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Showing posts with label PERTAMINA EP ASSET 4. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PERTAMINA EP ASSET 4. Show all posts

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Pertamina EP Ready to Exploration Kasuari Emas Well


    Pertamina EP Asset 4, a subsidiary of PT Pertamina (Persero), strives to meet national energy needs by continuing to carry out exploration activities to maintain energy availability for the next decades.

"We at Pertamina EP remain optimistic about Indonesia's energy availability, and we are committed to continuing to explore, one of which is currently being prepared is the Kasuari Emas Exploration Well in the Bojonegoro Regency area," said Deddy Syam, General Manager of PT Pertamina EP Asset 4.

    Deddy also added that this exploration activity resulted in the discovery of large reserves so that it could extend the life of fossil energy in Indonesia.

"With exploration activities, we hope Pertamina will sustain and continue to operate to meet Indonesia's energy needs," said Deddy.

Blogger Agus Purnomo in SKK Migas

    Supporting Pertamina EP's activities, Nanang Abdul Manaf, SKK Migas Supervisory Commission expert explained that exploration is important because every barrel of oil production starts from one new Held Wildcat Well.

"Without exploration, don't expect new oil and gas reserves," said Abdul Manaf.

    He said further that the exploration could stimulate investors to come. Because Indonesia's oil and gas potential is still very large.

"Indonesia has 128 oil and gas potential basins. A total of 20 basins are already in production, 27 basins have been drilled with exploration discoveries, then 13 basins have been drilled without discoveries and the remaining 68 basins have not been explored", said Nanang Abdul Manaf.

    It's just that it's not easy to bring in investors because the upstream oil and gas industry is faced with challenges because the Easy Oil Era has run out. Meanwhile, 70 percent of oil and gas reserves are in the territorial waters. To carry out exploration requires very large costs, reaching 80-100 million US dollars [equivalent to Rp. 11.2 trillion to Rp. 14 trillion], and the rate of return or IRR is low and the exploration period is short.

    The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources has prepared a strategy to increase the investment attractiveness of oil and gas exploration, among others, increasing the prospect of oil and gas exploration, improving the investment climate through a fiscal approach, regulatory certainty, and political stability and security.

"With this strategy, it is hoped that Indonesia can get out of a critical situation to increase investment to meet the gap in Indonesia's energy needs in the middle of the energy transition phase towards the green energy era," he said.

Surya, Page-7, Wednesday, Feb 24, 2021

Monday, October 26, 2020

Nominations for Seven CSR Programs PEP Asset 4 CSR Award 2020


PT Pertamina EP (PEP) Asset 4 has again successfully submitted 7 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs in the prestigious Nusantara CSR Award 2020 event initiated by La Tofi School of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

Ramayana Terrace Hotel Indonesia Kempinski Jakarta

    This event was held differently from the previous year due to the impact of the CoVid-19 Outbreak, so this award was held online and offline which coincided at Ramayana Terrace Hotel Indonesia Kempinski Jakarta.

La Tofi School of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

La Tofi explained that this award event is an appreciation of the work programs that have been carried out by companies both government, state-owned or private institutions that have a commitment and contribution to environmental sustainability and community empowerment.

This award will motivate the public relations function at Pertamina EP (PEP) Asset 4 to be able to always deliver quality CSR programs and have a direct impact on the people in need.

Duta Masyarakat, Page-6, Monday, Oct 26, 2020

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Worker Innovations Generate Pertamina EP Efficiency

PT Pertamina EP recorded value creation consisting of efficiency (cost-saving) and additional revenue from the creativity and innovation of company workers over the past three years totaling the US $ 566 million or equivalent to Rp 7.8 trillion (average exchange rate of Rp13,925 per US dollar on last three years) of the target of US $ 87.5 million.

Of the 1,602 innovations produced by Pertamina EP (PEP) workers in the 2017-2019 period, 98 innovations have been replicated, even five of which were patented at the Directorate General of Intellectual Property at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. 

    Five innovations of PEP workers who have obtained patents in the Ministry of Law and Human Rights are PEP Asset 3 Jatibarang Field PC Prove Work Over Well Services (WOWS) in Indramayu, West Java in the form of Tubing Test Plug, PC Prove is just like that of PEP Asset 1 Jambi Field in Jambi in the form of an electronic data recording buffer to measure underwater well pressure, and IP Centribike from PEP Asset 5 Sangasanga Field in Kutai Kartanegara, East Kalimantan in the form of portable oil well water content analysis tools.

Then RT Prove SPE from PEP Asset 4 Tanjung Field in Tabalong Regency, South Kalimantan took the form of a pressure gauge at oil well and Prove Super Cyclone PC from PEP Asset 5 Tarakan Field in Tarakan City, North Kalimantan in the form of a sand separator in the oil production well. 

    Thanks to the innovation support of these workers, the production of a subsidiary of PT Pertamina Persero as well as a cooperation contract contractor (KKKS) under the supervision of SKK Migas in the last three years has also increased.

In 2017 oil production was 77,154 barrels per day (BOPD), rising to 79,445 BOPD in 2018, and last year to 82,213 BOPD. While gas production was 1,018 BOPD in 2017, an increase compared to 2016 which recorded 989 million standard cubic feet per day (MMSCFD), then 1,017 MMSCFD in 2018, and 959 MMSCFD in 2019.

Tutuka Ariadji, Professor of Petroleum Engineering at the Bandung Institute of Technology, said that the innovation of the patented PEP workers was encouraging news. This will motivate institutions and workers to develop further and wider forms of innovation.

"These tools are part of the surveillance (monitoring) important parameters in oil production. Surveillance is the key to success in reservoir management, "he said.

According to Tutuka, innovation affects the increase in production, increase, and also budget savings.

"Innovation needs to be linked to increased oil and gas production, optimization of field development and digitalization," he said.

Beny Lubiantara, Chair of the Opinion and Study Division of the Indonesian Petroleum Engineering Association, said true innovation is not an option but a necessity. Especially in the era of low oil prices, breakthroughs through innovation are expected to not only make the process more simple and effective but also have an impact on cost efficiency and production optimization.

"Innovation is always triggered by colleagues in the field who run production operations every day and encounter problems in the field. Many problems are challenging and encourage simple innovations that fit the needs in the field or fit for purpose, "he said.

Beny said all PEP workers' innovations are useful to reduce costs, speed up data acquisition, and reduce wellness problems.

"RT Prove SPE and PC Prove Super Cyclone are indeed relative impacts are directly related to the optimization of production," he said.

According to him, even the simplest innovation works need to be patented. This is common in international upstream oil and gas industry practices. Innovations such as the five patents supported by PEP management will increasingly trigger the enthusiasm of colleagues in the field to think and find new ideas and innovations to anticipate challenges faced in the field which are increasingly complex.

"Workers in the upstream industry must be creative, many simple things can be improved in the field, IATMI strongly encourages innovations like this, one innovation will encourage new innovations again. The oil and gas industry is very dynamic, innovation is a must ! "he said.

Pri Agung Rakhmanto, the founder of the ReforMiner Institute, added that efficiency and innovation are a continuous process. This is very good and positive to increase production.

"However, this needs to be accompanied by efficiency and standardization in the procurement system," he said.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Pertamina EP Asset 4 Drill in Six New Wells

PT Pertamina EP Asset 4 has carried out the 2020 Work Plan Kickoff activity which was followed by all Field Managers and Managers in Asset with the aim of aligning the vision and mission of Asset 4 in realizing performance targets in 2020.

"We have exceeded 2019 very well although production targets have still not been reached. My hope in 2020 this work plan that we have prepared together can be carried out well and production can be achieved by 16,100 BOPD and for gas by 162.22 MMSCFD, "said Asset 4 General Manager, Agus Amperianto.

Agus Amperianto

Agus added that to support the achievement of the 16,100 BOPD production target and for the gas of 162.22 MMSCFD, Asset 4 has a work plan with 6 new drilling wells, including in Cepu Field 4 Wells (KWG-PWAI, KW G-PCAI, KWG-PXA1, SMG-SMG) P17S), Sukowati Field 1 Well namely SKW-1003 and Papua Field 1 Well namely SLW-A9X.

PT Pertamina EP Asset 4 Area

"In addition, there is 4 work over Wells, in Cepu Field 3 Wells (NGL-P0 l, LDX-P02, SMG-UPD01) and Poleng Field l Well-BWH 4H. Then there are seismic survey activities and other studies, "he said.

In addition to new drilling and workover, for future evaluation, it is also necessary to strengthen Well Intervention and make new efforts such as reinterpretation of data.

Block Cepu Field

"We will see the data again," Agus said.

Donggi Matindok Field in Sulawesi

Meanwhile in 2020 Asset 4 has 85 Well Intervention plans, where Cepu Field plans 24 Job, Poleng Field 7 Job, Donggi Matindok Field in Sulawesi 2 Job, Papua Field 27 Job and Sukowati Tuban Field 25 Job.

Blogger Agus Purnomo in Sukowati Tuban Field

"With the Well Intervention effort, we hope to be able to put a halt to the decline in natural production or the Decline Rate by 30% per year," Agus explained.

For development plans in Eastern Indonesia, Papua Field will conduct drilling at Salawati well SLW-A9X.

"This is well-awaited Wells drilling because after a while we have just had the opportunity to do well drilling. It is hoped that the SLW-A9X well drilling will produce good results of around 220 BOPD, "Agus hoped.

Bhirawa, Page-10, Wednesday, Feb 19, 2020.

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Pertamina Asset 4 Targets 16,100 BOPD Production

PT Pertamina EP Asset 4 held a 2020 Work Plan Kickoff activity. Activities were followed by all field managers and managers in asset 4. This activity aims to equalize the vision and mission of Pertamina Asset 4 in realizing the 2020 performance target.

"We have exceeded 2019 very well although production targets have still not been reached. My hope in 2020 this work plan that we have prepared together can be carried out well and production can be reached at 16,100 barrels of oil per day (BOPD) and for gas as big as 162.22 Million Standard Cubic Feet per Day (MMSCFD), "said Asset 4 General Manager Agus Amperianto.

Agus Amperianto

To support the achievement of the production target of 16,100 BOPD and for gas of 162.22 MMSCFD, Asset 4 has a work plan with 6 new drilling wells, including in Cepu Field 4 Wells (KWG-PWA1, KWG-PCA1, KWG-PXA1, SMG-P17S), including Cepu Field 4 Wells (KWG-PWA1, KWG-PCA1, KWG-PXA1, SMG-P17S), Sukowati Field 1 Wells, namely SKW-1003 and Papua Field 1 Wells, namely SLW-A9X.

"In addition, there are 4 workover Wells, in Cepu Field 3 Wells (NGL-P01, LDX-PO2, SMG-UPD01) and Poleng Field 1 Wells BW-4H. Then there are seismic survey activities and other studies ", explained Agus.

Furthermore, Agus added that in addition to new drilling and Workover, for future evaluation, it also needs to strengthen Well intervention and make new efforts, such as re-interpretation of data. We will see the data again, "Agus explained.

In 2020 Asset 4 has 85 well intervention plans, of which Cepu Field has 24 Job plans, Poleng Field 7 Job, Donggi Matindok Field 2 Job, Papua Field 27 Job, and Sukowati Field 25 Job.

"With the Well intervention effort, we hope to be able to put a halt to the decline in natural production or decline rate of 30 percent per year," Agus explained.

Meanwhile, for development plans in Eastern Indonesia, Papua Field will conduct drilling in Salawati Sumur SLW-A9X.

"This is well-awaited Well drilling. Because after some time we only had the opportunity to do well drilling. Hopefully, this SLW-A9X Well drilling will produce good results of around 220 BOPD," Agus said.

Thus, with the target oil of 16,100 BOPD and Gas 162.22 MMSCFD, will be obtained from the Cepu Field production target of 2,213 BOPD, Poleng Field of 2,789 BOPD, Donggi Matindok Field of 600 BCPD, Papua Field of 1,192 BOPD, Unit of 67 BOPD Mosquito and Sukowati Field of 2,789 BOPD 9,240 BOPD.


Pertamina Asset 4 Targetkan Produksi 16.100 BOPD

PT Pertamina EP Asset 4 menyelenggarakan kegiatan Kickoff Rencana Kerja Tahun 2020. Kegiatan yang diikuti oleh seluruh field manager dan manajer di asset 4 tersebut. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk menyamakan visi dan misi Pertamina Asset 4 dalam merealisasikan target kinerja tahun 2020.

"Kita sudah lampaui tahun 2019 dengan sangat baik meskipun target produksi masih belum tercapai. Harapan saya di 2020 ini rencana kerja yang sudah kita siapkan bersama ini bisa terlaksana dengan baik dan produksi bisa tercapai sebesar 16.100 barrel oil per day (BOPD) dan untuk gas sebesar 162.22 Million Standard Cubic Feet per Day (MMSCFD)," ujar Asset 4 General Manager Agus Amperianto.

Blogger Agus Purnomo in Pertamina EP Asset 4 Surabaya

Untuk mendukung tercapainya target produksi 16.100 BOPD dan untuk gas sebesar 162.22 MMSCFD, Asset 4 memiliki rencana kerja dengan 6 sumur pemboran baru, antara lain di Cepu Field 4 Sumur (KWG-PWA1, KWG- PCA1, KWG-PXA1, SMG-P17S), Sukowati Field 1 Sumur, yaitu SKW-1003 dan Papua Field 1 Sumur, yaitu SLW-A9X.

"Selain itu ada 4 sumur work over, di Cepu Field 3 Sumur (NGL-P01, LDX-PO2, SMG- UPD01) dan Poleng Field 1 Sumur BW-4H. Kemudian ada
kegiatan survei seismik dan studi lainnya", jelas Agus.

Blogger Agus Purnomo in Pertamina EP Asset 4 Tuban East Java

Lebih lanjut, Agus menambahkan bahwa selain pemboran baru dan Work over, untuk evaluasi ke depan, juga perlu perkuat well intervention dan melakukan upaya-upaya yang baru, seperti interpretasi ulang data. Kita lihat lagi data yang ada," jelas Agus.
Tahun 2020 Asset 4 memiliki rencana 85 well intervention, dimana Cepu Field rencana 24 Job, Poleng Field 7 Job, Donggi Matindok Field 2 Job, Papua Field 27 Job, dan Sukowati Field 25 Job. 

"Dengan upaya well intervention itu kita berharap bisa menahan laju penurunan produksi alamiah atau decline rate sebesar 30 persen per tahun", jelas Agus.

Sementara itu, untuk rencana pengembangan di Kawasan Timur Indonesia, Papua Field akan melaksanakan pemboran di Salawati Sumur SLW-A9X.

"Ini merupakan pemboran sumur yang sudah sangat dinanti. Karena setelah beberapa waktu lamanya kita baru berkesempatan untuk melakukan pemboran sumur. Harapannya pemboran Sumur SLW-A9X ini memberi hasil yang bagus sekitar 220 BOPD", kata Agus.

Blogger Agus Purnomo in Pertamina EP Asset 4 Tuban East Java

Dengan demikian, dengan target minyak 16.100 BOPD dan Gas 162.22 MMSCFD, akan diperoleh dari produksi Cepu Field target 2.213 BOPD, Poleng Field sebesar 2.789 BOPD, Donggi Matindok Field sebesar 600 BCPD, Papua Field sebesar 1.192 BOPD, Unitisasi Wakamuk 67 BOPD dan Sukowati Field sebesar 9.240 BOPD.

Harian Bangsa, Page-4, Saturday, Feb 15, 2020

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Increase Production Acceleration, Pertamina EP Aggressive Drilling Well

PT Pertamina EP, a subsidiary of PT Pertamina (Persero), projects oil production this year to reach 85,000 barrels per day (BOPD) and 932 million standard cubic feet of gas per day (MMSCFD). 

    To support the achievement of the targets set, Pertamina EP seeks to carry out the strategy by drilling wells included in the 2020 work plan since the end of 2019.

Pertamina EP President Director Nanang Abdul Manaf said, in the last two years, Pertamina EP oil production continued to rise. In 2019 there were 82,361 BOPD and 2018 amounted to 79,445 BOPD.

For gas production, according to the company's work plan, from 1,017 MMSCFD in 2018 to 959.24 MMSCFD. From the financial side, Pertamina EP targets revenues of the US $ 3.1 billion or Rp 44.64 trillion, assuming the rupiah exchange rate against the US dollar is Rp. 14,400, with a net profit target of US $ 680 million.

Sanga-Sanga Field

Some drilling activities have been carried out in several Pertamina EP fields towards the end of last year, namely in the Rantau Field, Sanga-Sanga Field, Bunyu Field, and Subang Field.

"We also have activities to drill the waterflood well project in Jirak Village and explore the Kusuma Arum (KUM) -001 exploration well, both in South Sumatra," Nanang said in Jakarta.

In Rantau Field, drilling was carried out at KSB A-11 well located in Kualasimpang Barat structure, Aceh Tamiang Regency. Previously, in the same structure, the location of the KSB-59 well (KSB A-10) supported 44 BOPD in the total Overseas Field production in 2019. The KSB A-11 well was one of the programs to accelerate the increase in Overseas Field production.

"The well actually entered into the 2020 Work Plan which accelerated its work by the end of 2019 from a total of 11 drilling wells in Rantau Field this year. With a depth of approximately 1,317 meters, it is expected that the KSB A-11 well can contribute 200 BOPD for Rantau Field production, "explained Chalid Said Salim's Director of Operations and Production who was immediately present to inspect the location.

Still in the Asset 1 region, Jambi Field incised the achievement of increased production with the successful drilling of the SGC-27 oil well in Talang Belido Village, Sungai Gelam District, Jambi City with 280 BOPD results since 16 December 2019.

Following the production of SGC-27, Jambi Field was able to repair SGC-23 wells with crude oil production of 208 BOPD since 28 December 2019. With the addition of production from both wells, Pertamina EP Jambi Field's production increased from 2,792 BOPD in January 2019 became 3,105 BOPD at the end of 2019.

In Sangasanga Field, Kutai Kartanegara Regency, East Kalimantan, Pertamina EP drilled the Louise-1119 (LSE-1119) well at LSE-P1704. The well was drilled by Pertamina Drilling Services Indonesia (PDSI) using a 700 M OW rig. The LSE-1119 well was drilled to the final depth of 1,500 meters.

"This well began to be drilled last Monday (30 / Dec 2019) and is targeted to be completed within 23 days and is predicted to increase 144 BOPD oil production," explained Nanang who was also present in the series of plows at the end of the year at the Asset 5 location. took place at the B-1830B drilling well at Bunyu Field in Bulungan District, North Kalimantan last December 2019.

The B-1803B well was drilled by PDSI using a PDSI rig, N110 M (1500 HP). The target depth of drilling is 3,300 meters deep and the completion time is 60 days. Hydrocarbons from these wells are predicted to contribute to Pertamina EP of 350 BOPD in the form of oil and gas of 1.50 MMSCFD.

Well drilling is also carried out in Subang Field. As a form of commitment to increasing the production of Pertamina EP Asset 3 conducted a JST-A2 well in Kalentambo Village, Pusakagara District, Subang Regency, West Java in the last week of December 2019. The invoice was formalized by Pertamina EP Director of Finance & Business Support Adi Prasetyana.

Through a trowel using the PDSI rig # 31.3 / D1550E, it is expected to increase Pertamina EP Asset 3 oil production by 300 BOPD and gas by 2.4 MMSCFD.

Blogger-: Agus Purnomo at Pertamina EP Sukowati Field

In Asset 4, Pertamina EP through Sukowati Field conducted an i-003 PAD B. well. The well was an injection well and became a priority program for Asset 4 Sukowati Field in 2019.

Blogger-: Agus Purnomo at Pertamina EP Sukowati Field

The injection wells aim to inject water with an underground maintenance process so as to increase production. In the South Sumatra region, Pertamina EP conducted a JRK-P3 well in the Jirak Village, Musi Banyuasin Regency.

According to Pertamina EP Development Director John Hisar Simamora, the JKR-P3 well was originally planned for drilling in 2020 but accelerated in 2019 with hopes of faster hydrocarbons.

"This is according to the instructions of the President who was assigned to Pertamina, that Pertamina must provide resilience to the national oil and gas industry, in addition to reducing imports, by increasing production to reduce imports," he said.

Exploration well drilling activities were also carried out by Pertamina EP at Kusuma Arum (KUM) -001 well. Located in Batanghari Village, Semidang Aji District, Ogan Komering Ulu Regency. This well drilling is projected for 98 days with a target depth of 2,304 meters with a production target of 5 MMSCFD and a resource or reserve target of 59.6 BCFG.

Nanang Abdul Manaf hopes that by accelerating well-drilling activities from 2020 to the end of 2019, this year's Pertamina EP production target can be achieved. Moreover, the company has allocated capital expenditure this year of US $ 784 million and operational expenditure of US $ 1.24 billion.


Tingkatkan Percepatan Produksi, Pertamina EP Agresif Bor Sumur

PT Pertamina EP, anak perusahaan PT Pertamina (Persero), memproyeksikan produksi minyak tahun ini sebesar 85.000 barel per hari (BOPD) dan gas 932 juta standar kaki kubik per hari (MMSCFD). Untuk mendukung pencapaian target yang telah ditetapkan, Pertamina EP berupaya menjalankan strategi dengan melakukan pemboran sumur-sumur yang masuk dalam rencana kerja 2020 sejak akhir 2019.

Presiden Direktur Pertamina EP Nanang Abdul Manaf mengatakan, dalam dua tahun terakhir, produksi minyak Pertamina EP terus naik. Pada 2019 tercatat 82.361 BOPD dan 2018 sebesar 79.445 BOPD. 

Untuk produksi gas, sesuai rencana kerja perusahaan, dari 1.017 MMSCFD pada 2018 menjadi 959,24 MMSCFD. Dari sisi finansial, Pertamina EP menargetkan pendapatan sebesar US$ 3,1 miliar atau Rp 44,64 triliun dengan asumsi kurs rupiah terhadap dolar AS sebesar Rp14.400, dengan target laba bersih US$ 680 juta. 

Beberapa kegiatan pemboran telah dilakukan di beberapa lapangan Pertamina EP menjelang akhir tahun lalu, yaitu di Rantau Field, Sanga-sanga Field, Bunyu Field, dan Subang Field.

“Kami juga ada kegiatan mengebor sumur waterflood project di Desa Jirak dan tajak sumur eksplorasi Kusuma Arum (KUM)-001, keduanya di Sumatra Selatan,” ujar Nanang di Jakarta. 

Di Rantau Field, pemboran dilakukan di sumur KSB A-11 yang berada di struktur Kualasimpang Barat, Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang. Sebelumnya, di struktur yang sama lokasi sumur KSB-59 (KSB A-10) menopang 44 BOPD pada total produksi Rantau Field pada 2019. Sumur KSB A-11 merupakan salah satu program percepatan peningkatan produksi Rantau Field.

“Sumur tersebut sebenarnya masuk ke Rencana Kerja 2020 yang dipercepat pengerjaannya pada akhir 2019 dari total 11 sumur pengeboran di Rantau Field tahun ini. 
Dengan kedalaman kurang lebih 1.317 meter diharapkan sumur KSB A-11 dapat berkontribusi sebesar 200 BOPD untuk produksi Rantau Field,” terang Direktur Operasi dan Produksi Chalid Said Salim yang hadir langsung untuk meninjau lokasi.

Masih dalam wilayah Asset 1, Jambi Field menorehkan prestasi peningkatan produksi dengan keberhasilan pemboran sumur minyak SGC-27 di Desa Talang Belido, Kecamatan Sungai Gelam, Kota Jambi dengan hasil 280 BOPD sejak 16 Desember 2019. 

Menyusul produksi SGC-27, Jambi Field pun berhasil melakukan reparasi sumur SGC-23 dengan produksi crude oil sebesar 208 BOPD sejak 28 Desember 2019. Dengan adanya penambahan produksi dari kedua sumur tersebut, produksi Pertamina EP Jambi Field mengalami peningkatan dari 2.792 BOPD di bulan Januari 2019 menjadi 3.105 BOPD pada akhir tahun 2019. 

Di Sangasanga Field Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara, Kalimantan Timur, Pertamina EP mengebor sumur Louise-1119 (LSE-1119) di lokasi LSE-P1704. Sumur tersebut dibor oleh Pertamina Drilling Services Indonesia (PDSI) menggunakan rig OW 700 M. Sumur LSE-1119 dibor hingga kedalaman akhir 1.500 meter.

“Sumur ini mulai dibor pada Senin (30/Des 2019) lalu dan ditargetkan selesai dalam waktu 23 hari dan diprediksi menambah produksi minyak 144 BOPD,” terang Nanang yang turut hadir dalam rangkaian tajak di akhir tahun pada lokasi Asset 5. Kegiatan tajak sumur juga berlangsung di sumur pengeboran B-1830B di Bunyu Field di Kabupaten Bulungan, Kalimantan Utara Desember 2019 lalu.

Sumur B-1803B dibor oleh PDSI dengan menggunakan rig PDSI, N110 M (1500 HP). Target kedalaman pengeboran sedalam 3.300 meter dan waktu penyelesaian selama 60 hari. Hidrokarbon dari sumur ini diprediksi memberikan sumbangsih bagi Pertamina EP sebesar 350 BOPD berupa minyak dan gas sebesar 1,50 MMSCFD. 

Pengeboran sumur juga dilaksanakan di Subang Field. Sebagai bentuk komitmen peningkatan produksi Pertamina EP Asset 3 melakukan tajak sumur JST-A2 yang berada di Desa Kalentambo, Kecamatan Pusakanagara, Kabupaten Subang, Jawa Barat di pekan terakhir Desember 2019. Tajak diresmikan oleh Direktur Finance & Business Support Pertamina EP Adi Prasetyana.

Melalui tajak yang menggunakan rig PDSI #31.3/D1550E diharapkan menambah produksi minyak Pertamina EP Asset 3 sebesar 300 BOPD dan gas sebesar 2,4 MMSCFD. 

Di Asset 4, Pertamina EP melalui Sukowati Field melakukan tajak sumur i-003 PAD B. Sumur tersebut merupakan sumur injeksi dan menjadi program prioritas Asset 4 Sukowati Field tahun 2019. 

Sumur injeksi ini bertujuan untuk menginjeksikan air dengan proses maintenance dibawah tanah sehingga dapat meningkatkan produksi. Di kawasan Sumatera Selatan, Pertamina EP melakukan tajak sumur JRK-P3 di Desa Jirak, Kabupaten Musi Banyuasin. 

Menurut Direktur Pengembangan Pertamina EP John Hisar Simamora, sumur JKR-P3 awalnya direncanakan pengeborannya pada 2020 namun di percepat tahun 2019 dengan harapan dapat hidrokarbon lebih cepat.

“Ini sesuai instruksi Bapak Presiden yang ditugaskan ke Pertamina, bahwa Pertamina harus menyediakan ketahanan industri migas nasional, selain kita mengurangi impor, dengan memperbanyak produksi untuk mengurangi impor tersebut,” ujarnya.

Kegiatan pengeboran sumur eksplorasi juga dilakukan Pertamina EP di sumur Kusuma Arum (KUM)-001. Berlokasi di Desa Batanghari, Kecamatan Semidang Aji, Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu. Pemboran sumur ini diproyeksikan selama 98 hari dengan target kedalaman 2.304 meter dengan target produksi 5 MMSCFD dan target sumber daya atau cadangan sebesar 59,6 BCFG. 

Nanang Abdul Manaf berharap dengan percepatan kegiatan pengeboran sumur dari 2020 ke akhir 2019, target produksi Pertamina EP tahun ini bisa tercapai. Apalagi perusahaan telah mengalokasikan belanja modal (capital expenditure) tahun ini sebesar US$ 784 juta dan belanja operasi (operational expenditure) sebesar US$ 1,24 miliar.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Thursday, Jan 9, 2020

Asset 4 General Manager of PT Pertamina EP

Asset 4 General Manager of PT Pertamina EP, Agus Amperianto confirmed and committed to the implementation of safety in all operational activities. This was revealed during a field visit or Management Walktrough (MWT) in the Tapen field, Trucuk District, Bojonegoro Regency. 

Agus Amperianto

     During the visit, the Pertamina EP Asset 4 General Manager along with the Cepu Field management team ensured the achievement of the TPN-01 Gas well monetization project.

"From my observations in the field, the progress of the construction of the EPF is progressing smoothly and will be targeted for completion by the end of January 2020," Agus said.

Furthermore, Agus added, the purpose of this MWT was to ensure output from the TPN-01 monetization well project with a gas production target of 1.8 MMSCFD. With the monetization of gas from the wellhead, it is hoped that it will add revenue directly to Pertamina EP Asset 4 Cepu Field.

Blogger : Agus Purnomo in Pertamina EP Asset 4 Tuban

"Hopefully the spirit and motivation of Cepu Field workers in welcoming the performance targets for the 2020 Pertamina EP Asset 4 Cepu Field Work Plan," he said.

Blogger : Agus Purnomo in Pertamina EP Asset 4 Surabaya

Agus Amperianto said that the target of this plan is expected to be able to optimize the opportunities available to be executed properly, such as the gas monetization project that has been carried out at the Tapen well. Where the success of this project will support the achievement of the 2020 Cepu Field production target of 2,206 BOPD.

Blogger : Agus Purnomo in Pertamina EP Asset 4 Tuban

Nevertheless, even though they are aggressive in operating, they must ensure that safety aspects are carried out properly and Zero Incident is maintained according to the theme of the Pertamina EP K3 month 2020 "Build Safety Behavior? "As high as our production achievements, if there is a Safety Failure, then it all has no meaning. So let all of us both workers and work partners pay attention to aspects of Safety at work," explained Agus Amperianto.

Meanwhile, Cepu Field Manager, Afwan Daroni admitted, was ready to fully support the direction and targets that have been submitted by GM. He promised to be committed so that in 2020 the achievement of Pertamina EP Asset 4 Cepu Field can be better and improved compared to previous years.

"Certainly we at Cepu will also be committed according to the direction of Mr. GM," he explained.


Asset 4 General Manager PT Pertamina EP Tekankan Agresive Production dan Safety Behaviour

Asset 4 General Manager PT Pertamina EP, Agus Amperianto menegaskan dan berkomitmen untuk penerapan safety di segala kegiatan operasi. Hal ini diungkapkan saat melakukan kunjungan lapangan atau Management Walktrough (MWT) di lapangan Tapen, Kecamatan Trucuk, Kabupaten Bojonegoro. 

    Dalam kunjungan tersebut General Manager Asset 4 Pertamina EP beserta jajaran manajemen Cepu Field memastikan pencapaian progres project Monetisasi sumur Gas TPN-01.

"Dari pengamatan saya di lapangan, secara progress konstruksi pembangunan EPF ini berlangsung lancar dan akan ditargetkan selesai pada akhir bulan Januari 2020," ujar Agus.

Lebih lanjut, Agus menambahkan, tujuan dilakukan MWT ini adalah untuk memastikan Output dari project monetisasi sumur TPN-01 dengan target produksi gas sebesar 1.8 MMSCFD. Dengan monetisasi gas dari kepala sumur ini diharapkan akan menambah revenue secara langsung untuk Pertamina EP Asset 4 Cepu Field. 

"Semoga semangat dan memotivasi pekerja Cepu Field dalam menyambut target kinerja Rencana Kerja Tahun 2020 Pertamina EP Asset 4 Cepu Field," ujarnya.

Agus Amperianto mengatakan target rencana ini diharapkan bisa mengoptimalkan peluang yang ada untuk bisa dieksekusi dengan baik, seperti project monetisasi gas yang sudah dilakukan di sumur Tapen ini. Dimana keberhasilan project ini akan mendukung pencapaian target produksi Field Cepu Tahun 2020 sebesar 2.206 BOPD. 

Kendati demikian, meskipun agresif dalam beroperasi tetap harus memastikan aspek safety berlangsung dengan baik dan Zero Incident tetap terjaga sesuai tema bulan K3 Pertamina EP tahun 2020 “Build Safety Behaviour? "Setinggi-tingginya capaian produksi kita, apabila terjadi Safety Failured maka itu semua tidak ada artinya. Maka mari kita semua baik pekerja maupun mitra kerja agar memperhatikan aspek Safety dalam bekerja," beber Agus Amperianto.

Sementara itu, Cepu Field Manager, Afwan Daroni mengaku, siap menyupport penuh arahan dan target yang telah disampaikan GM. Ia berjanji berkomitmen agar tahun 2020 ini pencapaian Kinerja Pertamina EP Asset 4 Cepu Field dapat lebih baik dan meningkat dari tahun-tahun sebelumnya. 

"Pastinya kami yang di Cepu juga akan berkomitmen sesuai arahan bapak GM," terangnya.

Harian Bangsa, Page-9, Tuesday, Jan 7, 2020

PSGL and Pertamina EP Complete Survey in Matindok Block

After completing Leg-2, the Public Service Agency (BLU) Center for Marine Geology Research and Development, the ESDM Research and Development Agency together with PT Pertamina EP completed the Geothermal Microseapage Area Offshore Leg-3 Survey on Matindok Block, Central Sulawesi on 20 December 2019. Geomarin III Research Vessel (KR Geomarin III) has arrived back at the Port of Cirebon on December 26, 2019.

Geomarin III Research Vessel (KR Geomarin III)

Previously the Head of Research and Development Agency of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Dadan Kusdiana mentioned, the survey was conducted to increase the potential of oil and gas reserves, in order to ensure the sustainability of the upstream oil and gas industry. One of the great potentials is the potential of oil and gas resources in the Matindok offshore area, which includes the prospect area of ​​Bubalus, Kudu-kudu, and Kepe-kepe.

"This activity is also intended to anticipate the high risk of drilling and high costs, related to the alleged existence of potential hydrocarbons in the Matindok Beach area and reduce the risk of operational drilling in the deep sea," Dadan was quoted as saying www.

The Geomarin III Research Vessel departs from the Port of Bitung towards the first Leg 3 coring survey location in Matindok Waters, Luwuk, Central Sulawesi since 9 December 2019. Before starting Leg-3, BLU P3GL together with PT Pertamina EP held a Management Walk Through (MWT) for activities Matindok Geochemical survey, in Bitung North Sulawesi on 8-9 December 2019.

For 15 days, the team cored 79 microseepage samples and coreded two drilling wells with 20 samples. Previously, the team conducted a geophysical survey on 26 October to 7 November 2019, while the geological survey began on 13 November until the end of December 2019. The Center for Marine Geology Research and Development carried out all survey activities for three months, from preparation, acquisition of geophysical data and sampling for geochemical analysis.

Data acquisition activities have begun in mid-October to the end of December 2019. Microseepage targets for all of these activities include 180 locations, macroseepage covering 20 locations and well calibration as many as 30 locations. Leg-2 successfully completed 121 points, consisting of 101 microseepage locations and 20 macroseepages and 10 well calibration locations.

P3GL conducted a survey on an area of ​​1,225 km2 with an average water depth above 500 meters to 1,000 meters. The survey vehicle used in this study was KR Geomarin III and supported by geological and geophysical survey equipment, including Multibeam Echosounder (MBES), Subbuttom Profiling (SBP), Sidescan Sonar (SSS), and Piston Corer equipment, and equipped with Sound Velocity Profile (SVP).

In general, the Donggi-Matindok oil and gas field has an important role in supporting the production of Indonesia's liquefied natural gas (LNG). PT Pertamina EP Asset 4 has developed the Donggi Matindok Field oil and gas field since April 2016.


PSGL dan Pertamina EP Selesaikan Survei di Blok Matindok

Setelah menyelesaikan Leg-2, Badan Layanan Umum (BLU) Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Geologi Kelautan, Badan Litbang ESDM bersama PT Pertamina EP menyelesaikan Survei Geokimia Microseapage Area Offshore Leg-3 di Blok Matindok, Sulawesi Tengah pada 20 Desember 2019. Kapal Riset Geomarin III (KR Geomarin III) telah tiba kembali di Pelabuhan Cirebon pada tanggal 26 Desember 2019. 

Sebelumnya Kepala Badan Litbang Kementerian ESDM Dadan Kusdiana menyebut, survei dilakukan untuk meningkatkan potensi cadangan minyak dan gas, demi menjamin keberlangsungan industri hulu migas. Salah satu potensi yang besar adalah potensi sumber daya migas di area lepas pantai Matindok, yang meliputi area prospek Bubalus, Kudu-kudu dan Kepe-kepe.

“Kegiatan ini juga dimaksudkan untuk mengantisipasi tingginya risiko pengeboran dan biaya tinggi, terkait dugaan keberadaan potensi hidrokarbon di area Pantai Matindok serta mengurangi resiko operasional pemboran di laut dalam,” ungkap Dadan seperti dikutip www.

Kapal Riset Geomarin III bertolak dari Pelabuhan Bitung menuju lokasi survei coring pertama Leg 3 di Perairan Matindok, Luwuk, Sulawesi Tengah sejak tanggal 9 Desember 2019. Sebelum memulai Leg-3, BLU P3GL bersama PT Pertamina EP menggelar Management Walk Through (MWT) untuk kegiatan survei Geokimia Matindok, di Bitung Sulawesi Utara pada tanggal 8-9 Desember 2019. 

Selama 15 hari, tim melakukan coring 79 sampel microseepage dan melakukan coring kalibrasi dua sumur pemboran dengan jumlah sampel 20 buah. Sebelumnya tim telah melaksanakan survei geofisika pada tanggal 26 Oktober hingga tanggal 7 November 2019, sedangkan survei geologi mulai dilaksanakan tanggal 13 November hingga akhir bulan Desember 2019 Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Geologi Kelautan melaksanakan seluruh kegiatan survei selama tiga bulan, mulai dari persiapan, akuisisi data geofisika dan pengambilan sampel untuk analisis geokimia.

Kegiatan akuisisi data telah dimulai pertengahan bulan Oktober hingga akhir bulan Desember 2019. Target microseepage pada seluruh kegiatan ini meliputi 180 lokasi, macroseepage meliputi 20 lokasi dan kalibrasi sumur sebanyak 30 lokasi. Leg-2 berhasil menyelesaikan 121 titik, yang terdiri dari 101 lokasi microseepage dan 20 macroseepage dan 10 lokasi kalibrasi sumur. 

P3GL melakukan survei pada area seluas 1.225 km2 dengan kedalaman air rata-rata di atas 500 meter hingga 1.000 meter. Wahana survei yang dipergunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah KR Geomarin III dan ditunjang peralatan survey geologi dan geofisika, di antaranya Multibeam Echosounder (MBES), Subbuttom Profiling (SBP), Sidescan Sonar (SSS), serta peralatan Piston Corer, dan dilengkapi dengan Sound Velocity Profile (SVP).

Secara umum, Lapangan migas Donggi-Matindok memiliki berperan penting dalam mendukung produksi gas alam cair atau Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Indonesia. PT Pertamina EP Asset 4 mengembangkan lapangan migas Donggi Matindok Field sejak April 2016 lalu.

Investor Daily, Page-14, Saturday, Dec 28, 2019

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Pertamina EP won many Local and Proper Awards

PT Pertamina EP, a subsidiary of PT Pertamina (Persero), proves its commitment to continue to provide positive things to the environment. This is proven by the achievement of several 2019 Local Hero Awards and 2019 Proper Hero Awards held by PT Pertamina (Persero). 

     The award initiated by Pertamina for all operating units and subsidiaries within the Pertamina Group is intended for community empowerment program actors who are considered to have a strong commitment to the program carried out by both the fostered partners and company workers.

Eight awards obtained by Pertamina EP were directly handed over by Pertamina's Directors at the peak of Pertamina's 62nd-anniversary celebration at Pertamina Headquarters, Tuesday (10/12).

Nicke Widyawati

Pertamina President Director Nicke Widyawati said this award was a proof of Pertamina's concern in fostering micro, small and medium entrepreneurs. As a state-owned company, Pertamina is not only aimed at creating profits but also playing an active role in its improvement of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs).

"These local heroes are directly involved in promoting microeconomic growth. Our presence as business entities throughout Indonesia must be felt by the community around the operational area, "said Nicke.

Achmad Alfian Husein, Acting Director of Pertamina EP's Daily Tasks expressed his gratitude for the appreciation given.

"Hopefully this award can continue to spur our enthusiasm to work and make the best contribution to the country," he said.

This year's Local Hero awards are divided into four categories, namely the self-sufficient category, the healthy category, the green category, and the smart category. In the self-sustaining category, Pertamina EP won the first rank award given to Armisda, Pertamina EP Asset 4 Poleng Field's fostered partner and ranked third for Suhartini, Pertamina EP Asset 2 Fostered Partner Pendopo Field.

Armisda is the initiator of the Mbok Doudo food processing group consisting of former Indonesian Workers (TKI), environmental cadre activists in Aloe vera village, as well as environmental activists in Doudo Village, Panceng sub-district, Gresik Regency, East Java while Suhartini has innovations in the form of herbal drinks a blend of ginger and areca nut.

Furthermore, in the healthy category, Pertamina EP received the first rank award given to Yazid M Nur, fostered Pertamina EP Asset 5 Sangasanga Field and ranked third for Rini Widayati, fostered Pertamina EP Asset 2 Limau Field.

Yazid is the initiator of the Community Based Healthcare System in Samboja District, Kutai Kartanegara Regency, East Kalimantan Province. As prevention of stunting in children and others involving the community to become health cadres up to more than 700 people. Yazid also actively formed health promotion forums with various innovations.

Still, regarding stunting, Rini also innovated using moringa leaves which were previously lacking in public attention to products that could help reduce the number of malnutrition in her environment. In the green category, Pertamina EP was also ranked first for Sardji Sarwan, Pertamina EP Asset 5 Tarakan Field's fostered partner and Syamsul Asinar, Pertamina EP Asset 2 fostered partner Prabumulih Field.

Sardji succeeded in surpassing other local heroes with waste cooking oil processing program into biodiesel and community mobilizers in waste processing in village six, as well as program replication outside Tarakan City. This waste-related program also led Syamsul Asinar to become the second place in the same category. In addition to Local Hero, Pertamina also gave awards

PROPER Hero to Pertamina's people who are dedicated to supporting the company's business and providing benefits to the environment around the work area. Pertamina EP also won in the 2019 Proper Hero Awards event. The first winner of Proper Hero was won by Dedi Zikrian S from Pertamina EP Asset 1, the second winner was Nana Sutrisna from JOB Pertamina - Medco E&P Tomori Sulawesi and the third winner was Arsy Rakhmanissazly from Pertamina EP Asset 1 Rantau Field.


Pertamina EP Raih Banyak Penghargaan Local dan Proper

PT Pertamina EP, anak usaha PT Pertamina (Persero), membuktikan komitmen untuk terus memberikan hal positif terhadap lingkungan. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan diraihnya beberapa penghargaan Local Hero Awards 2019 dan Proper Hero Awards 2019 yang diselenggarakan PT Pertamina (Persero). Penghargaan yang diinisiasi Pertamina untuk seluruh unit operasi dan anak perusahaan di lingkungan Grup Pertamina tersebut ditujukan bagi pelaku program pemberdayaan masyarakat yang dinilai memiliki komitmen kuat terhadap program yang diemban baik oleh mitra binaan maupun pekerja perusahaan.

Delapan penghargaan yang didapatkan oleh Pertamina EP secara langsung diserahkan oleh Direksi Pertamina pada puncak perayaan HUT ke-62 Pertamina di Kantor Pusat Pertamina, Selasa (10/12). 

Direktur Utama Pertamina Nicke Widyawati mengatakan, penghargaan ini menjadi salah satu bukti kepedulian Pertamina dalam membina pengusaha mikro, kecil dan menengah. Sebagai BUMN, Pertamina tidak hanya sebatas bertujuan untuk menciptakan keuntungan semata namun berperan aktif terhadap peningkatan Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM).

“Para local hero inilah yang terlibat langsung dalam meningkatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi mikro. Kehadiran kami sebagai badan usaha di seluruh Indonesia harus dapat dirasakan manfaatnya oleh masyarakat sekitar wilayah operasi,” ujar Nicke.

Achmad Alfian Husein, Pelaksana Tugas Harian Direktur Utama Pertamina EP mengungkapkan rasa syukurnya pada apresiasi yang diberikan.

“Semoga dengan penghargaan ini dapat terus memacu semangat kami untuk berkarya dan memberikan sumbangsih terbaik untuk negeri,” ujar dia.

Penghargaan program Local Hero tahun ini terbagi dalam empat kategori, yaitu kategori berdikari, kategori sehat, kategori hijau, dan kategori cerdas. Pada kategori berdikari, Pertamina EP meraih penghargaan peringkat pertama yang diberikan kepada Armisda, mitra binaan Pertamina EP Asset 4 Poleng Field dan peringkat ketiga untuk Suhartini, mitra binaan Pertamina EP Asset 2 Pendopo Field. 

Pertamina EP Asset 4 Poleng Field

Armisda merupakan inisiator kelompok olahan pangan Mbok Doudo yang terdiri dari ibu-ibu eks Tenaga Kerja Indonesia (TKI), penggerak kader lingkungan kampung aloevera, serta penggerak kader lingkungan Desa Doudo, kecamatan Panceng, Kabupaten Gresik, sedangkan Suhartini memiliki inovasi berupa minuman herbal perpaduan antara jahe dan pinang. 

Selanjutnya kategori sehat, Pertamina EP mendapatkan penghargaan peringkat pertama diberikan kepada Yazid M Nur, binaan Pertamina EP Asset 5 Sangasanga Field dan peringkat tiga untuk Rini Widayati, binaan Pertamina EP Asset 2 Limau Field.

Yazid merupakan inisiator community Based Healthcare System di Kecamatan Samboja, Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara, Provinsi Kalimantan Timur. Seperti penanggulangan stunting pada anak dan lainnya yang melibatkan masyarakat untuk menjadi kader kesehatan hingga berjumlah lebih dari 700 orang. Yazid juga aktif membentuk forum-forum promosi kesehatan dengan berbagai inovasi. 

Pertamina EP Asset 5 Tarakan Office

Masih seputar stunting, Rini juga berinovasi menggunakan daun kelor yang sebelumnya kurang dilirik masyarakat menjadi produk yang dapat membantu menurunkan angka gizi kurang di lingkungannya. Pada kategori hijau, Pertamina EP juga memperoleh peringkat pertama yang ditujukan kepada Sardji Sarwan, mitra binaan Pertamina EP Asset 5 Tarakan Field dan Syamsul Asinar, mitra binaan Pertamina EP Asset 2 Prabumulih Field. 

Pertamina EP Asset 2 Prabumulih Field

Sardji berhasil mengungguli local hero lainnya dengan program pengolahan minyak jelantah menjadi biodiesel dan penggerak masyarakat dalam pengolahan sampah di kampung enam, serta replikasi program hingga di luar Kota Tarakan. Program terkait sampah ini juga yang mengantarkan Syamsul Asinar menjadi juara dua dalam kategori yang sama. Selain Local Hero, Pertamina juga memberikan penghargaan

Pertamina EP Asset 1 Jambi Field

PROPER Hero kepada insan Pertamina yang dengan penuh dedikasi dengan mendukung bisnis perusahaan dan memberikan manfaat kepada lingkungan sekitar wilayah kerja. Pertamina EP juga berjaya di event Proper Hero Awards 2019. Juara pertama Proper Hero dimenangkan oleh Dedi Zikrian S dari Pertamina EP Asset 1, juara kedua Nana Sutrisna dari JOB Pertamina - Medco E&P Tomori Sulawesi dan Juara ketiga diraih oleh Arsy Rakhmanissazly dari Pertamina EP Asset 1 Rantau Field.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Friday, Dec 13, 2019