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Showing posts with label JOB-PPEJ. Show all posts
Showing posts with label JOB-PPEJ. Show all posts

Monday, April 12, 2021

Mudi-26 Field Increases PHE TEJ Production in Tuban

    Pertamina Hulu Energi Tuban East Java (PHE TEJ), continues to carry out its commitment to maintaining the country's energy security. One of them is the successful implementation of the Mudi-26 Well Drilling. 

Pertamina Hulu Energi Tuban East Java (PHE TEJ)

    The Mudi-26 Well Drilling was able to record production test results of 531 Barrel Oil Per Day (BOPD) This figure exceeds the initial target of 200 BOPD, thus increasing the production increase from the Mudi field in Tuban Block.

"The success of drilling the Mudi-26 well is one of the fulfillment of a definite commitment, the Mudi-26 infill well was drilled with a depth of 3,005 meters. This drilling takes 73 days of drilling and 12 days of completion, "said the acting General Manager of TEJ's PHE Riko Meidiya Putra.

    Riko explained that the Mudi-26 well was successfully produced in the Tuban Carbonate Formation layer. Apart from exceeding the production target, this well will also increase the oil and gas reserves of the Tuban Block in East Java and open up new opportunities for wells in the Mudi field.

"We express our deepest gratitude to all parties who have supported the success of drilling the Mudi-26 well. I hope that in the future PHE TEJ production will continue to increase so that it can participate in supporting the target of achieving national energy production," said Riko.

    Riko conveyed that the success of drilling the Mudi-26 well proves PHE Tuban East Java officers' ability to increase Mudi field production after the transition from the previous operator, namely, Joint Operating Body Pertamina PetroChina East Java (JOB-PPEJ). Additional production from Mudi-26 well is 531 BOPD brings the total production of PHE Tuban East Java oil to 1731 BOPD.

"This success is due to solid teamwork and prayers and support from all internal and external parties. Meanwhile, the Field Manager of PHE TEJ Taryono said that the Mudi-26 well drilling was successfully carried out by applying superior HSSE with zero LTI, zero TRIR, and no environmental issue results.

"PHE TEJ is a subsidiary of PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) which is engaged in the upstream oil and gas business in the Tuban Work Area (WA). PHE TEJ is officially 100 percent managed by PHE using a production sharing contract or gross split covering 4 Field Areas, namely Mudi, Lengowangi, South Bungoh, and Bogomiring Field Areas, "he said.

Harian Bangsa, Page-9, Friday, Feb 5, 2021

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Two Blocks of Migas Finish Termination are evaluated

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) said it has completed the evaluation of two of the six oil and gas blocks completed by its termination contract by 2020. The new contractor for the six oil and gas blocks is scheduled to be decided this June.

Director General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Djoko Siswanto, said the two oil and gas blocks that have been evaluated are South Jambi Block B Block and Brantas Block. Currently South Jambi Block is managed by ConocoPhilips, PT Pertamina (Persero), and Petrochina International Jambi, while the Brantas Block by Lapindo Brantas, PT Prakasa Brantas, and Minarak Labuan Co Llc.

"From the results of the evaluation, (contractor) eksisting (opportunity to continue management). But this has not been decided yet, "he said in Jakarta.

Of the three companies involved in the management of South Jambi Block B Block, only Petrochina submitted a management proposal. Furthermore, in Brantas Block, Lapindo Brantas expressed interest to continue working on the block.

Meanwhile, for four other blocks, namely Blok Salawati Kepala Burung, Malacca Strait, Makassar Strait, and Onshore Salawati Basin, Djoko stated still in evaluation. For the Salawati Basin Block and Bird's Head, it is considering incorporating its management because the distance is quite close. 

     Blok Salawati Kepala Burung is operated by Joint Operating Body (JOB) of PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) Petrochina. The block's participating interest holders are PHE Salawati 50%, Petrochina International Bird Head 16,78%, RHP Salawati Island BV 14,51%, and Petrogas (Island) Ltd 18,7%.

While Onshore Salawati Basin Block operated Petrochina International Bermuda where PI holders are Petrogas Basin 34.06%, RH Petrogas 25.94%, Petrochina 30%, and Pertamina 10%. As for the Makassar Strait Block, the existing contractor requested an extension of time to submit a proposal for the management plan.

"The existing contractor requested approximately the second week of June 2018, provided the proposal. So there will be pending one block, "said Djoko.

Makassar Strait Block is currently working on Chevron Makassar Strait 72%, PHE 10%, and Tiptop Makassar 18%. Furthermore, for the evaluation process of the Malacca Strait Block, he said that he still discussed the issue of the discretion of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources. 

      According to data from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Malacca Strait Block is managed by EMP Malacca Strait SA, while PI holders are Petroleum Kondur 34.46%, Malacca Petroleum Ltd 6.93%, OOGC (Malacca Strait) Ltd 32.58% and PT Imbang Tata Natural 26.03%.

Djoko added that in addition to the blocks currently under management, Pertamina does not propose management proposals for other blocks.

"Brantas Block (Pertamina) is not, Malaka no, Makassar not too. If the Blok Salawati because Pertamina is there, "said Djoko.

Previously, Djoko explained, in accordance with Government Regulation No. 35 of 2004 Article 28, the existing contractor can apply for a contract extension not later than 10 years and no later than 2 years before the contract is completed. While the government must make new management decisions at least one year before the contract termination.

However, the government will attempt to immediately establish new operators of this terminating oil and gas block.

"We are targeting for which (the contract is completed) 2020 set in June, next 2021 in July, 2022 in August, 2023 in September, 2024 in October, 2025 in November, and 2026 in December. So this year is over (new managing), "he said.

The government has set new contractors for oil and gas blocks that have been completed by next year. The government has appointed PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Jambi Merang to become the operator of Jambi Merang Block, PT Pertamina Hulu Energi T empirai for Raja-Pendopo Block, Kalrez Petroletun (Seram) Ltd for Blpk Bula, and CITIC Seram Energy Limited for Seram Non Bula Block.

Referring to the data of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, there are 21 oil and gas blocks that will expire in 2019-2026. Other blocks to be completed by 2021 are Bentu Segat, Long Strait and Rokan Block which produce the largest oil in Indonesia. In 2022, following the Tarakan East Block, Coastal Plains and Pekanbaru, Bengkal, and Sengkang will complete the contract.

Furthermore in 2023, Rimau Block, Jabung, and Corridor. The Corridor Block is one of the blocks with a large gas production in Indonesia which is worked on by Conoco Philips. In 2025, the Bangko Block will follow the completion of the contract.


Dua Blok Migas Terminasi Selesai dievaluasi

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) menyatakan telah merampungkan evaluasi dua dari enam blok migas yang selesai kontrak kerja sama-nya (terminasi) pada 2020. Kontraktor baru untuk enam blok migas ini rencananya akan ditetapkan Juni ini.

Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM Djoko Siswanto mengatakan, dua blok migas yang sudah selesai dievaluasi adalah Blok South Jambi Block B dan Blok Brantas. Saat ini Blok South Jambi dikelola oleh ConocoPhilips, PT Pertamina (Persero), dan Petrochina International Jambi,
sementara Blok Brantas oleh Lapindo Brantas, PT Prakasa Brantas, dan Minarak Labuan Co Llc.

“Dari hasil evaluasi, (kontraktor) eksisting (berpeluang melanjutkan pengelolaan). Tetapi ini belum diputuskan,” kata dia di Jakarta.

Dari tiga perusahaan yang terlibat dalam pengelolaan Blok South Jambi Block B, hanya Petrochina yang mengajukan usulan pengelolaan. Selanjutnya di Blok Brantas, Lapindo Brantas menyatakan berminat melanjutkan menggarap blok tersebut.

Sementara untuk empat blok lainnya, yakni Blok Salawati Kepala Burung, Malacca Strait, Makassar Strait, dan Onshore Salawati Basin, Djoko menyatakan masih dalam evaluasi. Untuk Blok Salawati Basin dan Kepala Burung, pihaknya sedang mempertimbangkan untuk menggabungkan pengelolaannya lantaran jaraknya cukup dekat. 

     Blok Salawati Kepala Burung dioperatori Joint Operating Body (JOB) PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) Petrochina. Pemegang hak partisipasi blok ini adalah PHE Salawati 50%, Petrochina International Kepala Burung 16,78%, RHP Salawati Island BV 14,51%, serta Petrogas (Island) Ltd 18,7%. 

Sementara Blok Onshore Salawati Basin dioperasikan Petrochina International Bermuda di mana pemegang PI adalah Petrogas Basin 34,06%, RH Petrogas 25,94%, Petrochina 30%, dan Pertamina 10%. Sementara untuk Blok Makassar Strait, kontraktor eksisting meminta perpanjangan waktu untuk mengajukan proposal rencana pengelolaannya. 

“Kontraktor eksisting minta waktu kira-kira minggu kedua Juni 2018, memberikanproposal. Jadi nanti ada yang pending satu blok,” ujar Djoko.

      Blok Makassar Strait saat ini dikerjakan Chevron Makassar Strait 72%, PHE 10%, dan Tiptop Makassar 18%. Selanjutnya, untuk proses evaluasi Blok Malacca Strait, dikatakannya masih membahas masalah diskresi Menteri ESDM. Menurut data Kementerian ESDM, Blok Malacca Strait dikelola oleh EMP Malacca Strait SA, sementara pemegang PI adalah Kondur Petroleum 34,46%, Malacca Petroleum Ltd 6,93%, OOGC (Malacca Strait) Ltd 32,58%, dan PT Imbang Tata
Alam 26,03%.

Djoko menambahkan, selain blok yang kini dikelolanya, Pertamina tidak mengajukan usulan pengelolaan untuk blok lain. 

“Blok Brantas (Pertamina) tidak, Malaka tidak, Makassar tidak juga. Kalau Blok Salawati karena Pertamina ada di situ,” kata Djoko.

Sebelumnya, Djoko menjelaskan, sesuai dengan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 35 Tahun 2004 Pasal 28, kontraktor eksisting dapat mengajukan perpanjangan kontrak paling cepat 10 tahun dan paling lambat 2 tahun sebelum kontrak selesai. Sementara pemerintah harus membuat keputusan pengelola baru paling telat satu tahun sebelum kontrak diterminasi.

Namun, pemerintah akan berupaya secepatnya menetapkan operator baru dari blok migas terminasi ini. 

“Kami targetkan untuk yang (kontraknya selesai) 2020 ditetapkan pada Juni nanti, berikutnya yang 2021 di Juli, 2022 di Agustus, 2023 di September, 2024 di Oktober, 2025 di November, dan 2026 di Desember. Jadi tahun ini selesai (penetapan pengelola baru),” kata dia.

Pemerintah telah menetapkan kontraktor baru untuk blok migas yang selesai kontraknya pada tahun depan. Pemerintah menetapkan PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Jambi Merang akan kembali menjadi operator Blok Jambi Merang, PT Pertamina Hulu Energi T empirai untuk Blok Raja-Pendopo, Kalrez Petroletun (Seram) Ltd untuk Blok Bula, serta CITIC Seram Energy Limited untuk Blok Seram Non Bula.

Mengacu pada data Kementerian ESDM, terdapat 21 blok migas yang akan berakhir pada 2019-2026. Blok lainnya yang akan selesai kontraknya pada 2021 adalah Blok Bentu Segat, Selat Panjang, dan Blok Rokan yang menghasilkan minyak terbesar di Indonesia. Pada 2022, menyusul Blok Tarakan East, Coastal Plains and Pekanbaru, Bengkal, serta Sengkang bakal rampung kontraknya.

Selanjutnya di 2023, Blok Rimau, Jabung, dan Koridor. Blok Koridor merupakan salah satu blok dengan produksi gas cukup besar di Indonesia yang digarap Conoco Philips. Di 2025, Blok Bangko akan menyusul rampung kontraknya.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Wednesday, May 30, 2018

First Quarter, PHE Gas Production Up 2 Percent

PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE), a subsidiary of PT Pertamina (Persero) in the upstream sector, recorded gas production of 777 million cubic feet per day (MMSCFD) during January-March 2018. The amount is up 2 percent over the same period of 2017 of 765 MMSCFD .

"In 2018, PHE set a production target for March of 767.8 MMSCFD, realization of 1.2 percent higher" said R. Gunung Sardjono Hadi, Director of PHE.

PHE oil production in the first three months of 2018 was 63.037 barrels oil per day (BOPD), not much different from the same period of 2017 of 62,623 BOPD.

"PHE in 2018 targeted oil production in March at 65,243 BOPD, so production in March 2018 was 96.6 percent of the target," Gunung said.

According to Sardjono Hadi Mountain, PHE will accelerate the monetization of PHE reserves by implementing a backup source clustering strategy. This strategy can be used in working areas that have less gas reserves, but can be monetized soon. With PHE clustering no longer thinking just waiting for gas buyers, but innovating how to create a market. The reason, although having large reserves will be useless if there is no gas absorber.

"So it does not depend on the market, but it creates the market. That is what we are now pursuing, The concept of gas monetization is clustered. So we also have to think how to get into the midstream, "said Mount Sardjono Hadi.

He cited the development of gas in Senoro. Senoro gas will never be monetized if the facility does not build the refinery and regasification DSLNG in cooperation with several companies. PHE will also be more open to cooperate with other companies.

"Like Senoro if there is no DSLNG it will not be developed. That's one example for another development. We try to find, create new markets. So we do not sit sweetly waiting to come buyers, "said Mount Sardjono Hadi.

Meanwhile, Ekariza, Director of Operations and Production of PHE, said the realization of PHE gas production depends on absorption in the market if the absorption of large market, PHE can increase its gas production.

"First quarter gas production is higher because there is an increase in absorption. The largest production contribution comes from Tomori, "said Ekoriza.In addition to Tomori, the contribution of PHE gas production comes from the Offshore North West Java (ONWJ) block, Jambi Merang and West Madura Offshore (WMO).

Termination Blocks The target of PHE oil and gas production in the Company's Work Plan and Budget (RKAP) 2018 has also included the production of four terminated block of contracts to be managed by PHE. The four blocks are Tuban, Ogan Komering, Offshore South East Sumatra (OSES) and North Sumatra Offshore (NSO).

Two of the four blocks, Tuban and Ogan Komering, the production sharing contract (PSC) have been signed on April 20, 2018 and are effective as of May 20, 2018.

However, for Sukowati unitization field previously managed by Joint Operation Body (JOB) of Pertamina ~ PetroChina East Java from May 20, 2018 submitted to PT Pertamina EP Another block, Ogan Komering, contract is also signed on 20 April 2018 and effective on 20 May 2018.


Kuartal I, Produksi Gas PHE Naik 2 Persen

PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE), anak usaha PT Pertamina (Persero) di sektor hulu, mencatat produksi gas 777 juta kaki kubik per hari (MMSCFD) sepanjang Januari-Maret 2018. Jumlah tersebut naik 2 persen dibanding periode yang sama 2017 sebesar 765 MMSCFD.

“Pada 2018, PHE menetapkan target produksi bulan Maret sebesar 767,8 MMSCFD, realisasinya 1,2 persen lebih tinggi" ujar R. Gunung Sardjono Hadi, Direktur Utama PHE. 

Untuk produksi minyak PHE pada tiga bulan pertama 2018 tercatat 63,037 barrel oil per day (BOPD), tidak jauh berbeda dibanding periode yang sama 2017 sebesar 62,623 BOPD. 

“PHE pada 2018 menargetkan produksi minyak bulan Maret sebesar 65,243 BOPD, sehingga produksi Maret 2018 tercatat 96,6 persen dari target,” kata Gunung.

Menurut Gunung Sardjono Hadi, PHE akan mempercepat monetisasi cadangan PHE dengan menerapkan strategi klasterisasi Sumber cadangan. Strategi ini bisa digunakan di wilayah kerja yang memiliki cadangan gas tidak terlalu besar, namun bisa segera dimonetisasi. Dengan klasterisasi PHE tidak lagi berpikir hanya menunggu pembeli gas, namun berinovasi bagaimana menciptakan pasar. Pasalnya, meski memiliki cadangan besar akan percuma jika tidak ada penyerap gas.

“Jadi tidak tergantung pasar, tapi menciptakan pasar. Itu yang sekarang kami kejar, Konsep monetisasi gas dibikin klaster. Jadi kami juga harus berpikir bagaimana bisa masuk ke midstream,” kata Gunung Sardjono Hadi.

Dia mencontohkan pengembangan gas di Senoro. Gas Senoro tidak akan pernah dimonetisasi andai kata tidak terbangun fasilitas kilang serta regasifikasi DSLNG yang bekerja sama dengan beberapa perusahaan. Untuk itu PHE juga akan lebih membuka diri dalam menjalin kerja sama dengan perusahaan lain. 

“Seperti Senoro kalau tidak ada DSLNG itu tidak akan dikembangkan. Itu salah satu contoh untuk pengembangan lain. Kami mencoba mencari, menciptakan pasar baru. Jadi kami tidak duduk manis menunggu datang pembeli,” kata Gunung Sardjono Hadi.

Sementara itu, Ekariza, Direktur Operasi dan Produksi PHE, mengatakan realisasi produksi gas PHE sangat tergantung dari penyerapan di pasar jika penyerapan pasar besar, maka PHE bisa meningkatkan produksi gasnya. 

“Produksi gas kuartal I lebih tinggi karena ada peningkatan penyerapan. Kontribusi produksi terbesar berasal dari Tomori," kata Ekariza. Selain Tomori, kontribusi produksi gas PHE berasal dari blok Offshore North West Java (ONWJ), Jambi Merang dan West Madura Offshore (WMO).

Blok Terminasi Target produksi migas PHE pada Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan (RKAP) 2018 juga telah memasukkan produksi dari empat blok habis kontrak (terminasi) yang akan dikelola penuh PHE. Keempat blok tersebut adalah Tuban, Ogan Komering, Offshore South East Sumatera (OSES) dan North Sumatera Offshore (NSO).

Dua dari empat blok tersebut, yakni Tuban dan Ogan Komering kontrak kerja sama bagi hasilnya (production sharing contract/PSC) telah ditandatangani pada 20 April 2018 dan berlaku efektif per 20 Mei 2018.

Namun untuk lapangan unitisasi Sukowati yang sebelumnya dikelola Joint Operation Body (JOB) Pertamina~PetroChina East Java mulai 20 Mei 2018 diserahkan ke PT Pertamina EP Blok lainnya, Ogan Komering, kontraktnya juga telah ditandatangani pada 20 April 2018 dan efektif berlaku pada 20 Mei 2018.

Memorandum, Page-10, Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Friday, June 8, 2018

2018, Pertamina EP Targets US $ 2.6 Billion Revenue

PT Pertamina EP, Same Contract Contractor under the coordination and supervision of SKK Migas, a subsidiary of PT Pertamina (Persero), targets revenue in 2018 to reach US $ 2.5-2.6 billion.

"The revenue is assumed that the average oil price this year is at US $ 80 per barrel and the production rate is the same, while last year the average price of world oil reached US $ 51 per barrel," said Pertamina EP President Director Nanang Abdul Manaf in Fasting Sharing event in Jakarta.

Meanwhile, until May 15, 2018, the company recorded a production of 256,619 barrels of oil equivalent per day (BOEPD). The production achievement exceeded the target in the 2018 RPAP of 249,601 BOEPD or about 101.61%. Nanang said the realization of the production consists of 76.309 barrels of oil per day (BOPD) or 96.26% of the target of 79,275 BOPD. While gas production reached 1,027.29 million standard cubic feet per day (MMSCFD).

"Gas production until mid-May 2018 reached 104.10% of the target of 986.82 MMSCFD," said Nanang.

Pertamina EP Asset 5, Pertamina EP business unit based in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan, contributed the largest production of oil, which is 18,369 BOPD. This production comes from five fields under the manager of Pertamina EP Asset 5, namely Sangatta Field, Bunyu Field, Tanjung Field, Sangasanga Field, and Tarakan Field. The second largest contributor is Pertamina EP Asset 2, based in Prabumulih, South Sumatera, at 17,051 BOPD. The oil supply comes from four fields in Pertamina EP Asset 2, namely Prabumulih Field, Pendopo Field, Limau Field, and Adera Field.

While the number one gas production comes from Pertamina EP Asset 2. The total gas produced is 442 MMSCFD, much higher than the contribution from Pertamina EP Asset 3 based in Cirebon, West Java at 292 MMSCFD. Pertamina EP Asset 3 gas supply comes from three fields, namely Tambun Field, Subang Field, and Jatibarang Field.

To maintain and even increase oil and gas production, Pertamina EP completed drilling program and Work Over (WO) and implemented a well operation plan program. In addition, the company also undertook a recovery plan to achieve production targets. Nanang explained, during January-March 2018, Pertamina EP recorded revenues of US $ 675 million.

"This revenue achievement is 115 percent of last year's revenue of US $ 586 million (year-on-year)," he said.

This revenue achievement is also supported by the start of rising global oil prices and company efficiency policies. One of them is to reduce production costs. In total, oil production cost (production cost) as of March 2018 for onshore is about US $ 15.98 per barrel, gas is US $ 1.03 per MSCF and oil and gas US $ 8.96 per MSCF.

"For offshore field, one of them is in Field Poleng, its production cost until end of March is US $ 10.47 per barrel, gas is US $ 1.81 per MSCE and oil and gas US $ 10.47 per MSCE" said Nanang.

He also asserted, Pertamina this year allocate capital expenditure (capex) of US $ 330 million. Meanwhile, operational expenditure (opex) amounted to US $ 1,648 million. "The funds are allocated for exploration, development, production, and General & Administration (G & A)," he said.

As of mid-May 2018, Pertamina EP has realized capex of US $ 122 million, primarily for drilling of US $ 83 million and US $ 39 million for surface facilities (development, upgrading and overhaul). Opex realization amounted to US $ 359 million, mainly used to support the company's operations, including exploration and exploitation activities.

Field Sukowati

Related to Sukowati field management in East Java, the field management is done by Pertamina EP Asset 4 based in Blora, Central Java. Chalid Salim Said, Pertamina EP's Director of Operations and Production expects Pertamina EP to raise Sukowati production by measures to be pursued by programs such as accelerating work plans by increasing the number of rigs, conducting new technology studies, and drilling production or injection wells.

According to Chalid, there are two strategic steps prepared by Pertamina EP regarding the transfer of Sukowati field from Joint Operating Body (JOB) Pertamina Petrochina East Java (PPEJ). In the short term, Pertamina EP will revive dead wells, artificial lifting improvements, optimization of production facility, well repair, dry docking Floating Storage Offloading Cinta Natomas, and completion of POD Phase 6 Sukowati.

"In the long run, we are planning POD Phase 6 Sukowati," he said.

As known, based on the Decree of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 2800/13 / MEM.M / 2018 dated May 17, 2018, Sukowati field which was previously operated by JOB PPEJ on May 20, 2018 was handed over to Pertamina EP. Minister of ESDM lgnasius Jonan appointed Pertamina EP to become the new operator of Sukowati field as well as production facilities of Central Processing Asset Mudi, Palang Station up to FSO Cinta Natomas.


2018, Pertamina EP Targetkan Pendapatan US$ 2,6 Miliar

 PT Pemamina EP, kontraktor Kontrak Kerja Same di bawah koordinasi dan supervisi SKK Migas yang juga anak usaha PT Pertamina (Persero), menargetkan pendapatan (revenue) pada 2018 mencapai US$ 2,5-2,6 miliar.

“Pendapatan itu dengan asumsi harga minyak rata-rata tahun ini mencapai US$ 80 per Barel dan tingkat produksi sama, sementara tahun lalu harga rata-rata minyak dunia mencapai US$ 51 per barel,” kata Presiden Direktur PT Pertamina EP Nanang Abdul Manaf dalam acara Buka Puasa Bersama di Jakarta.

Sementara itu, hingga 15 Mei 2018, perseroan mencatatkan produksi sebesar 256.619 barrel oil equivalent per day (BOEPD). Capaian produksi tersebut melewati target dalam RKAP 2018 sebesar 249.601 BOEPD atau sekitar 101,61%. Nanang mengatakan, realisasi produksi tersebut terdiri dari produksi minyak sebesar 76.309 barel oil per day (BOPD) atau 96,26% dari target sebesar 79.275 BOPD. Sementara produksi gas mencapai 1.027,29 juta standar kaki kubik per hari (MMSCFD). 

“Produksi gas hingga pertengahan Mei 2018 mencapai 104,10% dari target sebesar 986,82 MMSCFD," ujar Nanang.

Pertamina EP Asset 5, unit bisnis Pertamina EP yang berbasis di Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur memberi kontribusi terbesar produksi minyak, yaitu 18.369 BOPD. Produksi ini berasal dari lima field yang berada di bawah pengelola Pertamina EP Asset 5, yaitu Sangatta Field, Bunyu Field, Tanjung Field, Sangasanga Field, dan Tarakan Field. Kontributor terbesar kedua adalah Pertamina EP Asset 2 yang bermarkas di Prabumulih, Sumatera Selatan, sebesar 17.051 BOPD. Pasokan minyak tersebut berasal dari empat field di Pertamina EP Asset 2, yaitu Prabumulih Field, Pendopo Field, Limau Field, dan Adera Field.

Sementara produksi gas nomor satu berasal dari Pertamina EP Asset 2. Total gas yang dihasilkan sebesar 442 MMSCFD, jauh lebih tinggi dibandingkan kontribusi dari Pertamina EP Asset 3 yang berbasis di Cirebon, Jawa Barat sebesar 292 MMSCFD. Pasokan gas Pertamina EP Aset 3 berasal dari tiga field, yaitu Tambun Field, Subang Field, dan Jatibarang Field.

Untuk mempertahankan dan bahkan meningkatkan produksi migas, Pertamina EP menyelesaikan program pemboran dan Work over (WO) serta melaksanakan program rencana kerja operasi sumur. Selain itu, perusahaan juga melakukan rencana pemulihan (recovery plan) untuk mencapai target produksi. Nanang menjelaskan, sepanjang Januari-Maret 2018, Pertamina EP membukukan pendapatan sebesar US$ 675 juta.

“Pencapaian pendapatan ini 115% dari realisasi pendapatan tahun sebelumnya US$ 586 juta (year-on-year)," ujarnya.

Pencapaian pendapatan ini juga ditopang oleh mulai naiknya harga minyak global dan kebijakan efisiensi perusahaan. Salah satunya adalah menekan biaya produksi. Secara total, biaya produksi (production cost) minyak per Maret 2018 untuk onshore adalah sekitar US$ 15,98 per barel, gas US$ 1,03 per MSCF dan migas US$ 8,96 per MSCF. 

“Untuk lapangan offshore, salah satunya ada di Field Poleng, biaya produksinya hingga akhir Maret sebesar US$ 10,47 per barrel, gas US$ 1,81 per MSCE dan migas US$ 10,47 per MSCE” kata Nanang.

Dia juga menegaskan, Pertamina tahun ini mengalokasikan belanja modal (capital expenditure/capex) sebesar US$ 330 juta. Sementara itu belanja operasi (operational expenditure/ opex) sebesar US$ 1.648 juta. “Dana itu dialokasikan untuk kegiatan eksplorasi, pengembangan, produksi, serta General & Administration (G&A) ,” ujarnya.

Hingga pertengahan Mei 2018, Pertamina EP telah merealisasikan belanja modal (capex) sebesar US$ 122 juta, terutama untuk pemboran sebesar US$ 83 juta dan US$ 39 juta untuk surface facilities (pembangunan, upgrading, dan overhaul). Sedangkan realisasi opex sebesar US$ 359 juta, terutama digunakan untuk mendukung kegiatan operasi perusahaan, antara lain kegiatan eksplorasi dan eksploitasi.

Lapangan Sukowati

Terkait pengelolaan lapangan Sukowati di Jawa Timur, pengelolaan lapangan tersebut dilakukan oleh Pertamina EP Asset 4 yang berbasis di Blora, Jawa Tengah. Chalid Salim Said, Direktur Operasi dan Produksi Pertamina EP berharap Pertamina EP dapat menaikkan produksi Sukowati dengan langkah-langkah yang akan ditempuh dengan program antara lain percepatan rencana kerja dengan menambah jumlah rig, melakukan kajian teknologi baru, dan melakukan pemboran produksi atau pun sumur injeksi.

Menurut Chalid, ada dua langkah strategis yang disiapkan Pertamina EP terkait alih kelola lapangan Sukowati dari Joint Operating Body (JOB) Pertamina Petrochina East Java (PPEJ). Dalam jangka pendek, Pertamina EP akan menghidupkan kembali sumur-sumur yang mati, perbaikan artificial lifting, optimasi production facility, reparasi sumur, dry docking Floating Storage Offloading Cinta Natomas, dan penyelesaian POD Phase 6 Sukowati.

“Dalam jangka panjang, kami merencanakan POD Phase 6 Sukowati,” katanya.

Sebagaimana diketahui, berdasarkan Keputusan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Nomor 2800/ 13/ MEM.M/ 2018 tanggal 17 Mei 2018, lapangan Sukowati yang sebelumnya dioperatori oleh JOB PPEJ, pada 20 Mei 2018 diserahkan pengelolaannya kepada Pertamina EP. Menteri ESDM lgnasius Jonan menunjuk Pertamina EP menjadi operator baru lapangan Sukowati serta fasilitas produksi Central Processing Asset Mudi, Palang Station sampai dengan FSO Cinta Natomas.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Friday, May 25, 2018

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Pertamina EP Finally Manage Field Sukowati

PT Pertamina EP officially manages the Unitization Field of Sukowati on May 20, 2018, pursuant to the Decree of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) no. 2800/13 / MEM / 2018 dated May 17, 2018. Previously, Sukowati Field was included in the merger of Tuban Block Unitization alias managed by Joint Operating Body (JOB) of Pertamina Petrochina East Java. The Tuban Block contract expires on 28 February 2018.

The Tuban Block is now no longer managed by JOB Pertamina Petrochina East Java but handed over to Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) Tuban East Java. Total production in Tuban Block 7,000 barep per day. Nanang Abdul Manaf, President Director of Pertamina EP, said that unitization is a common model of cooperation in the oil and gas industry. Pertamina EP manages seven field units, one of which is Sukowati unitization.

"Alhamdulillah, Pertamina EP is designated as the new operator of Sukowati Field of Mudi's central processing production facility (CPA) and floating storage and offloading (FSO) Cinta Natomas facility operations will be carried out by PT Pertamjna EP Asset 4 team," Nanang said.

Afif Saifudin PHE Director Tuban East Java said that after Sukowati Field managed by Pertamina EP, it will manage Mudi's Field, Source and Lengo Wangi with a gross split contract.

"Based on the work plan, we will conduct well services, work over, as well as geological, geophysical and reservoir studies" he said.


Pertamina EP Akhirnya Kelola Lapangan Sukowati

PT Pertamina EP resmi mengelola Lapangan Unitisasi Sukowati pada 20 Mei 2018, sesuai Keputusan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) No. 2800/13/MEM/2018 tanggal 17 Mei 2018. Sebelumnya Lapangan Sukowati masuk dalam penggabungan alias unitisasi Blok tuban yang dikelola oleh Joint Operating Body (JOB) Pertamina Petrochina East Java. Kontrak Blok Tuban sudah habis 28 Februari 2018 lalu.

Adapun Blok Tuban kini bukan lagi dikelola JOB Pertamina Petrochina East Java melainkan diserahkan ke Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) Tuban East Java. Secara total produksi di Blok Tuban 7. 000 barep per hari. Nanang Abdul Manaf, Presiden Direktur Pertamina EP menyatakan unitisasi merupakan model kerjasama yang umum terjadi di industri migas. Pertamina EP mengelola tujuh unitisasi lapangan, salah satunya unitisasi Sukowati.

"Alhamdulillah, Pertamina EP ditetapkan sebagai operator baru Lapangan Sukowati fasilitas produksi central processing area (CPA) Mudi dan floating storage and offloading (FSO) Cinta Natomas. Pengelolaan operasi akan dilaksanakan tim dari PT Pertamjna EP Asset 4," ujar Nanang.

Afif Saifudin Direktur PHE Tuban East Java bilang, setelah Lapangan Sukowati  dikelola oleh Pertamina EP pihaknya akan mengelola Lapangan Mudi, Sumber, dan Lengo Wangi dengan kontrak gross split. 

"Berdasarkan rencana kerja, kami akan melakukan well services, work over, serta Studi geologi, geofisika dan reservoir" katanya.

Kontan, Page-14, Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Sukowati Field Production Decreases

    Sukowati Field oil production, which is a unitization, aka merging into Tuban's work area is suspected to be no longer the operator's concern. This is evident from the decline in production in Sukowati Square to below 6,000 barrels per day (bpd) in January 2018, compared to January 2012 production of 11,000 bpd.


    The decline in production is due to the Joint Operation Body Pertamina-Petrochina East Java (JOB-PPEJ) contract which will end on February 28, 2018. Currently in Tuban Block there are two oil and gas fields, namely Sukowati Field with 11,000 bph production and Mudi Field with 4,000 bph production.

    President Director of PT Pertamina EP Nanang Abdul Manaf said that his office has sent a letter to the Special Unit for Upstream Oil and Gas Business (SKK Migas). Pertamina's subsidiary also held a discussion with SKK Migas on Sukowati Field to be handed over to Pertamina EP.

    In the unitization contract with Tuban Block, the company owns 80% and 20% participating interest (PI) owned by Joint Operation Body of Pertamina-Petrochina East Java (JOB-PPEJ).

"We are aware, otherwise the production investment will not be back, so we offer the farm in for 20%," said Nanang, Wednesday (31/1).

    Unfortunately, the desire to farm in (take over shares) was not addressed by the Tuban Block operator. In fact, when the production of Tuban Block post-government no longer extend the contract continues to decline. Pertamina EP must act. Nanang reminded if there is no action in Sukowati Square which has 33 wells oil production there will continue to fall.

    Nanang guarantees that if Sukowati Field belongs to Pertamina EP, there will be full drilling work over work and drilling of injection wells to return production as before. Even the budget issue is no longer a problem for Pertamina EP.

    In addition to Sukowati, Pertamina EP is also interested in the Sanga-Sanga field in direct contact with the Sanga-Sanga Block owned by Vico and Saka Energi. In agreement with Vico, Pertamina EP may only drill 1,200 meters below ground level.

    Meanwhile, the remaining blocks of oil and gas blocks may be granted to Pertamina Hulu Energi and Pertamina Hulu Indonesia.

 "We are only in those two, Tuban Block or Sukowati Square and Sanga-Sanga," Nanang said.


Produksi Lapangan Sukowati Menurun

    Produksi minyak Lapangan Sukowati yang merupakan unitisasi, alias penggabungan ke dalam wilayah kerja Tuban diduga tidak lagi menjadi perhatian sang operator. Ini terlihat dari menurunnya produksi di Lapangan Sukowati hingga di bawah 6.000 barel per hari (bph) pada Januari 2018, dibandingkan produksi Januari 2017 yang sebesar 11.000 bph.

    Penurunan produksi ini karena kontrak Joint Operation Body Pertamina-Petrochina East Java (JOB-PPEJ) akan berakhir pada 28 Februari 2018. Saat ini di Blok Tuban terdapat dua lapangan migas, yakni Lapangan Sukowati produksinya 11.000 bph dan Lapangan Mudi dengan produksi 4.000 bph.

        Direktur Utama PT Pertamina EP Nanang Abdul Manaf mengungkapkan, pihaknya sudah mengirimkan surat kepada Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas). Anak usaha Pertamina juga juga melakukan diskusi dengan SKK Migas tentang Lapangan Sukowati agar lapangan itu diserahkan kepada Pertamina EP.

    Dalam kontrak unitisasi dengan Blok Tuban pihaknya memiliki participating interest (PI) sebesar 80% dan 20% milik Joint Operation Body Pertamina-Petrochina East Java (JOB-PPEJ).

"Kami menyadari, jika tidak investasi produksi tidak akan balik. Makanya waktu itu kami menawarkan farm in untuk 20% itu. Kalau produksi turun, bagian kami juga kecil," kata Nanang, Rabu (31/1).

    Sayangnya, keinginan untuk farm in (mengambilalih saham) tidak ditanggapi operator Blok Tuban. Padahal, saat itu produksi Blok Tuban pasca pemerintah tidak lagi memperpanjang kontrak terus menurun. Pertamina EP harus bertindak. Nanang mengingatkan jika tidak ada tindakan di Lapangan Sukowati yang memiliki 33 sumur produksi minyak di sana akan terus turun.

    Nanang menjamin jika Lapangan Sukowati menjadi milik Pertamina EP sepenuhnya akan ada pekerjaan pengeboran sumur work over dan pengeboran sumur injeksi agar produksi kembali seperti semula. Bahkan masalah anggaran tidak lagi menjadi masalah bagi Pertamina EP.

    Selain di Sukowati, Pertamina EP juga berminat pada lapangan Sanga-Sanga yang bersentuhan langsung dengan Blok Sanga-Sanga milik Vico dan Saka Energi. Dalam perjanjian dengan Vico, Pertamina EP hanya boleh mengebor 1.200 meter di bawah permukaan tanah.

    Sementara sisa blok migas terminasi ada kemungkinan diberikan kepada Pertamina Hulu Energi dan Pertamina Hulu Indonesia.

 "Kami hanya ada di dua itu, Blok Tuban atau Lapangan Sukowati dan Sanga-Sanga," kata Nanang.

Kontan, Page-14, Friday, Feb 2, 2018

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Concerning the Fate of Termination Block, Pertamina Send a letter to the Government

PT Pertamina said it has sent a letter to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) regarding the management of the termination block in the future. The new termination block contract needs to be signed soon as several blocks will end their existing contract in February.

As is known, the government has commissioned the management of eight blocks that ended its contract this year to Pertamina. Of the eight blocks, Pertamina is assured of obtaining the rights of North Sumatra Offshore and Central Block management, as it will be combined with its block with Pertamina currently owned.

The other two blocks, East Kalimantan Block and Attaka will be auctioned after Pertamina and the existing contractor have declared no interest in doing so.

As for the other four blocks, Pertamina must compete with the existing contractors because the government wants the best proposal development proposal.

Oil and Gas Block

These four blocks are Tuban Block, Ogan Komering, South East Sumatera, and Sanga-Sanga. Ogan Komering Block is currently managed by Pertamina with Talisman, while the Tuban Block is managed by PetroChina East Java with Pertamina. Then, the South East Sumatera Block was done by CNOOC and Sanga-Sanga Block by Vico Indonesia.

"On Monday (22/1), we have sent a letter to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources related to the blocks," said Pertamina Upstream Director of Syamsu Alam in Jakarta, Monday (22/1).

Unfortunately, Nature is reluctant to reveal what the contents of the letter. He only mentioned this letter related to the management of the termination blocks in the future. In addition, the letter does not discuss the right to match offered to the company. Nature also does not want to mention which blocks are still interested in Pertamina.

"Just wait later if there is a final decision," he said.

Previously, Secretary General and Director General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of ESDM Ego Syahrial said that the government has completed the evaluation of the proposed development plan of existing contractual contractors (KKKS). As a result, the proposals from the existing KKKS are considered slightly better than Pertamina.

"Pertamina again thinks what Pertamina wants to right to match. So this position awaits Pertamina, "he said.

He said the government provides an opportunity for Pertamina to right to match or match the existing contractor's offer in order to obtain the termination block management. This is to ensure the country gets the best offer, so the state revenue from the block is not reduced.

It targets, the new termination block contract can be signed at the beginning of this year. It is recalled that some blocks will expire in February. Precisely Tuban Block will end its contract on February 23, 2018, and Ogan Komering Block on February 28, 2018.


Soal Nasib Blok Terminasi, Pertamina Mengirim surat ke Pemerintah

PT Pertamina menyatakan telah mengirim surat ke Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) tentang pengelolaan blok terminasi ke depannya. Kontrak baru blok terminasi ini perlu segera ditandatangani mengingat beberapa blok akan berakhir kontrak eksistingnya pada Februari ini.

Seperti diketahui, pemerintah telah menugaskan pengelolaan delapan blok yang berakhir kontraknya pada tahun ini kepada Pertamina. Dari delapan blok itu, Pertamina dipastikan memperoleh hak pengelolaan Blok North Sumatera Offshore dan Tengah, karena akan digabungkan pengelolaannya dengan blok yang saat ini dimiliki Pertamina. 

Dua blok lain, yakni Blok East Kalimantan dan Attaka akan dilelang setelah Pertamina dan kontraktor eksisting menyatakan tidak berminat mengerjakannya.

Sementara untuk empat blok lainnya, Pertamina harus bersaing dengan kontraktor eksisting karena pemerintah menginginkan tawaran proposal rencana pengembangan yang terbaik. 

Keempat blok ini adalah Blok Tuban, Ogan Komering, South East Sumatera, dan Sanga-Sanga. Blok Ogan Komering saat ini dikelola Pertamina bersama Talisman, sementara Blok Tuban digarap Petrochina East Java bersama Pertamina. Kemudian, Blok South East Sumatera dikerjakan oleh CNOOC dan Blok Sanga-Sanga oleh Vico Indonesia.

“Hari Senin (22/1), kami sudah mengirim surat ke Kementerian ESDM terkait blok-blok tersebut,” kata Direktur Hulu Pertamina Syamsu Alam di Jakarta, Senin (22/1).

Sayangnya, Alam enggan mengungkapkan apa isi dari surat tersebut. Dia hanya menyebut surat ini terkait dengan pengelolaan blok-blok terminasi ke depannya. Selain itu surat tersebut tidak membahas soal bagian right to match yang ditawarkan ke perseroan. Alam juga tidak mau menyebutkan blok mana saja yang masih diminati Pertamina. 

“Tunggu saja nanti kalau sudah ada keputusan akhirnya,” ujarnya.

Sebelumnya, Sekretaris Jenderal merangkap Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM Ego Syahrial menuturkan, pemerintah telah merampungkan evaluasi proposal rencana pengembangan dari kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKKS) eksisting. Hasilnya, proposal dari KKKS eksisting dinilai sedikit lebih baik dari Pertamina. 

“Pertamina lagi berpikir apa Pertamina mau right to match. Jadi ini posisinya menunggu Pertamina,” tuturnya.

Dikatakannya, pemerintah memberikan kesempatan bagi Pertamina untuk right to match atau menyamai tawaran kontraktor eksisting agar bisa memperoleh bagian pengelolaan blok terminasi. Hal ini untuk memastikan negara mendapat penawaran terbaik, sehingga pendapatan negara dari blok tersebut tidak berkurang.

Pihaknya menargetkan, kontrak baru blok terminasi ini bisa ditandatangani pada awal tahun ini. Hal ini mengingat, beberapa blok akan berakhir kontraknya pada Februari. Tepatnya Blok Tuban akan berakhir kontraknya pada 23 Februari 2018 dan Blok Ogan Komering pada 28 Februari 2018. 

Investor Daily, Page- 9, Tuesday, Jan 23, 2018

Friday, January 19, 2018

Ensure Termination Block Fate, Government Wait Pertamina Bid

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) stated that they are still waiting for PT Pertamina (Persero) offer to determine the fate of four termination blocks that are still in demand by the existing contractors. The reason is that Pertamina must offer a better development plan to gain ownership in these four blocks.

Of the eight oil and gas termination blocks assigned to Pertamina, the government decided to evaluate the assignment for four blocks, namely Tuban Block, Ogan Komering, South East Sumatra and Sanga-Sanga. To that end, the existing Contract Cooperation Contractor (KKKS) of the four blocks is required to submit a proposal for a development plan to the government.

Currently, Ogan Komering Block is managed by Pertamina with Talisman, while Tuban Block is done by Pertamina with PetroChina East Java. Then, the South East Sumatera Block was done by CNOOC and Sanga-Sanga Block by Vico Indonesia.

Ego Syahrial

Secretary-General and Executor of Duty Director General of Oil and Gas ESDM Ministry Ego Syahrial said the four contractors have submitted their respective development plan proposal. From the evaluation result of his side, the proposed development of existing contractor is considered better than Pertamina.

"So we are waiting for Pertamina. We see that this existing slightly better offer from Pertamina. Pertamina is thinking what Pertamina wants to right to match, "he said in Jakarta.

He explained that the government is not in favor of foreign oil and gas companies to work on oil and gas blocks. However, the government wants new contractors from terminating oil and gas blocks to have the ability to ensure that oil and gas production and state revenue from the block does not go down. Therefore, the government gave the share of the right to match to Pertamina.

"So we ask them (Pertamina) to be right to match as soon as possible. As soon as possible, "said Ego.

Earlier, Ego said the government wanted the new termination block contract to be signed soon. Because the two blocks of them will be completed in February next contract, namely Tuban Block and Ogan Komering. The government target, at the beginning of this year also this termination block contract can be signed.

Meanwhile, Ego ensures Pertamina will manage two of the eight termination blocks, namely the North Sumatera Offshore Block and the Central Block. Because of its close proximity, it is agreed that the North Sumatera Offshore Block is operated with Block North Sumatera Block B (NSB) which is done by Pertamina.


Pastikan Nasib Blok Terminasi, Pemerintah Tunggu Tawaran Pertamina

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) menyatakan masih menunggu tawaran PT Pertamina (Persero) untuk menentukan nasib empat blok terminasi yang juga masih diminati kontraktor eksisting. Pasalnya, Pertamina harus menawarkan rencana pengembangan yang lebih baik untuk memperoleh bagian kepemilikan pada empat blok ini.

Dari delapan blok migas terminasi yang ditugaskan ke Pertamina, pemerintah memutuskan untuk mengevaluasi penugasan untuk empat blok diantaranya, yakni Blok Tuban, Ogan Komering, South East Sumatera, dan Sanga-Sanga. Untuk itu, Kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKKS) eksisting keempat blok ini diminta menyerahkan proposal rencana pengembangan kepada pemerintah.

Saat ini, Blok Ogan Komering dikelola oleh Pertamina bersama Talisman, sementara Blok Tuban dikerjakan Pertamina bersama Petrochina East Java. Kemudian, Blok South East Sumatera dikerjakan oleh CNOOC dan Blok Sanga-Sanga oleh Vico Indonesia.

Sekretaris Jenderal sekaligus Pelaksana Tugas Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM Ego Syahrial mengatakan, keempat kontraktor telah menyerahkan proposal rencana pengembangan masing-masing. Dari hasil evaluasi pihaknya, penawaran rencana pengembangan kontraktor eksisting ini dinilai lebih bagus dari Pertamina.

“Jadi kami sedang menunggu Pertamina. Kami lihat yang eksisting ini sedikit lebih bagus penawarannya dari Pertamina. Pertamina sedang bergikir apa Pertamina mau right to match,” kata dia di Jakarta.

Dijelaskannya, pemerintah bukannya memihak perusahaan migas asing untuk menggarap blok migas. Namun, pemerintah menginginkan kontraktor baru dari blok migas terminasi ini memiliki kemampuan untuk memastikan bahwa produksi migas dan penerimaan negara dari blok tersebut tidak turun. Karena itu pula pemerintah memberikan bagian kepemilikan right to match kepada Pertamina.

“Jadi kami minta mereka (Pertamina) supaya right to match secepatnya. Sesegera mungkinlah,” tegas Ego. 

Sebelumnya, Ego mengungkapkan pemerintah menginginkan agar kontrak baru blok terminasi ini dapat segera ditandatangani. Pasalnya, dua blok diantaranya akan selesai kontraknya pada Februari depan, yakni Blok Tuban dan Ogan Komering. Target pemerintah, awal tahun ini juga kontrak blok terminasi ini dapat ditandatangani.

Sementara itu, Ego memastikan Pertamina akan mengelola dua dari delapan blok terminasi tersebut, yaitu Blok North Sumatera Offshore dan Blok Tengah. Karena lokasinya berdekatan, pihaknya sepakat jika Blok North Sumatera Offshore dioperasikan bersama Blok North Sumatera Blok B (NSB) yang memang dikerjakan Pertamina.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Monday, Jan 15, 2018