangan minyak dan gas (migas), PT Pertamina tidak mau sendirian, Perusahaan migas milik pemerintah ini mencari mitra bisnis untuk mendukung proyek tersebut. Apalagi Pertamina mulai mengelola blok migas yang sangat strategis, seperti Blok Mahakam sejak awal 2018 lalu. 

Dengan mengelola Blok Mahakam, Pertamina membutuhkan pendanaan jumbo. Direktur Utama PT Pertamina Nicke Widyawati, menyatakan Pertamina sedang mencari mitra untuk Blok Mahakam. 

"Prosesnya belum mulai, namun beberapa perusahaan sudah menyampaikan keinginannya," kata Nicke.

Meskipun demikian, Nicke memastikan semuanya berlangsung secara internal. Nicke enggan mengungkapkan lebih jauh mengenai proses pencarian mitra strategis ini. Pertamina memang perlu membangun kongsi bisnis. Sebab, hingga kini Pertamina baru saja menggandeng mitra bisnis di 30% blok migas yang mereka kelola. 

Sementara, rata-rata perusahaan migas global menjalin kemitraan untuk 80% blok migas yang dikelola. Hanya saja manajemen Pertamina belum memasang target berapa persentase peningkatan investasi pihak ketiga tersebut. Nicke mengungkapkan, Pertamina sedang merampungkan kajian untuk sejumlah wilayah kerja (WK) yang potensial ditawarkan ke calon investor. 

"Kami berharap akhir tahun ini sudah merilis daftar (blok migas) dan mulai mengundang calon mitra," kata Nicke.

Saat ini, Pertamina mengelola 99 aset migas di dalam dan luar negeri melalui sejumlah anak usaha. Nicke bilang, mitra yang mereka cari adalah perusahaan yang sudah berpengalaman dalam mengimplementasikan teknologi yang sudah terbukti. Selain itu, Pertamina turut menjadikan aspek finansial calon mitra sebagai bahan pertimbangan. 

"Partnership juga membuka kemungkinan Pertamina untuk masuk ke dalam blok para perusahaan global di luar negeri," kata Nicke. 

Di sisi lain, Pertamina belajar dari apa yang terjadi di Blok Mahakam. Sejak mangelola Blok Mahakam pada 2018, produksi blok tersebut cenderung menurun hingga kini. 

"Tahun 2017 pengeboran hanya empat sumur, sehingga ketika Pertamina masuk, kami melakukan eksplorasi secara masif," tutur Nicke. 

Melalui upaya eksplorasi, laju penurunan yang semula mencapai 57% berhasil ditekan hingga 25%. Belajar dari pengalaman" kata Nicke.

Kontan, Page-14, Wednesday, Nov 27, 2019

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Termination Blocks Be Compensated

A number of oil and gas blocks of termination or termination of contracts have been compensated for PT Pertamina (Persero). Compensation is provided after the difference between the selling price of fuel oil borne by the company. Until 2026, there are 22 blocks that will expire his contract.

Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Ignatius Jonan said that a number of termination blocks have been handed over to Pertamina directly. One of the large terminated oil and gas blocks granted to Pertamina is the Mahakam Block in East Kalimantan. Previously, the block was managed Total (France) and Inpex (Japan) for 50 years.

termination blocks

"There are 12 termination blocks granted to Pertamina as a compensation for the difference between the selling price of fuel oil (BBM) they bear. In addition, the more controlled Pertamina, then they will become the majority in their own home, "said Jonan in Jakarta.

The twelve blocks are Mahakam, Offshore North West Java, Tuban, Ogan Komering, Sanga-Sanga, South East Sumatra, Block B, North Sumatra Offshore, Central Block, East Kalimantan, Attaka, and Pendopo Raja Block, In addition to Mahakam, other blocks managed by a profit-sharing scheme based on gross production (gross split).

Jonan added, before getting additional blocks termination results, Pertamina oil and gas production 20 percent of the overall national oil and gas production. Starting next year, Pertamina's oil and gas production is expected to rise to 39 percent or 40 percent. Thus, Pertamina will be the majority. Note, the production does not go down.

"If it goes down will be significant impact," said Jonan.

During Q1 / 2018, Pertamina's oil and gas production reached 923,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (BOEPD). The achievement consists of oil production of 386,000 barrels per day and natural gas production of 3.115 million standard cubic feet per day (MMSCFD). The oil production in the first quarter of 2017 was 337,000 barrels per day and 2,700 MMSCFD natural gas.

Director General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Djoko Siswanto, said that from the block of termination proceeds given to Pertamina, four of them will be share down. The four blocks are Mahakam, East Kalimantan, Attaka, and Jambi Merang. Thus, Pertamina can obtain fresh funds from the release of some of the shares.

"The estimate, the highest could be up to 2 billion US dollars or at least 500,000 US dollars. Say it can be 1 million US dollars (about Rp 13.8 trillion), it's been great. Not to mention the government receivables that have been paid to Pertamina, "said Djoko.

From 2019 to 2026, there will be 22 oil and gas blocks whose contract expires. The government will quickly decide who is the manager of the block next. If Pertamina's bid is attractive, it is possible that the blocks will be handed over to Pertamina to be managed.

Related to premium fuel, Pertamina claims to arise the difference between the selling price and the economic price. The current premium selling price of Bp 6,450 per liter is still far below the economic price of Rp 7,150 per liter. Similarly, diesel fuel subsidy costs Rp 5,150 per liter. The price difference is the responsibility of Pertamina without the additional subsidy of the State Budget (APBN).


Blok Terminasi Menjadi Kompensasi

Sejumlah blok minyak dan gas bumi hasil terminasi atau yang masa kontraknya habis menjadi kompensasi untuk PT Pertamina (Persero). Kompensasi diberikan setelah selisih harga jual bahan bakar minyak yang ditanggung perusahaan tersebut. Sampai tahun 2026, ada 22 blok yang akan habis masa kontraknya.

Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Ignasius Jonan mengatakan, sejumlah blok hasil terminasi sudah diserahkan pengelolaannya secara langsung kepada Pertamina. Salah satu blok migas besar hasil terminasi yang diberikan kepada Pertamina adalah Blok Mahakam di Kalimantan Timur. Sebelumnya, blok tersebut dikelola Total (Perancis) dan Inpex (Jepang) selama 50 tahun.

”Ada 12 blok hasil terminasi yang diberikan pengelolaannya kepada Pertamina itu sebagai kompensasi terhadap selisih harga jual Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) yang mereka tanggung. Selain itu, semakin banyak dikuasai Pertamina, maka mereka akan menjadi mayoritas di rumah sendiri,” ucap Jonan di Jakarta.

Kedua belas blok tersebut adalah Mahakam, Offshore North West Java, Tuban, Ogan Komering, Sanga-sanga, South East Sumatera, Blok B, North Sumatera Offshore, Blok Tengah, East Kalimantan, Attaka, dan Blok Pendopo Raja, Selain Mahakam, blok lainnya dikelola dengan skema bagi hasil berdasarkan produksi bruto (gross split).

Jonan menambahkan, sebelum mendapat tambahan blok-blok hasil terminasi, produksi minyak dan gas bumi Pertamina 20 persen dari keseluruhan produksi migas nasional. Mulai tahun depan, produksi migas Pertamina diharapkan naik menjadi 39 persen atau 40 persen. Dengan demikian, Pertamina akan menjadi mayoritas. Catatannya, produksinya tidak turun. 

”Kalau turun akan signifikan dampaknya,” ujar Jonan.

Sepanjang triwulan I-2018, produksi migas Pertamina mencapai 923.000 barrel setara minyak per hari (BOEPD). Pencapaian itu terdiri dari produksi minyak 386.000 barrel per hari dan produksi gas bumi sebanyak 3.115 juta standar kaki kubik per hari (MMSCFD). Adapun produksi minyak di triwulan I-2017 adalah 337.000 barrel per hari dan gas bumi 2.007 MMSCFD.

Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM Djoko Siswanto mengatakan dari blok hasil terminasi yang diberikan kepada Pertamina, empat di antaranya sebagian sahamnya akan dilepas (share down). Keempat blok itu adalah Mahakam, East Kalimantan, Attaka, dan Jambi Merang. Dengan demikian, Pertamina bisa memperoleh dana segar dari hasil pelepasan sebagian saham itu.

”Perkiraannya, paling tinggi bisa sampai 2 miliar dollar AS atau sedikitnya 500.000 dollar AS. Katakanlah bisa dapat 1 juta dollar AS (sekitar Rp 13,8 triliun), itu sudah besar. Belum lagi piutang pemerintah yang sudah dibayarkan kepada Pertamina,” ucap Djoko.

Terhitung dari tahun 2019 sampai 2026, akan ada 22 blok migas yang kontraknya berakhir. Pemerintah akan segera memutuskan dengan cepat siapa pengelola blok itu selanjutnya. Apabila penawaran Pertamina menarik, tidak menutup kemungkinan blok-blok itu diserahkan kepada Pertamina untuk dikelola.

Terkait bahan bakar jenis premium, Pertamina mengklaim timbul selisih antara harga jual dan harga keekonomian. Harga jual premium saat ini sebesar Bp 6.450 per liter masih jauh di bawah harga keekonomian yang Rp 7.150 per liter. Begitu pula harga solar subsidi Rp 5.150 per liter. Selisih harga itu menjadi tanggungan Pertamina tanpa subsidi tambahan Anggaran Pendapatan Belanja Negara (APBN).

Kompas, Page-17, Friday, June 8, 2018