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Showing posts with label Chevron. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chevron. Show all posts

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Petronas Interested in Working on the Masela Block

    The Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Activities (SKK Migas) stated that a Malaysian oil and gas company, Petronas, expressed interest in working on the Masela Block, replacing Shell, which had left the largest gas project in Indonesia.


    Petronas is also interested in entering into cooperation with Pertamina in terms of replacing Shell if possible. This is the latest development regarding Shell," said Head of SKK Migas Dwi Soetjipto in a hearing with Commission VII.

The Masela Block

    Apart from Petronas, previously there were two companies that were known to be interested in replacing Shell in acquiring a 35% stake in the Masela Block, namely Pertamina and ExxonMobil. Dwi said Pertamina had opened the Masela Block data room this November. It is hoped that Pertamina can submit a Non-Binding Offer to Shell.


    The government is targeting that discussions on the acquisition of Shell's participating interest (PI) in the Masela Block by Pertamina can be completed this year. One of the main conditions for reaching an agreement is the certainty of PI's acquisition value. According to Dwi, Pertamina must find an agreement with Shell to get into the Masela project.


    According to Dwi, Shell already has a minimum value base that must be prepared by Pertamina. This value is the total funds that have been spent by the company while being Inpex's partner in Masela.

Blogger Agus Purnomo in SKK Migas

"Pertamina is negotiating with Shell. SKK Migas monitors and provides direction so that Shell sells at moderate prices. To keep the project going. We wrote to Shell to support the divestment. Around US$1.4 billion has been spent by Shell," Dwi said.

Inpex Corporation

    Meanwhile, for Pertamina, there is ExxonMobil which was also offered by Inpex to conduct the study. SKK Migas said Dwi hopes that there will be opportunities for cooperation between Pertamina and ExxonMobil to open again, instead of the scent of competition. However, it all comes back to the management of each company whether to continue the collaboration as it has been in the Cepu block.

"If all this time ExxonMobil is also conducting studies, it could be a potential collaboration with Pertamina. But we'll see now that each study has its results, whether we want to continue or not," said Dwi.

IDD Project

    Meanwhile, Dwi also stated that the Indonesia Deepwater Development (IDD) project is expected to start running in early 2023, due to the certainty that the replacement operator for PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia will be completed by the end of this year.


“Chevron has decided to leave the IDD project. Now there is a potential replacement. IDD could run next year," said Dwi.

    According to information, an Italian oil and gas company, ENI, is rumored to be controlling 62% of Chevron Pacific Indonesia's (CPI) participating interest in the Indonesia Deepwater Development (IDD) Gas Project. The IDD project has the potential to produce up to 844 million standard cubic feet of gas per day (MMscfd) and 27,000 barrels of oil per day (BOPD). The plan is for the project to be targeted onstream in the fourth quarter of 2027.

Investor Daily, Page-4, Thursday, Nov 17, 2022

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

SKK Migas Expects Onstream Schedule to Match POD

    The Abadi gas field project in the Masela Block is delayed in production in 2030. Meanwhile, the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities or SKK Migas still hopes that the onstream schedule will match the development plan.

Inpex Masela Ltd and Shell

    The Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) asked Inpex Masela Ltd and Shell as the operator of the Masela Block to carry out the Masela Block Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) investment in accordance with the approved Plant of Development (PoD). The Masela Block LNG project is agreed to be completed and start production by the end of 2027.

Blogger Agus Purnomo in SKK Migas

    The Deputy of Operations for the Special Unit for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas), Julius Wiratno stated that his party continues to push for the project to be completed in accordance with the approved PoD. SKK Migas also said that it had not yet received a revision proposal from Inpex.


"SKK Migas to this day continues to push for implementation according to the approved PoD, for immediate production as soon as possible. We have not received a revision proposal from Inpex at all and we are still fighting for acceleration efforts," said Julius.

    Julius emphasized that the government through SKK Migas is still encouraging Inpex's investment in Masela, this must be realized immediately. Because some preparatory work has been and is being started, such as the approval of the Environmental and Impact Analysis (AMDAL), metocean surveys, and land acquisition.

Takayuki Ueda

    Previously, Inpex CEO, Takayuki Ueda explained, that Inpex is conducting comprehensive size studies such as the introduction of carbon capture, utilization, and storage facilities, known as CCUS.

the Masela Block LNG

    The CCUS installation is intended to make the Masela Block LNG project more environmentally friendly, but the project could be delayed until 2030.

"SKK Migas has asked Inpex to immediately revise the POD, if that is what is desired, for us the planning team, in particular, can immediately conduct a review and evaluation," explained Julius.

    As is known, currently Inpex Masela Ltd and Shell as the operator of the Masela Block are revising the PoD of the oil and gas working area that is included in the National Strategic Project (PSN). The PoD revision relates to the inclusion of CCUS. This is done so that the assets of the Masela Block in this case the Masela LNG can be said to be competitive because it has green energy requirements.

    The majority of Masela Block's participating shares are 65 percent owned by Inpex Masela. The rest is owned by Shell. But Shell has said it will leave the block. However, the plan failed to materialize because there were no investors who wanted to buy Shell shares.

    In addition to the Masela Block, SKK Migas also hopes that the Indonesia Deepwater Development (IDD) project located in the Kutai Basin, East Kalimantan, can be completed immediately and start production in the fourth quarter of 2025. The IDD project is a development project for five deep-sea gas fields that are carried out in an integrated manner to meet the gas needs of the domestic market and the Bontang LNG Plant. The IDD project has production reaching 844 MMscfd for natural gas and 27,000 barrels of oil per day (BOPD).

the IDD project Chevron

    In the IDD project, Chevron acts as the operator. The company controls 62% of the participating interest or interest (PI). The rest is controlled by ENI with a 20% stake and Sinopec Group 18%. However, the continuation of this mega project is still uncertain. Because, since 2020, Chevron declares to discontinue the IDD project.


"For this IDD project, the update now is that the operator Chevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI) is still looking for a replacement operator," said Julius.


    On the other hand, the government has targeted oil lifting of 1 million BOPD and gas of 12 BSCFD by 2030. However, this target is impossible to achieve without new large-scale oil and gas projects. Previously, the government through the Directorate General of Oil and Gas together with SKK Migas and cooperation contract contractors [KKKS] had identified the planned production profile of each KKKS and it was known that total oil production would reach 1 million BOPD in 2030.

    The government has also prepared several strategies to increase production, namely routine work programs such as infill drilling/step out in existing fields, and workover/well service. In addition, acceleration of the transformation of resources into production is also carried out, by accelerating new PoDs and pending PODs.

    An energy and oil economist from Trisakti University Pri Agung Rakhmanto said that without a new large-scale oil and gas project the oil lifting target of 1 million bopd would not be possible to achieve.

"To achieve the oil and gas production target of 12 MMscfd and 1 million BOPD, there needs to be a new project on a large scale," said Pri Agung.

    According to him, efforts to increase the production of existing oil and gas fields are not sufficient to achieve the government's ambitious targets.

“If it's EOR, we need EOR on a large-scale oil and gas field. The current EOR has just been done on a small scale. EOR and other efforts can only stop the rate of decline in production in existing fields so that it doesn't decline further," he explained.

    Pri Agung is of the view that this 1 million BOPD is not worthy of being called a target because there is no clarity on the details of the work program. For example, from which field the production target was produced.

    The Executive Director of the Reforminer Institute Komaidi Notonegoro also said the same thing. According to him, without finding large reserves, the target of 1 million BOPD is just wishful thinking.

"To be able to reach 1 million BOPD, it is calculated that additional production from large-scale oil and gas fields or the majority is generated from large-scale investments made by major International Oil Companies [IOCs]," said Komaidi.

Jambaran Tiung Biru in Central Java

    Currently, Indonesia has four giant oil and gas projects, namely, Jambaran Tiung Biru in Central Java, the Abadi Field in the Masela Block in the Arafura Sea, IDD in the Kutai Basin in East Kalimantan, and Tangguh Train 3 in Papua. Unfortunately, these projects are expected to be completed longer than the target set. The reason is, recently, the foreign oil and gas giant that manages this mega project has stated that it will leave Indonesia.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-4, Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Monday, November 8, 2021

Pertamina Rokan Deposits IDR 2.7 Trillion to the State

    The Rokan Block is the main producer of national oil with a contribution of 25 percent.

    The operating activities of the Rokan Working Area (WK) provide direct benefits to the state, region, and the surrounding community. PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR) remitted to the state through operations in the Rokan Work Area (WK), Riau. 

    Two months after managing WK ​​Rokan, PHR was noted to have contributed state revenues through the sale of state crude oil of around Rp. 2.1 trillion and tax payments of around Rp. 607.5 billion, including taxes to the regions.

"This contribution is one concrete proof of how the presence of upstream oil and gas business activities in this case PHR operations provide direct benefits to the state and region. WK Rokan is a national strategic asset that must be supported by smooth operations. Finally by all stakeholders,” said PHR President Director Jaffee A Suardin.

    Jaffee said the operation of WK Rokan is currently supported by more than 25 thousand workers, most of whom are local Riau residents. According to him, business and job opportunities for local communities are becoming more open, the investment value in Riau is also increasing.

    Jaffee said that recently, PHR had discussed and coordinated with the Riau Provincial Government regarding the potential for additional taxes for the region. One of them was triggered by the change in the production sharing contract scheme from previously using a cost recovery scheme to a gross split.

"WK Rokan is one of the backbones of efforts to achieve the national production target of one million barrels of oil per day (BPD) and 12 billion cubic feet of gas per day (BSCFD) in 2030. Production of WK Rokan contributes almost 25 percent of national oil production," said Jaffee.

Erick Thohir

    Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir appreciated Pertamina Hulu Rokan's ability to respond to challenges in managing oil fields in WK Rokan. He emphasized that this was a testament to the ability of state-owned companies to manage their own oil resources, not to depend on foreign operators, and to work efficiently.

"I appreciate Pertamina Hulu Rokan's ability to answer the challenge in managing the largest oil field in Indonesia. In addition to maintaining the success of WK Rokan as one of the main national oil producers, PHR also provides a multiplier effect on the national economy, in the form of direct benefits for the country and the region," said Eric.

The Rokan Block (PHR)

    It is noted that starting August 9, 2021, the Rokan Block, which has been managed for 97 years by PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI), was taken over by PHR. WK Rokan is the main producer of national oil with a contribution of 25 percent, the Rokan Block which was discovered in 1941 and started production in 1951 plays an important role in meeting the national target of national crude oil production. Erick hopes that PHR's success in managing the Rokan Block will continue to be improved.

Nicke Widyawati

    President Director of PT Pertamina (Persero) Nicke Widyawati said the work program for WK Rokan was massive and aggressive. Since PHR was taken over, the intensity of Operational activities at the Rokan WK has increased in line with the target of 161 drilling wells until the end of 2021.

    In the last two months, PHR has drilled more than 79 wells operating 16 rigs. Next year, PHR targets drilling 500 wells so that increased activity in WK Rokan will be able to increase economic activity in Riau.

    The Rokan block has an area of ​​6,453 square kilometers (km) with 10 main fields, namely Minas, Duri, Bangko, Bekasap, Balam South, Kotabatak, Farmers, Pematang, Petapahan, and Pager. Based on the Decree of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Number 1923 K/10/MEM/2018 dated August 6, 2018, the government decided PT Pertamina (Persero) through its affiliate PHR as the manager of Rokan after August 8, 2021, with 100 percent participating interest/PI ownership, including 10 percent which will be offered to Regional Owned Enterprises (BUMD).

Republika, Page9, Monday, Nov 8, 2021

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Pertamina Drills Sixth Well in Rokan Block

    PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR) continued to drill the sixth well using the ACS-19 rig technology in the Rokan Block, Riau Province, a week after the transfer of management. 

    PHR President Director Jaffee Arizon Suardin said the drilling activity was carried out to maintain the level of oil production in the Rokan Block.

“Everyone worked hard from the transition period to after this management transfer. There is rig preparation work which is usually completed in six days but can be completed in three days,” said Jaffee.

    Jaffee said that his party had drilled five wells, namely the Bangko-344 P03reg5 well, the Duri P_3R33E well, the Duri 3K-49C well, two Duri 8M-75B wells, and the Bekasap #161-BK21_P01 well. Currently, as many as 25 locations are ready to be drilled or known as Ready For Drilling (RFD). Pertamina targets to drill 161 new wells by the end of this year.

    According to Jaffee, the target is part of efforts to achieve the oil production target proclaimed by the central government, namely one million barrels per day (BPD) in 2030.

PHR is committed to supporting the achievement of the central government's target. PHR's main priority at this time is drilling," said Jaffee.

    Pertamina now operates 10 rigs which will gradually increase to 16 rigs until October 2021. In an effort to run a safe, reliable, and efficient drilling program, PHR focuses on three things, namely the consistent implementation of safety programs, the conversion of two workover rigs (350 HP) ) into drilling rigs, and achieving superior and efficient performance through the Lean Sigma program.

Nicke Widyawati

    Pertamina President Director Nicke Widyawati advised PHR to continue to focus on carrying out the government's mandate to provide the best for the country, society, and nation through the management of the Rokan Block. So that it can realize Indonesia's energy independence and sovereignty. 

the Rokan Block Chevron

    By the end of 2021, PHR plans to drill 161 new wells, including the remaining wells from the previous operator commitments. Meanwhile, in 2022, PHR plans to drill approximately 500 new wells. This is the investment commitment and the largest number of wells among other oil, and gas Working areas in Indonesia.

    The drilling activity will be supported by the preparation of an additional 10 drilling rigs so that in total there are 16 rigs and 29 other rigs for workover & well service activities which are a mirroring of the previous contract.

Based on the Decree of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Number 1923 K/10/MEM/-2018 dated August 6, 2018, the government decided PT Pertamina (Persero) through its affiliate PHR as the manager of Rokan after a week (August 8) with 100% Participating Interest/PI ownership.

Republika, Page-9, Wednesday, Aug 18, 2021

The Transfer of Managing the Rokan Block is Smooth

    Transferring the Rokan Block management from PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI) to PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR), which went smoothly, could be an example of the operational transition of a giant oil and gas working area in the future.

the Rokan Block by Chevron

    Meanwhile, the smooth transfer of management in the Rokan Block is of particular concern considering that the working area is the second-largest supporter of oil production in Indonesia or around 24 percent of the total domestic oil production.

    Investment commitment agreements during the transition period are a new thing in the process of transferring the management of oil and gas working areas in Indonesia. The Rokan Block became the only working area that received investment for drilling during the transition period by its former manager.

Blogger Agus Purnomo in SKK Migas

    The day after the transfer of management of Rokan, Pertamina Hulu Rokan succeeded in continuing the drilling program that had been prepared during the transfer of management with SKK Migas and ChevronPT Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR) also shipped the prime oil at the end of last week. Most recently, Pertamina Hulu Rokan drilled the sixth well, namely the Duri #3R-52B well.

    President Director of PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR) Jaffee Arizon Suardin said a week after managing the Rokan Block or one day before the commemoration of Indonesian Independence Day, the drilling was carried out.

"There is a rig preparation work which is usually completed in six days, can be completed in three days," said Jaffee.

    Meanwhile, Executive Director of ReforMiner Komaidi Notonegoro assessed that the main key to creating a smooth transition process lies in institutional strengthening to accelerate the transfer process of the two contractors.

"If SKK Migas later becomes an institution with a strong representation, then it will know the data, know the detailed information," he said.

    In addition, Komaidi assesses the role of legal protection will also greatly determine similar processes in the future. Therefore, he hopes that the presence of the new Oil and Gas Law will make all affairs in the sector more effective.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-5, Wednesday, Aug 18, 2021

Saturday, August 14, 2021

Rokan Block Production Targeted to Reach 400 Thousand BPD

    The Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) targets the Rokan Block oil production under PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR) to reach 400 thousand barrels per day (BPD) by 2030. This oil and gas block will support around 40% of the national oil production target of 1 million BPD in the same year.

Blogger Agus Purnomo in SKK Migas

    Secretary of SKK Migas Taslim Z Yunus said that before transferring the Rokan Block, Pertamina had conducted a study of the oil and gas block and submitted a work program proposal to the government. This proposal then made Pertamina chosen to be the manager of the Rokan Block after the contract was completed on August 9, 2021.

    His party and PHR already have a long-term strategy to optimize the production of the Rokan Block. With the transfer of management running smoothly, one thing that must be ensured in the future is that the work program is realized.

"In the end, how can production be increased from 165,000 to 400,000 BPD by the end of 2030," he said in the Energy Corner of CNBC TV Indonesia.

    For the short term, the mapping will be carried out for the production target that has been set for an average of around 165 thousand BPD. Furthermore, in the medium term, the strategy is to increase oil production and investment significantly. 

    Some of the projects that will be worked on are the monetization of the potential in the Telisa formation, optimization of production by injection of water (waterflood) and steam flood, as well as Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) by injection of surfactant in Minas Field in 2024-2025.

“For the long term, full-scale EOR chemical [implementation] for other fields, undeveloped and exploration monetization, and non-conventional oil and gas potential monetization. This is what is interesting to develop in the Rokan Block,” said Taslim.

    These programs are in accordance with the definite work commitments (KKP) promised by Pertamina worth US$ 500 million or around Rp. 7.2 trillion. Some of the activities that will be funded by this KKP are an EOR study worth US$ 4 million, drilling 11 exploration wells at US$ 69.8 million, drilling five Telisa wells at US$ 18.1 million, stage-1 CEOR 7 pattern US$ 247 million, and stage-1 steam flood Kulin or Rantau Bais US$ 88.6 million.

    From the aspect of drilling development wells, he said it would continue to rise in the future. This year, Pertamina will drill a total of 161 wells. Next year, the number of wells drilled will increase to 500 wells. In the following years, the number of wells drilling will be maintained depending on the evaluation results of several oil and gas fields in the Rokan Block.

Nicke Widyawati

    Previously, Pertamina President Director Nicke Widyawati said that she had prepared a budget of up to US$ 2 billion for investment in the Rokan Block until 2025. This budget will be used to fund planned programs, including EOR projects and the development of unconventional oil and gas potential.

Support 40%

    Director-General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Tutuka Ariadji emphasized that the Rokan Block has a significant contribution to achieving the national oil production target of 1 million BPD in 2030. 

the Rokan Block Chevron

    Currently, the contribution of oil and gas block production is estimated to reach 24-24 30%. However, this contribution will increase with the development of unconventional oil and gas potential and untapped resources, as well as EOR projects.

"The hope is that from the initial target, the contribution will be even greater," said Tutuka.

    If the 400 thousand BPD oil production target is realized by the end of 2030, Taslim added, the Rokan Block will contribute up to 40% of the 1 million BPD target.

"Therefore, we hope that the projects that have been proposed by Pertamina can be implemented and there are no licensing barriers," he said.

    Along with the increase in oil production, Tutuka also hopes that the contribution of the Rokan Block to state revenues will increase. In recent years, it is acknowledged that the contribution of state revenues from this oil and gas block has continued to decline due to various things, one of which is the Covid-19 pandemic. In fact, in 2016-2018, its contribution continued to rise.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Saturday, Aug 14, 2021

After Block Rokan Returns to Indonesia

    After 97 years in the hands of PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI), the Rokan Block is finally managed independently by Indonesia starting August 9, 2021. The oil and gas block located in Riau Province is now managed by PT Pertamina [Persero] through its business unit, PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan [PHR].

    The Rokan Block is one of the three largest oil blocks that support national oil and gas production. Until the first semester of this year alone, Blok Rokan supports 24 percent of national oil and gas production. According to SKK Migas records, the Rokan Block's production reached 160,646 barrels per day. In fact, the Rokan Block is an old oil field that has been operating for almost a century.

Blogger Agus Purnomo In SKK Migas

    However, in addition to the still large production, around the oil and gas field, there are still potential reserves that can be developed. Since May 2019, the government has officially handed over the rights to manage the Rokan Block to Pertamina. Two years before Chevron contract period ended, various efforts were made by the two companies to make the transition to management. President Joko Widodo [Jokowi] welcomed the transfer of management of the Rokan Block to Pertamina.

President Joko Widodo [Jokowi]

"Congratulations on the return of the management of the Rokan Block to Indonesia and congratulations on working for the entire team from Pertamina," Jokowi said in a statement videos uploaded by Pertamina through their social media accounts.

    Jokowi said the transfer of management of the Rokan Block was a challenge to prove Indonesia's capabilities. Therefore, he also advised that the productivity of the Rokan Block would not decrease after being managed by Pertamina.

"Don't let the productivity of the Rokan Block decrease even after we manage it ourselves," he said.

    The President asked Pertamina to work hard to maintain the sustainability of the Rokan Block as a support for national oil production and increase benefits for the region. Jokowi believes Pertamina is capable of managing the Rokan Block.

the Rokan Block Chevron

    One day after the Rokan Block was officially managed by Pertamina, SOE Minister Erick Thohir directly inspected the Rokan Block. Erick visited Central Gathering Station ll), Duri Steamflood [CGS ll) DSP), Dori, Bengkalis. 

Erick Thohir 

    Erick Thohir reviewed the utilization and recycling of produced water in a high-tech and environmentally friendly steam flood system. The facility at CGS II is also the largest for the Duri field by processing 200 thousand barrels of fluid per day and oil production of around 19 thousand barrels per day. day.

    During the visit, Erick also had a dialogue and gave motivation to the workers, he also appreciated the number of CPI workers who joined PHR.

"I really appreciate you with open arms, 98 percent of them have joined. Let's work together to improve SOEs," said Erick.

    Erick wants the Rokan Block to increase production, especially for state income. In addition, PHR is also expected to provide public services that have an impact on the welfare of the community.

 "What's interesting is that we [SOEs] also run public services, one of which is through CSR, especially at this time for handling Covid-19," said Erick.

Nicke Widyawati

Eco Friendly

    Pertamina President Director Nicke Widyawati when accompanying Erick Thohir to visit the Rokan Block also explained Pertamina's business vision to PHR workers. Nicke said Pertamina wanted an energy transition from fossil fuels to New and Renewable Energy [EBT]

"Therefore, we must focus on changing our operations towards being more environmentally friendly," said Nicke.

    According to Nicke, Pertamina has made a number of efforts in responding to the energy transition for business continuity in the future. One of these efforts is to integrate refineries with petrochemicals.

"We will enter petrochemicals whose growth will continue to increase. In the last five to 10 years, the growth was 3.5 percent and is predicted to increase to 5.5 percent per year. So, we will switch from fuel to petrochemical-based on the oil we have,” said Nicke.

    The Rokan Block stretches across five regencies in Riau Province, namely Bengkalis, Siak, Kampar, Rokan Hulu, and Rokan Hilir regencies. This strategic oil block is the second largest in Indonesia with an oil production target of around 165,000 barrels per day in 2021 or around 24 percent of production. national.

    Pertamina has expressed its commitment to maintaining production after the transfer of management by carrying out predetermined drilling in the period August-December 2021 as many as 163 wells. The total consists of 84 new wells and 77 ex-Chevron wells. Next, in 2022, It is planned that there will be an additional 500 wells.

    Nicke previously emphasized that Pertamina would strive to maintain the production of the Rokan Block. Pertamina will carry out an advanced oil recovery (EOR) project to carry out aggressive drilling.

    Pertamina has allocated US$2 billion by 2025. This fund will be used by Pertamina for drilling, development, and maintaining production. Nicke added that Pertamina is also committed to exploring the Rokan Block because there are still potential reserves that can be developed.

"There are still many non-conventional fields that can be developed to support national production," said Nicke.

    Not only the Rokan Block who returned to Indonesia. One of the large power plants in Rokan which also supplies steam in the Rokan Block, namely the Mandau Cipta Power Nusantara (MCTN) Power Plant, has been officially managed by PT PLN (Persero)."

    For PLN, this is proof that we are able to manage power plants to meet electricity needs in large-scale oil and gas working areas, such as the Rokan Block," said PLN President Director Zulkifli Zaini.

    To ensure the supply of electricity and steam in the operation of the Rokan WK, PLN and PHR have agreed and signed a power and steam sale and purchase agreement (PJBTLU) on February 1, 2021. During the transition period, PLN utilizes existing power plants that will last for three years. PLN has acquired shares of the existing power plant which has been electrifying WK ​​Rokan, namely PLTG North Duri Cogen 300 MW and supported by PLTG Minas and Central Duri of 130 MW

"In the short term, we will use electricity from the generator, which has been supplying electricity to Rokan, while for the past three years we have prepared the electricity network to connect the Rokan WK with the Sumatra electricity system," said Zulkifli.

    In the second phase, the permanent service period will rely on PLN's generators and network starting in 2024. PLN will interconnect the Rokan Block system with the Sumatran electricity system with a capacity of 400 megawatts (MW).

Republika, Page-1, Thursday, Aug 12, 2021

Jokowi Orders Pertamina to Speeding

    The Rokan Block has returned to Indonesia after 97 years of being managed by America. Pertamina Hulu RokanM (PHR), which is a subsidiary of Pertamina, has officially taken over one of the largest oil and gas fields in the country for the next 20 years. The Rokan Block was successfully taken over on Monday, August 9, 2021. President Joko Widodo appreciated the efforts made by the company.

"Congratulations on the return of the management of the Rokan Block to Indonesia," said Jokowi.

The President Joko Widodo (Jokowi)

    The Head of State reminded Pertamina to increase the production of the Rokan Block. He did not want the production of the Rokan Block to decline after being taken over.

“This transfer of management is a challenge. We are challenged to prove our worth. Don't let the productivity of the Rokan Block decrease after we manage it ourselves," said Jokowi.

the Rokan Block Chevron

    He asked to maintain the sustainability of one of the country's great assets. It is hoped that national oil production can continue to increase and the benefits can be achieved felt by the local community.

"I believe Pertamina is able to manage the Rokan Block well," he said.

    Jokowi asked Pertamina to work hard in managing the Rokan Block. Jokowi hopes that full control of the Rokan Block can make the country profitable.

"Pertamina must work hard to maintain the sustainability of the Rokan Block as a support for national oil production and increase utilization for the region," said Jokowi.

    Jokowi believes Pertamina is capable of managing the Rokan Block. Jokowi hopes that all employees at Pertamina can make good use of it.

"Congratulations on the return of management to the motherland's lap, and congratulations on working for the entire team from Pertamina," said Jokowi.

    Previously, the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arifin Tasrif asked PT Pertamina (Persero) to increase the production of the Rokan Block through its affiliate PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR)

    Arifin said that based on the planned joint agreement, the transfer of management of the Rokan Block from PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI) to PHR will bring the production of the Rokan Block Working Area to continue to increase. This goal can be realized if PHR makes a massive drilling investment.

"I hope that PHR proposes an aggressive production increase activity for the remainder of 2021 and the following years. This must be Pertamina's commitment, considering that the Rokan Working Area is one of the largest oil block working areas in Indonesia," said Arifin.

    The Rokan Block is one of the strategic work areas that has produced 11.69 billion barrels of oil (from 1951 to 2021), with an average oil production of 2021 to July 2021 of 1605 thousand barrels per day (BPD) or about 24 percent of national production and 41 million standard cubic feet per day (mmscfd) for natural gas.

Nicke Widyawati

    Following up on the message from the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Pertamina President Director Nicke Widyawati said the mandate given by the government to manage the Rokan Block oil Working Area would be carried out optimally.

"Pertamina will be committed to carrying out this mandate as well as possible for the interests of the Indonesian nation and state," said Nicke.

    According to Nicke, the management of the Rokan Block to Pertamina as a state-owned company certainly provides wider benefits for the state, both in terms of management and in terms of state revenues. At the same time, it will strengthen Pertamina's position, especially Pertamina Hulu Rokan, which plays a role in driving development and the national economy.

Harian Bangsa, Page-1, Thursday, Aug 12, 2021