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Showing posts with label Pertamina EP Asset 3. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pertamina EP Asset 3. Show all posts

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Pertamina Focuses on Increasing Production


PT Pertamina (Persero) through its subsidiary continues to work on completing the work plan that has been launched, in order to increase the company's contribution to the achievement of national oil production.

In 2019, Pertamina's upstream contribution is around 41% of total national production, while this year it is targeted to increase to 49%. Furthermore, in 2021 Pertamina's contribution is expected to reach 60%, especially with the company's entry into the Rokan Block.

the Rokan Block

President Director of PT Pertamina EP Eko Agus Sardjono said that in facing the remainder of the 2020 period, the Pertamina subsidiary will focus on optimizing domestic gas absorption which is expected to be able to boost gas and condensate production.

"Apart from that, Pertamina EP also focuses on completing work plans for drilling exploration wells, seismic surveys, drilling development wells, workover, and well service so that the performance achievement at the end of the year can be achieved optimally," he said.

As of August 2020, Pertamina EP has realized 58 wells and 5 wells are underway, while the revised 2020 Corporate Budget Work Plan (RKAP) target is 79 wells. Meanwhile, 107 rework activities have been completed and 7 are in progress from the revised RKAP 2020 target of 192 activities. Realization of well maintenance and well intervention 2,103 activities have been completed from the revised 2020 RKAP target of 2,547 activities.

In addition, in August 2020 Pertamina EP has increased production through 4 development wells located in the work area of ​​Pertamina EP Asset 1, Asset 2, Asset 3, and Asset 5. With the additional production in August, overall Pertamina EP development drilling activities The 2020 Work Plan has succeeded in contributing 7,809 barrels of oil per day (bopd) and 5.6 MMscfd of gas to Pertamina EP's overall oil and gas production.

In accordance with the 2020 revised RKAP, until July 2020 Pertamina EP oil production reached 80.3 MBOPD or 99.6% of the target, and gas production was 866 MMscfd or 95% of the target. 

    Chief Executive Officer of PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (Subholdingupstream) Budiman Parhusip previously explained that the realization of Pertamina EP, which was still below the target, was caused by obstacles that arose during the Covid-19 pandemic and also low world oil prices. On the other hand, Pertamina will also disburse the US $ 80 million for drilling wells in the Rokan Block during the transition period which will start in August 2021.

President Director of Pertamina Hulu Rokan, RP Yudantoro, explained that during the transition period, the company will begin drilling as many as 44 wells in the Rokan Block. He said Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR) together with the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) had determined the coordinates of the entire well being drilled.

Blogger Agus Purnomo in SKK Migas

Currently, his party is preparing a rig for the drilling process. Pertamina Hulu Rokan needs 5 units - 6 units of rigs for drilling in 2021. Later, the rig units will be provided by PT Pertamina Drilling Service Indonesia (PDSI).

"We drilled the US $ 1.5 million for each well — only US $ 2 million," he said.

Next year, it is targeted that as many as 184 wells will be drilled to smooth the transition of the management of the Rokan Block from PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI) to Pertamina. Yudantoro added that his party continues to strive to accelerate the transfer of exploration and exploitation data from the main fields so that they can immediately prepare for the drilling of 44 wells in the Rokan Block. Pertamina targets to carry out the drilling immediately after the transition from Chevron to PHR on August 9, 2021.

"PHR will ensure that drilling preparations from August to December 2021 can run smoothly, therefore intensive communication will be carried out with CPI so that the data transfer process, information procedures [SOP], and land preparation can run quickly, without significant obstacles," he explained.

In addition, Yudantoro continued, currently, the process is still being carried out, among others, the construction process of replacing a 364 km long trunk line that carries crude oil from the Rokan field to a storage tank in Dumai, which can then be used as a supply for product processing at the Pertamina Dumai Refinery.


PHR, he said, is also preparing for the transition of Chevron workers who will later be empowered at PHR and at Pertamina in accordance with applicable regulations, such as workers in other management transfer blocks that Pertamina has previously handled.

"With the support of all stakeholders, we all hope that the transition in the Rokan Block can go well so that it can maintain oil and gas production to encourage national energy security and independence," he added.

The performance of a number of Pertamina's subsidiaries that were operators in several oil and gas blocks previously received the spotlight because they did not reach the set target. Based on SKK Migas data, as of June 2020, there were four Pertamina subsidiaries that did not reach the ready-made or lifting oil production target. In fact, so far, it is included in the top 15 cooperation contract companies (KKKS) as contributors to the national oil and gas lifting.

SKK Migas also asked Pertamina EP to optimize this year's work plan so that the production target is ready to sell or lifting can be achieved. Acting Head of Program and Communication Division of SKK Migas Susana Kurniasih said that the optimization of Pertamina EP's work plan must be realized because the contribution of this optimization will greatly affect the achievement of the lifting target.

"We hope that Pertamina EP can realize all the programs planned in the remaining 2020," he said.

Trisakti University teaching staff, Pri Agung Rakhmanto, assessed that Pertamina EP's performance results have an important influence and role in the national lifting performance. This is because Pertamina EP's overall production is around 82,000 bpd. He considered that the weakening of oil prices and the Covid-19 pandemic affected the capability investment of a number of oil and gas companies and must implement efficiency so that currently optimization is very necessary.

"It is quite important, Pertamina EP's overall production is around 10% -12% of the total national lifting," he explained.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-21, Wednesday, Sept 23, 2020

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Pertamina EP Receives Additional Production

PT Pertamina EP as a subsidiary of PT Pertamina (Persero) as well as a Cooperation Contract Contractor under the supervision of SKK Migas, has succeeded in obtaining additional oil and gas production. 

    The production was obtained from two of its business units, namely in the work area of ​​Pertamina EP Asset 2 and Pertamina EP Asset 3. Through Pertamina EP Asset 2 Prabumulih Field in Sumatra has succeeded in drilling the LBK-INF-2 or LBK-15 well in the Lembak Structure, which is drilled on 24 June 2020 and conducted a Well Intervention on the PMB-33 well.

The drilling of the LBK-15 well reached a depth at the end of 1630 mMD with a production test result of 1186 barrels of oil per day (BOPD, having successfully exceeded the target of 400% from the initial plan of 250 BOPD.

This well has been successfully produced in the Talang Akar Formation (TAF) -E layer, which is a virgin layer, in addition to exceeding the target production, it will also increase Asset 2 oil and gas reserves and open new opportunities for TAF layer development wells in the soft structure. 

    Astri Pujianto, General Manager of Asset 2, said that the success of the LBK-15 drilling was the result of good cooperation between functions implementing operational excellence.

"Thank God, even though the pandemic is not over yet, the spirit of transformation and cooperation among Asset 2 workers is maintained. By implementing operation excellence, drilling will be completed with zero fatality, ”said Astri.

In addition to the success of the LBK-15 drilling, the Well Intervention program applied to the PMB-33 well located in Sukaraja Village, Prambumulih City also succeeded in providing additional reserves of 314.79 BOPD from the initial target of 50 BOPD.

Meanwhile, Ndirga Andri Sisworo, Prabumulih Field Manager, explained that with the addition of the two wells, Prabumulih Field's current production is around 8,200 BOPD or 102% of the target. The success of drilling the LBK-15 well provided an additional 1186 bopd and the PMB-33 well intervention added 314.79 BOPD. Prabumulih Field's current production is in the range of 9514 BOPD.

Furthermore, in the work areas of Pertamina EP Asset 3 Jatibarang Field and Subang Field, West Java, they succeeded in trying to increase production through the Well Intervention program at ABG-02 and BBS-04 wells. Sumur ABG-02 which is the working area of ​​Pertamina EP Aset 3 Jatibarang Field in Jatimunggul Village, Trisi District, Indramayu Regency, provides an additional oil production of 346 BOPD.

In addition, Jatibarang Field also drilled CMT-20 wells in Muntur Village, Losarang District, Indramayu Regency in early 2020 which succeeded in achieving 582 BOPD production.

Hari Widodo, FM Jatibarang Field, said that at a time of high production declination, Jatibarang Field tried hard to maintain and increase production, one of which was through a Well Intervention and drilling program. This was evident from the Well intervention carried out in the ABG-02 well which succeeded in achieving the oil production of 346 BOPD.

"Meanwhile, for drilling in CMT-20, the production reached 582 BOPD for oil and 2 MMSCFD for gas. With the above successes, in the future we will conduct more massive well intervention and drilling, "he said.

Meanwhile, the Well intervention program carried out at BBS-04 well, which is the Pertamina EP Asset 3 Subang Field working area in Tegalsawah Village, Karawang Timur District, Karawang Regency, West Java, also succeeded in adding production of 700 BOPD and gas of 1 MMSCFD.

Investor Daily, Page-10, Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Worker Innovations Generate Pertamina EP Efficiency

PT Pertamina EP recorded value creation consisting of efficiency (cost-saving) and additional revenue from the creativity and innovation of company workers over the past three years totaling the US $ 566 million or equivalent to Rp 7.8 trillion (average exchange rate of Rp13,925 per US dollar on last three years) of the target of US $ 87.5 million.

Of the 1,602 innovations produced by Pertamina EP (PEP) workers in the 2017-2019 period, 98 innovations have been replicated, even five of which were patented at the Directorate General of Intellectual Property at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. 

    Five innovations of PEP workers who have obtained patents in the Ministry of Law and Human Rights are PEP Asset 3 Jatibarang Field PC Prove Work Over Well Services (WOWS) in Indramayu, West Java in the form of Tubing Test Plug, PC Prove is just like that of PEP Asset 1 Jambi Field in Jambi in the form of an electronic data recording buffer to measure underwater well pressure, and IP Centribike from PEP Asset 5 Sangasanga Field in Kutai Kartanegara, East Kalimantan in the form of portable oil well water content analysis tools.

Then RT Prove SPE from PEP Asset 4 Tanjung Field in Tabalong Regency, South Kalimantan took the form of a pressure gauge at oil well and Prove Super Cyclone PC from PEP Asset 5 Tarakan Field in Tarakan City, North Kalimantan in the form of a sand separator in the oil production well. 

    Thanks to the innovation support of these workers, the production of a subsidiary of PT Pertamina Persero as well as a cooperation contract contractor (KKKS) under the supervision of SKK Migas in the last three years has also increased.

In 2017 oil production was 77,154 barrels per day (BOPD), rising to 79,445 BOPD in 2018, and last year to 82,213 BOPD. While gas production was 1,018 BOPD in 2017, an increase compared to 2016 which recorded 989 million standard cubic feet per day (MMSCFD), then 1,017 MMSCFD in 2018, and 959 MMSCFD in 2019.

Tutuka Ariadji, Professor of Petroleum Engineering at the Bandung Institute of Technology, said that the innovation of the patented PEP workers was encouraging news. This will motivate institutions and workers to develop further and wider forms of innovation.

"These tools are part of the surveillance (monitoring) important parameters in oil production. Surveillance is the key to success in reservoir management, "he said.

According to Tutuka, innovation affects the increase in production, increase, and also budget savings.

"Innovation needs to be linked to increased oil and gas production, optimization of field development and digitalization," he said.

Beny Lubiantara, Chair of the Opinion and Study Division of the Indonesian Petroleum Engineering Association, said true innovation is not an option but a necessity. Especially in the era of low oil prices, breakthroughs through innovation are expected to not only make the process more simple and effective but also have an impact on cost efficiency and production optimization.

"Innovation is always triggered by colleagues in the field who run production operations every day and encounter problems in the field. Many problems are challenging and encourage simple innovations that fit the needs in the field or fit for purpose, "he said.

Beny said all PEP workers' innovations are useful to reduce costs, speed up data acquisition, and reduce wellness problems.

"RT Prove SPE and PC Prove Super Cyclone are indeed relative impacts are directly related to the optimization of production," he said.

According to him, even the simplest innovation works need to be patented. This is common in international upstream oil and gas industry practices. Innovations such as the five patents supported by PEP management will increasingly trigger the enthusiasm of colleagues in the field to think and find new ideas and innovations to anticipate challenges faced in the field which are increasingly complex.

"Workers in the upstream industry must be creative, many simple things can be improved in the field, IATMI strongly encourages innovations like this, one innovation will encourage new innovations again. The oil and gas industry is very dynamic, innovation is a must ! "he said.

Pri Agung Rakhmanto, the founder of the ReforMiner Institute, added that efficiency and innovation are a continuous process. This is very good and positive to increase production.

"However, this needs to be accompanied by efficiency and standardization in the procurement system," he said.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Pertamina EP Drilled Nine Wells

PT Pertamina EP succeeded in completing the drilling of nine development wells and has even contributed to oil production in January 2020. Pertamina EP President Director Nanang Abdul Manaf said the nine wells came from four Pertamina EP assets.

PT Pertamina EP

"Each of the wells from asset-1, asset-2, and asset-3 as well as six wells from asset 5. Some of the wells drilled at the end of December 2019 were already producing in January, he explained.

The asset-1 well, the Bentayan-Ramba Well, contributes to oil production of 20 barrels per day (BPD). Then well-pavilion-Pendopo from asset-2 with a production of 50 BPD, and one oil and gas well from asset-3, namely Cemara Timur Cemara-Jatibarang with oil production 728 BPD and gas 5 million standard cubic feet per day (mmscfd). 

    Pertamina EP also completed drilling of six wells on asset 5. The six wells are Sangatta Well with 530 BPD production, Bunyu Well (B-203) with 457 BPD production and Bunyu Well (B-204) of 207 BPD.

"Two dives of the Tanjung Una-Sangasanga Well with a production of 308 BPD and the Louise Well of 577 BPD," said Nanang.

As of January 2020, Pertamina EP oil production reached 80,925 BPD and 965 mmscfd gas. KONTAN Note, Pertamina EP projects oil production of 85,000 bopd and 932 million mmscfd of gas this year.

Kontan, Page-14, Monday, March 2, 2020

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Increase Production Acceleration, Pertamina EP Aggressive Drilling Well

PT Pertamina EP, a subsidiary of PT Pertamina (Persero), projects oil production this year to reach 85,000 barrels per day (BOPD) and 932 million standard cubic feet of gas per day (MMSCFD). 

    To support the achievement of the targets set, Pertamina EP seeks to carry out the strategy by drilling wells included in the 2020 work plan since the end of 2019.

Pertamina EP President Director Nanang Abdul Manaf said, in the last two years, Pertamina EP oil production continued to rise. In 2019 there were 82,361 BOPD and 2018 amounted to 79,445 BOPD.

For gas production, according to the company's work plan, from 1,017 MMSCFD in 2018 to 959.24 MMSCFD. From the financial side, Pertamina EP targets revenues of the US $ 3.1 billion or Rp 44.64 trillion, assuming the rupiah exchange rate against the US dollar is Rp. 14,400, with a net profit target of US $ 680 million.

Sanga-Sanga Field

Some drilling activities have been carried out in several Pertamina EP fields towards the end of last year, namely in the Rantau Field, Sanga-Sanga Field, Bunyu Field, and Subang Field.

"We also have activities to drill the waterflood well project in Jirak Village and explore the Kusuma Arum (KUM) -001 exploration well, both in South Sumatra," Nanang said in Jakarta.

In Rantau Field, drilling was carried out at KSB A-11 well located in Kualasimpang Barat structure, Aceh Tamiang Regency. Previously, in the same structure, the location of the KSB-59 well (KSB A-10) supported 44 BOPD in the total Overseas Field production in 2019. The KSB A-11 well was one of the programs to accelerate the increase in Overseas Field production.

"The well actually entered into the 2020 Work Plan which accelerated its work by the end of 2019 from a total of 11 drilling wells in Rantau Field this year. With a depth of approximately 1,317 meters, it is expected that the KSB A-11 well can contribute 200 BOPD for Rantau Field production, "explained Chalid Said Salim's Director of Operations and Production who was immediately present to inspect the location.

Still in the Asset 1 region, Jambi Field incised the achievement of increased production with the successful drilling of the SGC-27 oil well in Talang Belido Village, Sungai Gelam District, Jambi City with 280 BOPD results since 16 December 2019.

Following the production of SGC-27, Jambi Field was able to repair SGC-23 wells with crude oil production of 208 BOPD since 28 December 2019. With the addition of production from both wells, Pertamina EP Jambi Field's production increased from 2,792 BOPD in January 2019 became 3,105 BOPD at the end of 2019.

In Sangasanga Field, Kutai Kartanegara Regency, East Kalimantan, Pertamina EP drilled the Louise-1119 (LSE-1119) well at LSE-P1704. The well was drilled by Pertamina Drilling Services Indonesia (PDSI) using a 700 M OW rig. The LSE-1119 well was drilled to the final depth of 1,500 meters.

"This well began to be drilled last Monday (30 / Dec 2019) and is targeted to be completed within 23 days and is predicted to increase 144 BOPD oil production," explained Nanang who was also present in the series of plows at the end of the year at the Asset 5 location. took place at the B-1830B drilling well at Bunyu Field in Bulungan District, North Kalimantan last December 2019.

The B-1803B well was drilled by PDSI using a PDSI rig, N110 M (1500 HP). The target depth of drilling is 3,300 meters deep and the completion time is 60 days. Hydrocarbons from these wells are predicted to contribute to Pertamina EP of 350 BOPD in the form of oil and gas of 1.50 MMSCFD.

Well drilling is also carried out in Subang Field. As a form of commitment to increasing the production of Pertamina EP Asset 3 conducted a JST-A2 well in Kalentambo Village, Pusakagara District, Subang Regency, West Java in the last week of December 2019. The invoice was formalized by Pertamina EP Director of Finance & Business Support Adi Prasetyana.

Through a trowel using the PDSI rig # 31.3 / D1550E, it is expected to increase Pertamina EP Asset 3 oil production by 300 BOPD and gas by 2.4 MMSCFD.

Blogger-: Agus Purnomo at Pertamina EP Sukowati Field

In Asset 4, Pertamina EP through Sukowati Field conducted an i-003 PAD B. well. The well was an injection well and became a priority program for Asset 4 Sukowati Field in 2019.

Blogger-: Agus Purnomo at Pertamina EP Sukowati Field

The injection wells aim to inject water with an underground maintenance process so as to increase production. In the South Sumatra region, Pertamina EP conducted a JRK-P3 well in the Jirak Village, Musi Banyuasin Regency.

According to Pertamina EP Development Director John Hisar Simamora, the JKR-P3 well was originally planned for drilling in 2020 but accelerated in 2019 with hopes of faster hydrocarbons.

"This is according to the instructions of the President who was assigned to Pertamina, that Pertamina must provide resilience to the national oil and gas industry, in addition to reducing imports, by increasing production to reduce imports," he said.

Exploration well drilling activities were also carried out by Pertamina EP at Kusuma Arum (KUM) -001 well. Located in Batanghari Village, Semidang Aji District, Ogan Komering Ulu Regency. This well drilling is projected for 98 days with a target depth of 2,304 meters with a production target of 5 MMSCFD and a resource or reserve target of 59.6 BCFG.

Nanang Abdul Manaf hopes that by accelerating well-drilling activities from 2020 to the end of 2019, this year's Pertamina EP production target can be achieved. Moreover, the company has allocated capital expenditure this year of US $ 784 million and operational expenditure of US $ 1.24 billion.


Tingkatkan Percepatan Produksi, Pertamina EP Agresif Bor Sumur

PT Pertamina EP, anak perusahaan PT Pertamina (Persero), memproyeksikan produksi minyak tahun ini sebesar 85.000 barel per hari (BOPD) dan gas 932 juta standar kaki kubik per hari (MMSCFD). Untuk mendukung pencapaian target yang telah ditetapkan, Pertamina EP berupaya menjalankan strategi dengan melakukan pemboran sumur-sumur yang masuk dalam rencana kerja 2020 sejak akhir 2019.

Presiden Direktur Pertamina EP Nanang Abdul Manaf mengatakan, dalam dua tahun terakhir, produksi minyak Pertamina EP terus naik. Pada 2019 tercatat 82.361 BOPD dan 2018 sebesar 79.445 BOPD. 

Untuk produksi gas, sesuai rencana kerja perusahaan, dari 1.017 MMSCFD pada 2018 menjadi 959,24 MMSCFD. Dari sisi finansial, Pertamina EP menargetkan pendapatan sebesar US$ 3,1 miliar atau Rp 44,64 triliun dengan asumsi kurs rupiah terhadap dolar AS sebesar Rp14.400, dengan target laba bersih US$ 680 juta. 

Beberapa kegiatan pemboran telah dilakukan di beberapa lapangan Pertamina EP menjelang akhir tahun lalu, yaitu di Rantau Field, Sanga-sanga Field, Bunyu Field, dan Subang Field.

“Kami juga ada kegiatan mengebor sumur waterflood project di Desa Jirak dan tajak sumur eksplorasi Kusuma Arum (KUM)-001, keduanya di Sumatra Selatan,” ujar Nanang di Jakarta. 

Di Rantau Field, pemboran dilakukan di sumur KSB A-11 yang berada di struktur Kualasimpang Barat, Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang. Sebelumnya, di struktur yang sama lokasi sumur KSB-59 (KSB A-10) menopang 44 BOPD pada total produksi Rantau Field pada 2019. Sumur KSB A-11 merupakan salah satu program percepatan peningkatan produksi Rantau Field.

“Sumur tersebut sebenarnya masuk ke Rencana Kerja 2020 yang dipercepat pengerjaannya pada akhir 2019 dari total 11 sumur pengeboran di Rantau Field tahun ini. 
Dengan kedalaman kurang lebih 1.317 meter diharapkan sumur KSB A-11 dapat berkontribusi sebesar 200 BOPD untuk produksi Rantau Field,” terang Direktur Operasi dan Produksi Chalid Said Salim yang hadir langsung untuk meninjau lokasi.

Masih dalam wilayah Asset 1, Jambi Field menorehkan prestasi peningkatan produksi dengan keberhasilan pemboran sumur minyak SGC-27 di Desa Talang Belido, Kecamatan Sungai Gelam, Kota Jambi dengan hasil 280 BOPD sejak 16 Desember 2019. 

Menyusul produksi SGC-27, Jambi Field pun berhasil melakukan reparasi sumur SGC-23 dengan produksi crude oil sebesar 208 BOPD sejak 28 Desember 2019. Dengan adanya penambahan produksi dari kedua sumur tersebut, produksi Pertamina EP Jambi Field mengalami peningkatan dari 2.792 BOPD di bulan Januari 2019 menjadi 3.105 BOPD pada akhir tahun 2019. 

Di Sangasanga Field Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara, Kalimantan Timur, Pertamina EP mengebor sumur Louise-1119 (LSE-1119) di lokasi LSE-P1704. Sumur tersebut dibor oleh Pertamina Drilling Services Indonesia (PDSI) menggunakan rig OW 700 M. Sumur LSE-1119 dibor hingga kedalaman akhir 1.500 meter.

“Sumur ini mulai dibor pada Senin (30/Des 2019) lalu dan ditargetkan selesai dalam waktu 23 hari dan diprediksi menambah produksi minyak 144 BOPD,” terang Nanang yang turut hadir dalam rangkaian tajak di akhir tahun pada lokasi Asset 5. Kegiatan tajak sumur juga berlangsung di sumur pengeboran B-1830B di Bunyu Field di Kabupaten Bulungan, Kalimantan Utara Desember 2019 lalu.

Sumur B-1803B dibor oleh PDSI dengan menggunakan rig PDSI, N110 M (1500 HP). Target kedalaman pengeboran sedalam 3.300 meter dan waktu penyelesaian selama 60 hari. Hidrokarbon dari sumur ini diprediksi memberikan sumbangsih bagi Pertamina EP sebesar 350 BOPD berupa minyak dan gas sebesar 1,50 MMSCFD. 

Pengeboran sumur juga dilaksanakan di Subang Field. Sebagai bentuk komitmen peningkatan produksi Pertamina EP Asset 3 melakukan tajak sumur JST-A2 yang berada di Desa Kalentambo, Kecamatan Pusakanagara, Kabupaten Subang, Jawa Barat di pekan terakhir Desember 2019. Tajak diresmikan oleh Direktur Finance & Business Support Pertamina EP Adi Prasetyana.

Melalui tajak yang menggunakan rig PDSI #31.3/D1550E diharapkan menambah produksi minyak Pertamina EP Asset 3 sebesar 300 BOPD dan gas sebesar 2,4 MMSCFD. 

Di Asset 4, Pertamina EP melalui Sukowati Field melakukan tajak sumur i-003 PAD B. Sumur tersebut merupakan sumur injeksi dan menjadi program prioritas Asset 4 Sukowati Field tahun 2019. 

Sumur injeksi ini bertujuan untuk menginjeksikan air dengan proses maintenance dibawah tanah sehingga dapat meningkatkan produksi. Di kawasan Sumatera Selatan, Pertamina EP melakukan tajak sumur JRK-P3 di Desa Jirak, Kabupaten Musi Banyuasin. 

Menurut Direktur Pengembangan Pertamina EP John Hisar Simamora, sumur JKR-P3 awalnya direncanakan pengeborannya pada 2020 namun di percepat tahun 2019 dengan harapan dapat hidrokarbon lebih cepat.

“Ini sesuai instruksi Bapak Presiden yang ditugaskan ke Pertamina, bahwa Pertamina harus menyediakan ketahanan industri migas nasional, selain kita mengurangi impor, dengan memperbanyak produksi untuk mengurangi impor tersebut,” ujarnya.

Kegiatan pengeboran sumur eksplorasi juga dilakukan Pertamina EP di sumur Kusuma Arum (KUM)-001. Berlokasi di Desa Batanghari, Kecamatan Semidang Aji, Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu. Pemboran sumur ini diproyeksikan selama 98 hari dengan target kedalaman 2.304 meter dengan target produksi 5 MMSCFD dan target sumber daya atau cadangan sebesar 59,6 BCFG. 

Nanang Abdul Manaf berharap dengan percepatan kegiatan pengeboran sumur dari 2020 ke akhir 2019, target produksi Pertamina EP tahun ini bisa tercapai. Apalagi perusahaan telah mengalokasikan belanja modal (capital expenditure) tahun ini sebesar US$ 784 juta dan belanja operasi (operational expenditure) sebesar US$ 1,24 miliar.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Thursday, Jan 9, 2020

SKK Migas: Oil Lifting This Year Exceeds Target

The Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) revealed that oil lifting this year could reach 746.3 thousand barrels per day / BOPD. While oil production is estimated at 745.5 thousand BOPD. The prognosis until the end of the year exceeds the lifting target set in the 2019 State Budget (APBN) of 745 thousand BOPD.

SKK Migas Secretary Murdo Gantoro said the realization of oil lifting would be officially announced on 31 December. Four days towards the end of 2019, SKK Migas carried out the optimization of lifting later this year in six main points namely Sumatra in Dumai Terminal, Java in MGS Balongan, FPSO Gagak Rimang, Siam Maspion and Kalimantan Terminals in Tanjung Santan, and Senipah Terminal.

FPSO Gagak Rimang

"We will continue to monitor until December 31 like what the numbers are. If this is not achieved, we will find out the obstacles and then evaluate them, "Murdo said during a visit to the PT Pertamina EP Asset 3 Main Gathering Station in Indramayu.

Murdo said SKK Migas is now directly overseeing the lifting. So far the activity has been carried out by surveyors as third parties. 11 contracted cooperation contracts (KKKS) can be monitored directly (real-time). This is a form of SKK Migas transformation. Because SKK Migas has a vision of creating one million barrels in 2030.

"Of course there is a milestone every year with a work plan. We measure the achievements and evaluate them, "he said.

In the same place, Finance & Business Support Director of PT Pertamina EP Adi Prasetyana revealed, Pertamina EP oil lifting reached 27,197,737 barrels of oil (BBL) and 249,533 MMSCF for gas until November. Projected to the end of the year, Pertamina EP oil lifting can reach 29,939,653 BBL and 272,954 MMSCF gas.

"Lifting at Balongan Terminal reached the agreed target of 4,654,987 BBL for oil until December 25, 2019," he said.

Adi said Pertamina EP Asset 3 recorded a proud performance in 2019. Towards the end of this year, Pertamina EP Asset 3 was able to produce 13,092 BOPD or equivalent to 100.6% of the WP&B target. The gas production reached 262 MMSCFD or 92% of the WP&B target.

"By maintaining the reliability of production facilities, PEP is expected to be able to maintain and increase production according to the target set by the government," he said.

Meanwhile, Member of Commission VII of the People's Representative Council (DPR) Kardaya Warnika revealed Pertamina EP Asset 3 was the backbone of Pertamina. Because the production continues to survive even exceeding the target set. He appreciated the efforts that had been made by Pertamina.

"The third asset region is the most sustainable. This is Pertamina's backbone, "he said.

the Rokan Block Chevron Pacific Indonesia

Rokan Block

Meanwhile, on the previous occasion, the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), Arifin Tasrif, encouraged the transition process of the management of the Rokan Block from Chevron Pacific Indonesia to PT Pertamina (Persero) to be completed soon next year. 

     That way, it will speed up the implementation process of oil and gas drilling in a block located in Riau Province. Arifin explained, the progress of the transfer of management between the two parties continued.

"We have asked Pertamina to be proactive then Chevron can open the door, already. Chevron reports every week. then we will meet with Pertamina, "explained Arifin, as quoted by

Accelerating the transfer of management, continued Arifin, was carried out in order to maintain the level of production of the Rokan Block when the maturity of managing over in 2021. Arifin immediately asked Pertamina to prepare funds for drilling investment.

"Pertamina has prepared, because of this Pertamina must immediately carry out 20 drilling points to be able to maintain, out of 72 targets. Yes, at least 20 can be done, "said Arifin.

Nevertheless, Arifin admitted there were still a number of administrative and other important issues between the two parties that were Business to Business (B to B).

"Indeed there are several matters related to regulations and also administrative contracts that must be completed. But next year it must be finished, "said Arifin.

Beginning in 2019, Rokan Block production will reach 207,000 barrels per day, equivalent to 26% of national production. The 6,220-kilometer block has 96 fields, of which three have the potential to produce very good oil, namely Duri, Minas, and Bekasap. It has been noted, since it began operating in 1971 until 31 December 2017, the total production in the Rokan Block has reached 11.5 billion barrels of oil since the start of the operation.

As is known, the Government through the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources decided to entrust the management of the Rokan Block to Pertamina on July 31, 2018. This decision was taken on the basis of business and economic considerations after evaluating the submission of Pertamina's proposal which was considered better in managing the block.

The Rokan Block itself is the second-largest oil block in Indonesia. The 6,220-kilometer block has 96 fields with three fields having very good oil potential namely Duri, Minas, and Bekasap. For next year, SKK Migas is targeting production in the Rokan Block to reach 161 thousand BOPD, down from this year's target of 190 thousand BOPD. This is because Chevron no longer invests in any activity in the Rokan Block in 2020.


SKK Migas: Lifting Minyak Tahun Ini Lampaui Target

Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) mengungkapkan, lifting minyak tahun ini bisa mencapai 746,3 ribu barel per hari/BOPD. Sementara produksi minyak diperkirakan mencapai 745,5 ribu BOPD. Prognosa hingga akhir tahun itu melampaui target lifting yang ditetapkan dalam Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (APBN) 2019 sebesar 745 ribu BOPD.

Sekretaris SKK Migas Murdo Gantoro mengatakan realisasi lifting minyak akan disampaikan secara resmi pada 31 Desember. Empat hari menjelang akhir tahun 2019, SKK Migas melakukan optimalisasi lifting akhir tahun ini di enam titik utama yakni Sumatera di Terminal Dumai, Jawa di MGS Balongan, FPSO Gagak Rimang, Terminal Siam Maspion dan Kalimantan di Tanjung Santan, dan Terminal Senipah.

“Kami akan monitor terus sampai 31 Desember seperti apa angkanya. Apabila tidak tercapai maka kita cari tahu kendalanya kemudian dievaluasi,” kata Murdo dalam kunjungan ke Main Gathering Station PT Pertamina EP Asset 3 di Indramayu.

Murdo mengungkapkan SKK Migas kini secara langsung mengawasi lifting. Selama ini kegiatan tersebut dilakukan oleh surveyor sebagai pihak ketiga. Tercatat 11 kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKKS) dapat dipantau secara langsung (real time). Hal ini merupakan bentuk transformasi SKK Migas. Pasalnya SKK Migas memiliki visi menciptakan satu juta barel di 2030. 

“Tentunya ada milestone tiap tahun dengan rencana kerja. Kita ukur capaiannya dan dievaluasi,” ujarnya.

Di tempat yang sama, Finance & Business Support Director PT Pertamina EP Adi Prasetyana mengungkapkan, lifting minyak Pertamina EP mencapai 27.197.737 barel oil (BBL) dan 249.533 MMSCF untuk gas hingga November kemarin. Diproyeksikan sampai akhir tahun, lifting minyak Pertamina EP dapat mencapai 29.939.653 BBL dan gas 272.954 MMSCF.

“Lifting di Terminal Balongan mencapai target yang disepakati yaitu 4.654.987 BBL untuk minyak hingga 25 Desember 2019,” ujarnya.

Adi menuturkan, Pertamina EP Asset 3 mencatatkan kinerja yang membanggakan di tahun 2019. Menjelang berakhirnya tahun ini, Pertamina EP Asset 3 mampu memproduksi 13,092 BOPD atau setara dengan 100,6% target WP&B. Adapun produksi gas mencapai 262 MMSCFD atau 92% target WP&B. 

“Dengan menjaga kehandalan fasilitas produksi, diharapkan PEP mampu menjaga dan meningkatkan produksi sesuai target yang ditetapkan oleh pemerintah,” ujarnya.

Sementara itu, Anggota Komisi VII Dewan Per wakilan Rakyat (DPR) Kardaya Warnika mengungkapkan Pertamina EP Asset 3 merupakan tulang punggung Pertamina. Pasalnya produksinya terus bertahan bahkan melampaui target yang ditetapkan. Dia mengapresiasi usaha yang telah dilakukan oleh Pertamina. 

“Wilayah asset 3 satu-satunya yang paling sustain. Ini merupakan backbone Pertamina,” ujarnya. 

Blok Rokan

Sementara itu, pada kesempatan sebelumnya, Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM), Arifin Tasrif mendorong proses transisi alih kelola Blok Rokan dari Chevron Pasific Indonesia ke PT Pertamina (Persero) bisa segera diselesaikan tahun depan. Dengan begitu, akan mempercepat pelaksanaan proses
pengeboran minyak dan gas bumi di blok yang terletak di Provinsi Riau tersebut. Arifin menjelaskan, progress alih kelola anatara kedua belah pihak terus berjalan. 

“Kita sudah minta Pertamina proaktif kemudian Chevron bisa membuka pintu, sudah. Tiap minggu Chevron sudah lapor. kemudian kita pertemukan dengan Pertamina,” jelas Arifin, seperti dikutip

Percepatan alih kelola, sambung Arifin, dilakukan guna mempertahankan tingkat produksi Blok Rokan saat jatuh tempo alih kelola di tahun 2021 nanti. Arifin pun segera meminta kepada Pertamina untuk menyiapkan dana untuk investasi pengeboran.

“Pertamina sudah menyiapkan, karena ini Pertamina harus segera melaksanakan 20 poin pengeboran untuk bisa mempetahankan, dari 72 target. Ya paling tidak 20 itu bisa dilakukan,” ujar Arifin. 

Kendati demikian, Arifin mengakui masih terdapat beberapa persoalan administrasi dan persoalan penting lainnya antar kedua belah pihak yang bersifat Business to Business (B to B). 

“Memang ada beberapa hal yang terkait regulasi dan juga kontrak administratif yang harus diselesaikan. Tapi tahun depan harus selesai,” tegas Arifin.

Awal tahun 2019, produksi Blok Rokan mencapai 207.000 barel per hari atau setara dengan 26% produksi nasional. Blok yang memiliki luas 6.220 kilometer ini memiliki 96 lapangan, dimana tiga lapangan berpotensi menghasilkan minyak sangat baik yaitu Duri, Minas dan Bekasap. Tercatat, sejak beroperasi 1971 hingga 31 Desember 2017, total produksi di Blok Rokan mencapai 11,5 miliar barel minyak sejak awal operasi. 

Sebagaimana diketahui, Pemerintah melalui Kementerian ESDM memutuskan untuk memercayakan pengelolaan Blok Rokan kepada Pertamina pada 31 Juli 2018. Keputusan ini diambil atas dasar pertimbangan bisnis dan ekonomi setelah mengevaluasi pengajuan proposal Pertamina yang dinilai lebih baik dalam mengelola blok tersebut.

Blok Rokan sendiri merupakan blok minyak terbesar kedua di Indonesia. Blok seluas 6.220 kilometer ini memiliki 96 lapangan dengan tiga lapangan memiliki potensi minyak yang sangat baik yaitu Duri, Minas dan Bekasap. Untuk tahun depan, SKK Migas menargetkan produksi di Blok Rokan bisa mencapai 161 ribu BOPD atau turun dibanding target tahun ini yang sebesar 190 ribu BOPD. Ini lantaran Chevron tidak lagi berinvestasi untuk aktivitas apapun di Blok Rokan pada tahun 2020.

Investor Daily, Page-14, Saturday, Dec 28, 2019